
Zhang Zuolin visited and condoled with the front-line flood control workers and presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work

author:This is Ningxiang
Zhang Zuolin visited and condoled with the front-line flood control workers and presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work

Zhang Zuolin visited and expressed his condolences to the front-line flood control workers

He also presided over the video scheduling meeting of flood control work

Focus on the key links at the last moment

Win a comprehensive victory in flood prevention and disaster relief

Zhang Zuolin visited and condoled with the front-line flood control workers and presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work

On July 1, Zhang Zuolin, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, came to the Municipal Emergency Management Bureau to visit and comfort the flood control staff who stuck to their posts and fought on the front line, thanked everyone for their perseverance and hard work day and night, and hoped that everyone would continue to fight, focus on the key links at the last moment, and win a comprehensive victory in flood control and disaster relief. Subsequently, he presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work to make targeted arrangements for further flood control work. Huang Tao, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, and city leaders Li Lei, Jiang Gaiping, Sun Yong, Li Xiang, Yang Can, Chen Xiaolin, and Fan Jinlin participated, and 29 townships (streets) attended the meeting at each branch venue and reported on the implementation of the work in their respective districts.

Zhang Zuolin visited and condoled with the front-line flood control workers and presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work

The meeting focused on discussing and judging the recent development trend of rain and flood conditions, and arranging and deploying the city's flood prevention and disaster relief work. It is reported that since the beginning of the flood season, the city has ushered in continuous heavy rainfall weather, and the whole city has united to fight the "active battle" of flood control, ensuring the safety of people's lives and property and the overall stability of society.

Zhang Zuolin visited and condoled with the front-line flood control workers and presided over a video dispatch meeting for flood control work

Zhang Zuolin pointed out that the whole city has gone all out to fully mobilize the masses, tighten and consolidate responsibilities, implement detailed measures, respond quickly and demonstrate responsibility in flood control, and ensure that the situation of rain, flood and public opinion is stable. At present, the soil water content is saturated, the risk of disasters is high, and flood prevention has entered the stage of decisive battle, so it is necessary to attach great importance to the changes in rain and flood conditions, resolutely overcome paralysis and laxity, blind optimism, and empiricism, continue to pay close attention to weak links, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, and pay close attention to ideological laxity, so as to ensure that flood prevention will achieve the final victory.

Zhang Zuolin stressed that it is necessary to take the transfer and avoidance as the top priority of flood prevention work, so that it should be transferred as much as possible, and no one should be left behind, and no one should be missed, and at the same time, it is necessary to comprehensively investigate and control the flood control risk points to ensure that the risk is not lifted and the personnel do not return; It is necessary to ensure the safe operation of reservoirs and ponds, and do a good job in flood prevention and drought control according to local conditions and the situation; It is necessary to strengthen the inspection and defense of rivers and embankments to ensure the absolute safety of rivers and lakes and dams; In view of the current soil water content saturation, landslides, debris flows and other risks, strengthen inspection and risk elimination, and ensure road traffic safety; It is necessary to strengthen the investigation and management of hidden dangers in key places with dense populations such as schools, hospitals, and elderly care institutions, and strictly prevent the occurrence of various disasters and secondary disasters; It is necessary to make every effort to do a good job in disaster survey, comprehensively, truthfully and accurately give statistical feedback on the disaster situation, and carry out disaster relief work in a timely and scientific manner; It is necessary to pay close attention to key parts, key places, and key links, strengthen supervision and supervision, and ensure that all flood prevention measures are implemented.

Huang Tao pointed out that the city will also usher in a new round of heavy rainfall process, and it is necessary to take a rigorous attitude of "rather than ten precautions and nine airs, not lose precautions" and a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", fully deploy, fully mobilize, go all out, be ready to fight, and strictly prevent geological disasters from occurring; Scientifically and accurately dispatch reservoirs and ponds, coordinate flood prevention and drought control, and strictly prevent drought and flood from taking a sharp turn; make emergency preparations to prevent urban waterlogging; Actively carry out flood prevention and disaster relief work, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and demonstrate loyalty and responsibility in winning the tough battle of flood prevention and disaster relief. (Leader on duty: Zhang Yihua Review: Min Taotao Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Lu Yinglong, Yi Hehua Reporter: Li Xiang, Zhou Jie, Zhou Huan Editor: Yu Jing)

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