
Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

author:This is Ningxiang
Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

Red warning for heavy rain

Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

At 16 o'clock on July 1, the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued a red warning for heavy rain: it is expected that from 20 o'clock on the 1st to 20 o'clock on the 2nd, there will be heavy rain in the northwest of Changsha, heavy rain in some areas, local heavy rain, and accompanied by short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds and other strong convective weather.

Meteorological forecast analysis of Changsha City

Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

On the night of the 1st, heavy rain (surface rainfall of 50~80 mm) in the city, heavy rain (100~150 mm) in Ningxiang, Wangcheng, northern Xiangjiang New Area, northern Kaifu District, northern Changsha County, and northwest Liuyang, with a maximum rainfall intensity of 60~90 mm/h.

During the day on the 2nd, the city had moderate rain (surface rainfall of 10~25 mm), heavy rain (25~40 mm) in the south of Changsha County and southern Liuyang, and the maximum rain intensity was 20~30 mm/h.

On the night of the 2nd, the showers turned cloudy, and the rainfall process basically ended.

Yellow Alert for Ground Disasters

Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

The Hunan Provincial Department of Natural Resources and the Hunan Provincial Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a meteorological risk warning for geological disasters in the province: Affected by rainfall, from 20:00 on July 1 to 20:00 on the 2nd, the risk of sudden geological disasters in some areas of northeastern, central and southwestern Hunan is high (orange warning), and the risk of sudden geological disasters in most areas of northeast, central and southwestern Hunan is high (yellow warning). Among them, Liuyang is in the yellow warning area.

Yellow Warning for Floods

Heavy rain, flood, and ground disaster warnings have been issued three times in a row, and a new round of heavy rain is coming tonight!

At 16 o'clock on July 1, the Changsha Municipal Hydrological Bureau issued a yellow warning for floods: due to heavy rainfall and the impact of the Xiangjiang River, it is expected that in the next 12 hours, the Liuyang River and Lihe section will be alert to the flood process of about the water level (36 meters). It is expected that in the next 10 hours, there will be a flood process of about the warning water level (34 meters) in the Luohanzhuang section of the Laodao River.

Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters requirements

◎ Districts and counties (cities) should contact relevant townships and towns, dispatch villages and communities, and actively respond to the heavy rainfall process.

◎ Districts and counties (cities) should be on standby, implement the 631 call mechanism, and transfer personnel in a timely manner. In particular, the households building houses near the slope must be transferred to avoid danger in place.

◎ All departments at all levels should vigorously implement the three-level response, eight measures, and ten necessary requirements.

◎Residents of houses near the slope must organize evacuation tonight, and do not enter the dangerous area for rescue and disaster relief during the rainstorm.

Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters reminded

Red warning for heavy rain + yellow warning for ground disasters + yellow warning for floods, the general public should maintain a high degree of vigilance and do a good job in safety precautions:

◎Suspend large-scale outdoor activities, and stop high-altitude and outdoor operations (except for special industries).

◎Avoid staying in areas prone to water accumulation, and avoid areas where mountains are prone to landslides and road surface collapses.

◎ Yellow Flood Warning River Section, relevant units along the river and the public to do a good job of avoiding danger and disaster relief. (Duty Leader: Zhang Yihua Review: Min Taotao Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Lu Yinglong Yi Lotus Source: Changsha Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters Editor: Yu Jing)

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