
Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

author:This is Ningxiang
Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

The flood situation is urgent, and the responsibility is tested; Rescue and disaster prevention, witness the original mission.

Since entering the main flood season, heavy rainfall in Ningxiang has been frequent, and the flood control situation is complex and severe. Party organizations at all levels and the majority of party members and cadres in the city consciously practice the work requirements of promoting the "three-long system" with the "three brights and three ratios" action of party members, always stand on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, demonstrate responsibility in the flood control examination, and become the most solid support for the people.

In the wind and rain, on the embankment, and on the edge of the flood, a strong and powerful grassroots party organization, a conscientious party member and cadre, went to the places where the people needed it most, built indestructible "red embankments", and let the party flag fly high on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief.

Hearing the "flood", party organizations and party members at all levels quickly responded to the rally

The flood situation is an order, and the responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai. Flood control is a big test, which not only tests the disaster prevention and resilience system and emergency management capabilities, but also tests the responsibility and feelings for the people.

In the face of the severe flood situation, the municipal party committee and the municipal government quickly convened relevant meetings to analyze and judge the rain and flood conditions, and made mobilization arrangements for the city's flood prevention and disaster relief work, requiring all departments at all levels to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on flood prevention and drought control, conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee, the provincial government and the Changsha Municipal Party Committee and the municipal government, continue to maintain a wartime state, always tighten the string of flood prevention and disaster relief, and go all out to fight the tough battle of flood prevention and disaster relief.

On June 24, the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee issued a mobilization order for flood prevention and disaster prevention, calling on the township (street) party (work) committees and village (community) party organizations to shoulder the main responsibility of flood control, give full play to the role of grassroots party organizations as a fighting fortress, deeply organize party members, "three chiefs" and the masses, actively mobilize the forces of all parties, and go all out to win the battle of flood prevention and disaster relief. Party organizations at all levels in the city responded quickly, rose to the challenge, and used responsibility and action to protect the safety of people's lives and property.

Party organizations and party members at all levels quickly responded to the rally, gave full play to their role as fighting fortresses and vanguard models, actively participated in flood prevention and disaster relief work, and went all out to ensure the safety of the people's production, livelihood, and life and property.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

Zifu Town uses the "three longs" group and grid group to issue tips on preventing mountain floods and geological disasters in a timely manner to improve the public's awareness of prevention. Party members and cadres took the lead in strengthening river embankments and road sections to reduce the damage caused by flooding to the infrastructure of flood-prone areas and waterfront road sections. Party members and the "three chiefs" of the neighborhood use agricultural technology knowledge to guide and help the affected households to carry out scientific dredging and drainage, protect crops as much as possible, reduce farmers' losses, and ensure the safety of agricultural production.

Jinzhou Town set up a volunteer commando team for party members for the first time, implemented a 24-hour on-duty system, and members of the party and government team took the lead in setting an example, leading the team to sink to the front line, and comprehensively dispatching flood control work; The secretary of the general party branch of Jianlou Village led the inspection team to set up danger warning signs, clean up collapsed debris, dredge the main traffic road, temporarily strengthen the high pit, check the people at the geological disaster hidden danger points from house to house, and eliminate the danger from door to door. The secretary of the general party branch of Guanshan community braved the rain to inspect the dilapidated houses overnight, and investigated the hidden dangers of flood control one by one; The neighbor chief charged ahead, took the initiative to participate in the on-site rescue, lifted pebbles, transported sandbags, and blocked the collapse.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

Huilongpu Town fully mobilized the town's 53 chiefs to quickly sink the grid, and led 241 team leaders and 875 neighborhood chiefs to act quickly from three aspects: early warning "call", all-out investigation, and rapid transfer. Director Tang Guoqiang organized party members and the "three chiefs" flood control and disaster relief team to inspect the water level of the Weijiang River every day, and when party member Pan Yang spontaneously patrolled within the village area, he found that there was a pond in the Bengtang group with the risk of overflowing the embankment, and he quickly reported to the director Liu Wenbing, who quickly reported to the village level and organized an excavator to fill the sand and soil in the dangerous place, and dealt with the danger in a timely manner.

The grid cadres of Batang Town sink the grid, and unite the "three chiefs" to form a flood control working group. Through the unified command of towns and villages, the "three chiefs" moved to carry out inspections and surveys of the backbone ponds, rivers, embankments and drainage facilities in their jurisdictions; Use the grid as a unit to work together to clean the drains and dredge the sewers; Door-to-door mobilization to do a good job in relocation and resettlement.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

Through the establishment of "Party Member Commando" and "Party Member Volunteer Service Team", Xiangzikou Town has set up "Party Member Pioneer Post" and divided "Party Member Responsibility Area" on the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, so as to do a good job in duty duty, monitoring and early warning, transfer and resettlement, danger removal and rescue.


On the front line of flood prevention and disaster relief, the party member commandos and party member volunteer service teams that can be seen everywhere have shouldered the hard-core responsibility of protecting the masses and guarding safety.

Charge ahead, race against time to build a "safety embankment" for flood control

Flooding is an order. "I am a party member, I will go first" has never been just a slogan, but a practical action of "standing up at a critical moment and being able to stand up at a critical juncture".

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

According to the research, the risk of disasters caused by the impact of this round of flood is high, and all 12 people in the group of 7 households must be transferred in time, but individual people have big opinions on the transfer, do not understand, and are unwilling to transfer. In response to this situation, the leaders of the township federation and the party members and cadres of the village were on duty 24 hours a day, and went into the homes of the people in batches to do a good job of mass work, and transferred all 12 people to the homes of the local people through door-to-door persuasion and persuasion by relatives and neighbors. The village cadres also "look back" at the displaced masses every day, so as to meet more, communicate more, and provide more services, so that the displaced people can tide over the flood with peace of mind.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

In the Jihe Group of Qilishan Village, Longtian Town, under the leadership of the party members and the "three chiefs", a local risk-free construction was successfully completed by the villagers who spontaneously raised funds and invested in labor. "It is a matter of the interests of the masses, and party members must take the lead." Xia Guoqiang, the leader of the local party group, is 75 years old and is not a beneficiary of this section of the road, but he rushes to the scene at 7 o'clock every morning to volunteer for labor.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

Peng Anding, Huang Jiyuan, and Jiang Liming, the staff of the reservoir area management station of the Dam Management Institute of the Yellow Water Bureau, and party members, took the lead in setting an example, consciously taking the lead, working tirelessly and continuously fighting, insisting on driving assault boats at least three times a day to inspect the spillway and observe the safety of the dam, and salvage garbage on the reservoir surface, with the largest number of eight boats of garbage being salvaged.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

Li Jianhan, a party member and neighbor head of Group 5 of Tianxin Village, Qingshanqiao Town, found that there was a pipe surge when he routinely inspected the Beiyang Tsui Pond Dam. After hearing the news, the town and village cadres of Qingshanqiao Town quickly rushed to the scene, carefully inspected the pipe gushing mouth, and made a decisive decision: the sewer pipe was blocked. Li Jianhan, who was over 60 years old, volunteered to be the first to enter the water, followed by another person with good water quality, and the two dived into the water alternately to find loopholes. After more than one hour of emergency treatment, the leakage danger was finally effectively controlled.

Xiong Lei, the head of the Guobin Mansion area of the Chatingsi community in the suburbs, found that the manhole cover of the sewer at the junction of Lanyuegu Road and the intersection of Harmony Garden Road was washed away, because the location is a necessary section for residents in the jurisdiction to commute to work, for fear of a safety accident, Xiong Lei immediately placed a safety cone around the manhole cover to remind pedestrians, and contacted relevant departments for emergency repair.

When the heavy rainfall caused the water level of the river to rise, Tan Jianhong, the leader of the Yujiaping Group of Shijiawan Community, Datunying Town, spontaneously took on the important task of monitoring the flood situation, and organized four neighborhood chiefs of the group, including Yang Liquan and Long Yuejun, to stick to the bank of the Jinjiang River, patrolling back and forth from Datunba to Yujiaping, keeping an eye on the changes in the water situation, and preparing the masses to transfer propaganda and mobilization from house to house. After receiving the transfer order, they assisted the party members and cadres to help the old and weak residents transfer their homes, ensuring the safe transfer of 10 residents.

Huang Lianzhang, a veteran party member of Hualin Village, Liushahe Town, took the lead in dredging the water system in the group, and under the heavy rain, he used a hoe to chisel out the travel road of the nearby masses at once, so that the muddy water that was about to flood the road could be effectively discharged.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

"Roger, ready to go!" "Everything is ready to go." …… This is a reply from the party members of the South Taihu Community who have been paved with streets! One second earlier in the early warning, one point less risk, accurate forecasting and early warning can strive for the first opportunity for flood prevention work.

Zhang Wei, a party member and neighbor of Yujiaao Village, Yujiaao Township, found that the river gate was blocked and could not release water, so he participated in the rescue work with the flood control team members regardless of his own safety, and finally opened the gate after 3 hours of hard work.

Deng Shaolong, leader of the 17th group of Longfu New Village, Xia Duopu Town, braved the rain to clean up the debris at the exit and protect the safety of Changtang.

Ningxiang: The front-line party flag of flood control is red

In Xinfeng Village, Gray Tang Town, Xiong Fugui, a neighbor who is over seventy years old, resolutely jumped into the water to dredge the culvert.

In Quanshan Village, Donghutang Town, Yang Peng, the director of the film, and Pan Zhiguo, the team leader, wore safety ropes and transferred the trapped people in the flood.

Wu Yong, Fu Jianwu, Cai Wenli, Long Yongfeng and Li Miaohui, the head of Zhangshan Village, Jinghuapu Township, and the team leader Li Miaohui worked together to open the gate in the rain to ensure the safety of early rice.


The wind knows the strength of the grass, and the fire sees the real gold. In the face of this "big test" of flood prevention and disaster relief, the majority of party members and cadres in the city set an example, shouldered heavy burdens, and built an indestructible "red embankment" with responsibility and responsibility, becoming the firmest "backbone" of the masses, and practicing the Zheng Zheng oath with practical actions. I believe that after the wind and rain, the land of Chuwei will be peaceful!

(Leader on duty: Zhang Yihua Review: Min Taotao Coordinator: Liu Shijiang Proofreader: Lu Yinglong Yi Lotus Reporter: Long Jianling Editor: Yu Jing)