
Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline

author:Xiangyang market supervision
Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline

On the morning of June 28, Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a special party class on the topic of "Promoting Discipline and Focusing on Forging an Iron Army of Market Supervision" for all party members and cadres. Combined with the specific content of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", typical cases of various violations of rules and disciplines and the actual market supervision, he gave an in-depth and detailed explanation from three aspects: deeply understanding the great significance of party discipline learning and education, resolutely adhering to the bottom line of the "six major disciplines", and comprehensively forging an iron army of market supervision. The party class was presided over by Wang Di, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, and all Party members and cadres of the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau participated.

Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline
Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline

Zhu Dongbin stressed: Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, discipline building has been a red line running through the comprehensive and strict management of the party. The party discipline study and education from April to July 2024 is timely and of great significance. At the city's leading cadres warning education conference, Secretary Qi Yang proposed to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions on the construction of party discipline, in-depth implementation of party discipline learning and education requirements, and be a good practitioner of discipline, knowledge, discipline and discipline, promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, and provide a strong guarantee for promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xiangyang. 当前,为期四个月的‬党纪学习教育‬已经‬‬接近‬尾声‬‬‬,但对于‬我们‬来说‬,这次‬新‬修订‬的《条例‬》是我们‬终身‬学习、‬终身‬受益的‬法规‬。 Strengthening discipline education is a basic and normal task for implementing the requirements of comprehensively and strictly administering the party and strengthening the party's discipline building. The party discipline study and education task is heavy and demanding, and the market supervision department should pay attention to ways and means to ensure that the party discipline study and education makes practical moves and practical results, and makes every effort to build a loyal, clean and responsible market supervision army.

Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline

After the party class, Wang Di said: Thank you Mayor Zhu for his rich content and sobering lectures, especially when it comes to various cases of violations of rules and disciplines in the market supervision system, I feel that I am thorny in my back and worthy of reflection. He demanded: First, we should highlight the key points of study. It is necessary to study the "Regulations" chapter by chapter and article by article, pay attention to integrating them into daily life, grasp them regularly, and be familiar with party discipline by heart, and transform it into daily habits and consciously follow them. It is necessary to make good use of all kinds of warning education resources, increase the intensity of reporting typical cases, and enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of education. Second, we must pay close attention to inspection and rectification. It is necessary to focus on key positions, key links, and key groups such as examination and approval, supervision, law enforcement and case handling, as well as grassroots market supervision offices and grassroots law enforcement personnel, increase the intensity of supervision and inspection, comprehensively investigate all kinds of violations of discipline and law, dig deep into the root causes of problems, and do a solid job of rectification. Third, we must adhere to the combination of learning and application. Combine the study and education of party discipline with the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and municipal government, the completion of key tasks of market supervision, the three-year action to tackle tough problems in the construction of work style, and the centralized rectification of unhealthy trends and corruption around the masses, and guide all party members and cadres to keep the bottom line of discipline and not touch the red line of the law.

Zhu Dongbin went to the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to give a lecture on discipline

The participating party members said that as market supervision staff, they should be honest and self-disciplined, not afraid of difficulties, move forward bravely, study hard, continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and help the high-quality development of Xiangyang's economy with a pragmatic work style, so that the fire of faith will continue to shine.

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Source: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Editor: Du Linxue

Editor-in-charge: Liang Long

Audit: Supervisor

Organizer: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Operation: Xiangyang Rong Media Center

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