
【County and City News】Nanzhang: Promote the renewal of drug retail enterprises in an orderly manner

author:Xiangyang market supervision

Since the year

Nanzhang County Market Supervision Bureau has taken multiple measures

Promote pharmaceutical retail enterprises in an orderly manner

Renewal of identity cards

Continue to standardize the order of the drug business market

【County and City News】Nanzhang: Promote the renewal of drug retail enterprises in an orderly manner


The first is to plan and prepare early

This year is the peak period for the renewal of drug retail enterprises, and the Nanzhang County Market Supervision Bureau held a training meeting on the renewal of the expiration of the "Drug Business License" to consolidate the main responsibility of the enterprise and enhance the quality and safety awareness of management personnel. Summarize and sort out the information of drug trading enterprises in the jurisdiction, and actively screen the drug trading enterprises whose license validity is about to expire. Through telephone communication, online consultation, on-site guidance, etc., we help enterprises quickly submit application materials, save time for certificate renewal, and achieve same-day application, same-day verification, and same-day issuance.

【County and City News】Nanzhang: Promote the renewal of drug retail enterprises in an orderly manner


The second is to strictly control and verify

In strict accordance with the acceptance standards, on-site inspections are carried out on pharmaceutical business enterprises in terms of personnel qualifications, facilities and equipment, and system guarantees. Focus on checking key links such as procurement, acceptance, and sales to ensure that the "inflow" of drugs is clear and the "outflow" is orderly. For enterprises that are confirmed to meet the licensing conditions, new certificates will be issued in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation of enterprises and smooth the channels for the masses to purchase drugs.

【County and City News】Nanzhang: Promote the renewal of drug retail enterprises in an orderly manner


The third is to prevent risks and promote development

At the same time of on-site inspection, we actively "check the pulse" of the enterprise, investigate and analyze the existing risks one by one, put forward specific guidance and prevention and control measures, and further enhance the awareness of the main responsibility, quality management and safety management of the enterprise. Combined with daily supervision, we regularly "look back" at the enterprises that have passed the renewal and acceptance, and continue to promote the upgrading of drug retail enterprises in the jurisdiction.

【County and City News】Nanzhang: Promote the renewal of drug retail enterprises in an orderly manner

As of now

Nanzhang County Market Supervision Bureau

Organized and carried out

2 times of training for pharmaceutical retail enterprises

Training of business leaders

and 328 people in charge of quality

There are 42 on-site inspection enterprises

Among them, 30 were renewed

12 new enterprises were established

7 potential safety hazards were found and rectified

The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to discuss the documents to be submitted to the Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting

Discipline, discipline, discipline, discipline, the Municipal Bureau held the 8th market supervision lecture hall

The Xiangyang Municipal Market Supervision Bureau carried out the publicity activity of "mobile phone weights to measure and benefit people's livelihood".


Source: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Editor: Wang Jiali

Editor-in-charge: Liang Long

Audit: Supervisor

Organizer: Xiangyang Municipal Administration for Market Regulation

Operation: Xiangyang Rong Media Center

The original pictures and texts of this official account are not permissioned

It may not be forwarded or reprinted


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