
Don't talk about love! This is the story of a pure girl who carefully hunts for purity with hue and wealth

author:Sister Acai

Text/Sister Acai

Don't talk about love! This is the story of a pure girl who carefully hunts for purity with hue and wealth

I remember the heroine saying things like "I love you, it has nothing to do with you", one is Zweig's "Letter from a Strange Woman", and the other is Zhang Ailing's "The First Incense".

The former is a woman's desperate crush who hides in the shadows all her life, and the male protagonist never even knew that her love existed.

The latter is more like a girl in an environment where she is not suitable for love, she has a little love in her heart, and after being exposed, she is cruelly rejected by the other party, in order to barely regain a little self-esteem and comfort herself.

Only in this way, it seems even more absurd and a little sad.

Therefore, I don't understand why the movie version of "The First Incense" would use "love" as a selling point, if this idea of "love" insists on having it, it is also weak and thin, and it can't hold up a complete story at all, okay?

It's the heroine's thoughts written on WB: "Low to the dust, it will only happen once in a lifetime." Because love is not the humility of one person, but the bravery of two people. ”

At that time, it caused ridicule from the crowd, laughing at her for being stiff, the original book said that the front door building, she said that the hip bone shaft was pulled to the edge.

Now that I think about it, her overall understanding is really biased, but in terms of these two sentences, there is really a little truth. The so-called love in "The First Incense" is indeed the humility of the heroine alone.

In the double dilemma of the man she loves to lure her into depravity with his lust, and the aunt she relies on to lure her depravity with money, her personality who is unwilling to be completely reduced to a tool should give herself a little illusory comfort!

Auntie's money is not easy to spend

"The First Incense" tells the story of a female middle school student Ge Weilong who defected to her wealthy aunt, and then was cultivated by the latter as a courtesan, and gradually degenerated into a secret prostitute.

Because her parents couldn't afford her to stay in Hong Kong to study, Ge Weilong hid from her parents and found her aunt Mrs. Leung, who had not been in contact with her for many years.

Mrs. Liang sneered at her arrival. Because back then, Mrs. Liang did not marry according to the family's proposal, but became the concubine of a wealthy businessman in Hong Kong, and broke off with her mother's family.

After the death of the wealthy businessman, Mrs. Leung became a well-known widow in Hong Kong, sitting on a large amount of property, living in a mansion, traveling extensively, and living an indulgent life.

Faced with her niece Ge Weilong, whom she had never met, she sneered and found that this niece was bold, had ideas, was good-looking, had a desire for material things and could endure it, so she had the idea of "cultivating" her.

Don't talk about love! This is the story of a pure girl who carefully hunts for purity with hue and wealth

She let Wei Long live in her mansion, bought her beautiful high-end clothes, assigned her own right-hand man to serve her, took her in and out of high-class occasions, and met all kinds of rich and noble people.

When she was young, she served the old man, and when the old man died, she had money and leisure, so she wanted to make up for the lack of love. It's a pity that although she is rich, she is old after all, and her charm is no longer enough to attract young men.

Her solution is to nurture and train the little girls, use their appearance to attract young people of the opposite sex, and also help her retain her old friends, so that she can profit from them.

Before Wei Long, her proud sons were the young maids Jian Jian and Xi Er. But she was arrogant, thinking that she wanted to betray her when her wings were stiff, and the arrival of Wei Long just filled this void.

In addition to trying her best to satisfy materially, opening Weilong's eyes and gradually becoming addicted, the Xi'er she sent also spared no effort to remind Weilong:

What's the use of studying hard? Even if you are lucky enough to get a job after graduating from college, a lifetime of hard work will not be worth your casual expenses here.

At first, Wei Long was still in the busy social space, taking time to insist on studying, and also resisting the money offensive of rich old men in the social arena.

But under such temptations and contrasts, it soon became impossible to persevere.

Especially when she saw the male classmate she liked with her own eyes, she fell under her aunt's skirt in a blink of an eye, and after being taken into her aunt's pocket, her position was completely shaken.

In this way, in a short period of time, she abandoned her simple student status and became her aunt's golden signboard, bringing her aunt all kinds of men she wanted.

The aunt was like a spider spirit entrenched in the middle of the web, and Wei Long used her charm to lure all kinds of prey into the net at the entrance of the hole.

Cold-blooded men can't afford to love

The playboy Qiao Qiqiao was the object of her aunt's bent desire to conquer.

But no matter how his aunt shows her charm, he refuses to take the bait, but wants to use her aunt as a cover to date the real daughter.

The aunt was so angry that she listed him as a refusal to come and go, but Qiao Qiqiao had the cheekiness to break into her aunt's garden party.

When he first saw Qiao Qiqiao, Wei Long was overwhelmed by this man's appearance, demeanor and sweet words.

Don't talk about love! This is the story of a pure girl who carefully hunts for purity with hue and wealth

Aunt confessed: Qiao Qiqiao's own conditions are only enough for him to eat soft rice, and Ge Weilong is not the marriage partner he is considering at all. He was just fresh to Weilong, and he seduced him easily.

Ge Weilong had other ideas. The aunt robbed the male classmate she fancied, but Qiao Qiqiao was a man that her aunt couldn't handle.

If she gets this man, it will also be a revenge for her aunt's control and destruction of her life.

One more point: Qiao Qiqiao was born into a large family and was not valued by her father, a young and handsome man who was self-defeating, easily aroused her almost maternal pity.

When a woman feels pity for a man, it is very bad. What's worse is that Georgie Joe is very good at taking advantage of her pity.

Qiao Qi said again: "I'm not going to get married. Even if I had the ability to get married, I wouldn't be worthy. I can't be a satisfying husband until I'm fifty. Weilong, I will be honest with you about this kind of thing, because you are a girl, and you have never played tricks in front of me. Weilong, you're so good. You are taking advantage of your aunt like this, who are you working hard for and who are you busy with? When you are tired and emaciated, do you think she will keep you? Weilong, you're tired. You need a little joy. ”

The more he said that, the more Wei Long sank.

Other men are trying to coax her to get her, but he is frank, he sees the pain of her being squeezed by her aunt, and thinks about whether she is happy or not, what to do in the future.

Therefore, even if Qiao Qiqiao said bluntly: "I can't promise you marriage, I can't promise you love, I can only promise you happiness." ”

Wei Long still fell in love with him with an inferiority complex. When Georgie Qiao came to her in the middle of the night over the wall, she offered everything.

However, Qiao Qiqiao got her in the first half of the night, and hooked up with her maid in the second half of the night.

Wei Long was injured and beat Jian'er, stabbing the ugly thing to the surface, which attracted the wrath of his aunt.

Wei Long's actions ruined his reputation and ruined his aunt's training plan. In order not to let the investment go down the drain, my aunt found Qiao Qi Qiao to coerce and lure him to marry Wei Long.

She told Qiao Qiqiao that Wei Long was his best marriage partner, young and beautiful could make him money and flowers, and when he was old and decrepit, he could get a divorce by finding an excuse for adultery.

Qiao Qiqiao listened to the words, and her soft performance moved Wei Long. Wei Long got engaged to Qiao Qiqiao, and since then he has been determined to identify himself.

Get someone for your aunt and get money for Qiao Qiqiao.

Don't talk about love! This is the story of a pure girl who carefully hunts for purity with hue and wealth

She was pure, but not naïve

Before the fall, Wei Long was young and pure, but she was not naïve.

Before graduating from middle school, she knew how to rule for herself, speaking softly and laughing in front of her rich aunt, in exchange for the opportunity for her aunt to provide her with school; Then he used different lies to appease his parents and stayed in Hong Kong as he wished.

As smart as she is, as early as the first time she came to the door, she understood what her aunt relied on to maintain a luxurious and glamorous life.

In her eyes, her aunt's mansion is like a ghost house in Liaozhai.

On the first night she lived at her aunt's house, she heard sweet and slippery laughter coming from downstairs, and she knew that it was not a woman from a good family who came here to socialize.

And the house full of gorgeous clothes specially prepared for her by her aunt is to buy her first investment.

However, the desire for material things overshadowed the vigilance that rose in the heart. She was confident that she could get what she wanted, and then she managed to get out.

thinks that if she behaves well, she will be able to find someone who will treat her sincerely in the future, and she can ignore those frivolous rumors.

She knows everything, but she overestimates herself.

Her aunt's wealth, and Georgie's hue, both of which were her favorites, and in the gentle trap woven by the two, her little self-confidence was not at all vulnerable.

I can't give up the glory and wealth in my hands, but I want to comfort myself emotionally, so I can only choose to sell it to those two people from body to heart.

Write at the end:

Zweig once said in "The Beheaded Queen": "She was still young at that time, and she did not know all the gifts of fate, and she secretly marked the price." ”

On this road of depravity, Aunt Mrs. Liang is the dominant one from beginning to end. And Qiao Qiqiao is a powerful assist from her aunt, and she has played a great role in tempting her to fall.

At the end of the story, Wei Long is chased and heckled as a prostitute by British sailors on the streets.

Faced with Qiao Qiqiao's concern, she laughed self-deprecatingly: "What's the difference between me and them!" "They had no choice, I did it voluntarily!"

Wei Long, although she was seduced, she was sober to watch herself fall, and she fell deeper and deeper and couldn't turn back.

If life is like a play, her absurd drama is full of flashiness, desire and calculation, where is there any opportunity for love?

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