
Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

author:The West Show Big City is a small thing
Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

On July 1, Lin Song, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the District Party Committee, went to Wang Ruofei's former residence to participate in the theme party day activities of the district party committee, and gave a special party course on party discipline learning and education to all party members of the district party committee, Xin'an Street Party Working Committee and Rainbow Community Party branch in the rainbow community.

Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

Lin Song, together with the party members of the branch, visited the former residence of Wang Ruofei, presented a flower basket to the statue of Wang Ruofei, and reviewed the oath of joining the party, and realized the feelings of "everything must be planned for the people".

Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

In the rainbow community, Lin Song pointed out when teaching a special party class that carrying out party discipline learning and education in the whole party is an important measure for the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. The majority of party members and cadres should conscientiously study discipline, deeply understand General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, constantly strengthen the awareness of discipline and law, discipline and law thinking, and effectively internalize compliance with rules and discipline into ideological consciousness and action consciousness. It is necessary to know discipline comprehensively, strictly implement the tasks of carrying out party discipline study and education, adhere to the original learning, comprehensive and complete learning, and study in the brain and heart, always consider their words and deeds with strict discipline standards, and consciously engrave the concept of abiding by rules and discipline in their hearts and internalize it into a code of words and deeds. It is necessary to mark the discipline, accurately grasp the main content and main purpose of the revised "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", be clear about discipline, fulfill responsibilities in action, and earnestly build a strong sense of discipline ideologically, stand firm and loyal politically, strictly define the boundary bottom line in duties, and give full play to subjective initiative in action. It is necessary to take the lead in abiding by discipline, guide young cadres to buckle the "first button" of honest and honest politics, strive to be clear people who abide by rules and disciplines, and constantly enhance political determination, discipline determination, moral determination, and resistance to corruption, and continue to purify the political ecology. It is necessary to take the study and education of party discipline as an opportunity to take party building to lead grassroots community governance as the main line of work, effectively build a new grassroots social governance system full of vitality and efficiency, and continue to do a good job in relocation and resettlement, so that the masses can remember their nostalgia and have a sense of belonging in the place where they moved in. It is necessary to dig deep into tourism resources, let culture empower the economy, organically integrate the income of the masses with the development of cultural tourism, so that the relocated people can move, stay, and get rich, and write the "second half of the article" of poverty alleviation and relocation.

Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

After the lecture, the old party members in the community sent sincere blessings for the party's birthday, and said that the reason why they can enjoy their old age today, have a place to live, have medical treatment for the sick, and provide for the elderly is inseparable from the correct leadership of the party, and will continue to feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, and follow the party, give full play to the leading role of party members, and practice the original mission with practical actions.

Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

On the day of the event, Lin Song also investigated the development of grassroots party building in the city to lead the grassroots governance in the rainbow community of Xin'an Street, and inspected the construction of the rainbow community position on the spot.

Comrades in charge of relevant departments directly under the district attended the meeting.

Reporter: Tang Jingyi, Zhang Yu

Editor: Zhang Caijing

Editor: Lu Sumei

Supervisor: Zhao Wenquan

Producer: Wang Xiqi

Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education
Lin Song participated in the "July 1st" Party Day Theme Party Day activities and taught a special party course on party discipline learning and education

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