
Heshui County Government Affairs Service Center: Create a new trend of reading with "scholarly government affairs".

author:Great beauty and water

Since the beginning of this year, the Heshui County Government Affairs Service Center has taken the "three grasps and three promotions" action and the creation of "scholarly organs" as an opportunity to guide cadres and workers to strengthen their theoretical armament, improve their knowledge structure, improve their ideological level, and enhance their work ability through reading, and continue to improve the efficiency of government services and the brand image of "red heart for the people" by improving the reading system, building a reading platform, and enriching reading activities.

Heshui County Government Affairs Service Center: Create a new trend of reading with "scholarly government affairs".

Walking into the book reading area on the first floor of the county government service center, rows of neat bookshelves come into view, the books cover more than 2,000 volumes in 7 categories, such as party building politics, philosophy and psychology, history and geography, literature and art, common sense of life, children's education, etc., cadres and workers are using the rest time to read books, and a strong reading atmosphere is coming.

Heshui County Government Affairs Service Center: Create a new trend of reading with "scholarly government affairs".

The county government service center in the construction of a good learning position, the implementation of open reading to enhance the reading experience at the same time, but also continue to enrich reading activities, promote the diversification of learning forms, combined with the actual work of government services, through the centralized regular meeting leaders take the lead in turns, reading sharing, mutual evaluation and other forms, so that cadres and workers around the reading of various books to talk about their experience, talk about feelings, to create a "advocating learning, good at studying, learning to catch up, striving to be advanced" learning atmosphere, stimulate the reading enthusiasm of cadres and workers, They should be able to absorb spiritual nourishment from reading, improve their overall quality, and make every effort to combine learning with lectures, apply what they have learned, and promote work with learning, so that reading will become a basic skill for enhancing their skills and fulfilling their duties, and further promote the establishment of scholarly organs. Up to now, a total of 31 learning and reading activities have been organized.

Heshui County Government Affairs Service Center: Create a new trend of reading with "scholarly government affairs".

The fragrance of books moistens the organs, and reading is thick. As a government service window, the county government affairs service center has always taken "reading has become the norm and the fragrance of books has infiltrated the organs" as the goal, further promoted the creation of "learning institutions", strengthened the leading role of the party branch and party members in reading the government affairs center, and drove the cadres and workers such as window personnel, guide services, and operators to love reading, read good books, and be good at reading as their working methods and living habits. At the same time, it also continues to broaden the carrier, expand the spillover effect, relying on the online "learning power" APP, Gansu party building APP and other reading platforms, so that learning is integrated into daily life, grasped on a regular basis, and becomes an important force to promote government service work, and strive to create a new quality government service environment that organically integrates reading, learning, thinking and action.

He Zhizhen, head of the information technology office of the county government service center, said: "The county government service center will continue to promote the creation of 'scholarly organs', adhere to the learning goal of 'learning ideas, strengthening party spirit, learning policies, excellent services, learning skills, improving efficiency, learning encyclopedias, and enriching self-cultivation', carry out a variety of reading activities, improve the cultural literacy and professional skills of employees, enhance the cohesion, centripetal force and creativity of party members, cadres and workers, and provide wisdom for writing a new chapter in the county's government service work." ”

Reporter Nian Yujuan

Director: Wang Tingbin

Producer: Qiu Jingjing, Zhang Yufeng

Editor-in-charge: Li Dina

Editor: Yang Qingqing

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