
[When the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safety production is underway] Duanjiaji Township, Heshui County, carried out an emergency rescue drill

author:Great beauty and water

Recently, the joint police station and health center of Duanjiaji Township, Heshui County carried out emergency rescue drills.

[When the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safety production is underway] Duanjiaji Township, Heshui County, carried out an emergency rescue drill
[When the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safety production is underway] Duanjiaji Township, Heshui County, carried out an emergency rescue drill
[When the three-year action of tackling the root cause of safety production is underway] Duanjiaji Township, Heshui County, carried out an emergency rescue drill

The drill simulated a heavy rainstorm in Duanjiaji Township, which seriously threatened the safety of the lives and property of the people in Yizhou Village. After receiving the danger report, the rescue and emergency response teams quickly assembled, rushed to the rescue scene as soon as possible, rescued the trapped people, and evacuated and transferred the stranded people in the dangerous area. During the exercise, all detachments responded quickly, cooperated closely, and completed the emergency rescue task accurately and quickly.

The purpose of this drill is to further strengthen the awareness of flood prevention and flood control among party members and cadres, effectively improve the cooperation and coordination ability and emergency response ability of party members and cadres in the face of sudden dangers, and accumulate practical experience in response to flood prevention emergencies and safeguard the safety of people's lives and property.

Reporter Li Qianqian

Director: Wang Tingbin

Producer: Qiu Jingjing, Zhang Yufeng

Editor-in-charge: Li Dina

Editor: Yang Qingqing

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