
Your child's cough recurring? This free clinic expert came to help

author:Hangzhou Net

"Every time my child coughs, he won't stop for a month, and he will continue to cough for half a month, which is so sad!" Worried, Ms. Zhao sought help from Dr. Wei Jinfeng. With the change of seasons, chronic cough in children is not uncommon, which has also become a problem for many families.

In order to help parents cope with this problem and provide professional health guidance, recently, the Wenxin Street Community Health Service Center held a pediatric free clinic activity of "Party Building Leading, Presenting Medical Insurance Concentric and Healthy 'Children' for July 1st". Pediatric experts from Hangzhou Children's Hospital were invited to provide free diagnosis and treatment services for children and provide professional health guidance and suggestions to parents.

Your child's cough recurring? This free clinic expert came to help

At the event, Wei Jinfeng, chief physician of Hangzhou Children's Hospital, brought a health science lecture on "A Different Kind of Cough" to parents. Starting from a long-term cough case, Dr. Wei described in detail the harm, causes, prevention, treatment and care of whooping cough, especially in how to care for cough babies.

Xu Jianwen, deputy secretary-general of the Zhejiang Medical Security Research Association, emphasized the important role of medical insurance policies in protecting children's health. He said that the medical insurance policy is a concrete embodiment of the party and the government's concern for people's livelihood, and it is also a solid guarantee for the vital interests of every family and individual. In the medical insurance system, special attention is paid to the protection of children's health, and comprehensive and multi-level medical security is provided for children through the formulation of special children's medical insurance policies.

Your child's cough recurring? This free clinic expert came to help

Subsequently, Dr. Wei came to the patient's side to answer the questions of each parent who came to the consultation, and carefully conducted a physical examination for the child. Dr. Wei taught the percussion method on the spot, explaining: "Babies and toddlers do not spit, even if the phlegm has been coughed up, they will only swallow it. When the child coughs, pick up the child, put the five fingers together, slightly inward and fold the palm in a hollow shape, pat the back from bottom to top, from outside to in, and use the wrist force to tap the back quickly and rhythmically, making a sound of 'Bu, Bu, Bu', so that the pat on the back is effective. Back pats should ideally be done just after waking up or before bedtime, or within half an hour after nebulization. ”

"It's worth it, this trip is full of dry goods! It taught me the skills of caring for my baby, which is so practical, and I hope that using these skills in the future can shorten the course of my baby's illness. "Parents have said that they have benefited a lot from this activity and learned a lot of practical knowledge and skills.

Your child's cough recurring? This free clinic expert came to help

The person in charge of the Wenxin Street Community Health Service Center said that children's health is the future and hope of society, and they have been committed to providing high-quality medical services for community residents. This pediatric free clinic activity is a practical action for them to actively fulfill their social responsibilities and pay attention to children's health under the guidance of party building. They hope that through such activities, the health awareness of community residents will be enhanced and the health level of children will be improved.