
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

author:Hangzhou Net

On the evening of June 30th, the 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was held in the concert hall of the Xueyuan Road campus. The guests and hundreds of thousands of viewers who watched the live broadcast in front of the screen enjoyed this folk music feast together.

In addition to the members of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra, there is also a special performance team composed of previous alumni, some of whom have just entered middle school, some are already professional orchestra performers, and some are well-known folk music masters in the music world. This concert is not only a celebration of music, but also a legacy that transcends time and space.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

Chen Liang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Gongshu District Education Bureau, delivered a speech

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

The appointment ceremony of the professional committee of the "Family-School Society".

Part I

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

Inheriting the thousand-year-old wind bones, the past is cloudy. The national orchestral music "National Style" uses rich and changing harmonies to interweave the colors of music, and the students use national instrumental music and international artistic expression to present a moving legend of the great country of the Chinese nation to the audience.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

The round lanterns shine in all directions, and the lanterns are played in the four towns and six miles, and behind the lively and wanton is the romance that cannot be forgotten. Hang up the red light, thousands of miles along the river, the lights are sparkling, and the voices of people are gone. In the melodious music, the audience felt the enthusiasm and heroism of the people of northern Shaanxi.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

As the intangible cultural heritage teaching base of "Jiangnan Silk and Bamboo" in Zhejiang Province, "Walking on the Su Causeway" is the specialty repertoire of generations of Chinese orchestra members. This song is lyrical and soft, fresh and beautiful, with a strong Jiangnan water town atmosphere, making the audience feel as if they are in the artistic conception of the great writer Su Dongpo's "the water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are empty and rainy".

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

The alumni group affectionately performed the song "Flower Bangzi", which they had performed many times when they were children, which instantly evoked unforgettable childhood memories. The melody of this song is high-pitched and passionate, rich in Hebei local characteristics, fully demonstrating the artistic charm of Banhu, which makes the audience hearty and fascinated.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

"Dunhuang New Language" combines Western and Indian tones to present the rich expressiveness of Chinese folk instruments. In the melodious and profound ensemble sound, the various music and dance scenes such as "flying sky" and "rebounding pipa" in the murals of Mogao Grottoes seem to be close at hand.


The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

The clouds want to dress and the flowers want to look, and the spring breeze blows Revlon. On the top of the sea of white clouds and flowers, the sound of pipa, the slow twisting of silk strings, noisy and cut. In the beautiful melody of agility and ups and downs, the audience followed the sound of the pipa to explore the deep feelings in the notes.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

The lively and cheerful music has a strong Xinjiang style, showing the western style vividly. During the performance, the palms of the audience, large and small, joined the music and beat to the rhythm, and the magic of folk music instantly integrated the stage and the stage.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

"Dragon and Tiger Leap" cleverly chooses the new form of drum ensemble to render the magnificent scene of crowd jubilation. The theme melody of the music and the sound of drums are intertwined, which is shocking, showing the style of the people soaring and leaping forward bravely.

The enthusiasm of the audience was completely ignited, and the applause that returned to the venue lasted for a long time. With the stirring melody of "Song of Good Heroes" and the cheerful tune of the school song "Colorful Campus", the special concert for the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the "Harmony and Inheritance" Chinese Orchestra came to a successful conclusion.

The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!
The 70th anniversary concert of the Daguan Primary School Chinese Orchestra was staged!

In the past 70 years, the Daguan Folk Orchestra has not only cultivated batches of musical talents, but also witnessed the growth and transformation of countless students under the influence of art and culture. Every 5 years, the school insists on holding an annual concert, which is not only a feast of folk music, but also a vivid display of the inheritance and promotion of the spirit of Daguan!

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