
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

author:Yanqi County Rong Media Center
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

Carry forward the great spirit of party building and unite the strength of Yanqi to forge ahead. July 1 is the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and Yanqi County held a solemn and solemn national flag-raising ceremony to express deep respect and blessings for the great party. Chen Xuanbo, secretary of the Yanqi County Party Committee, attended the national flag-raising ceremony and delivered a speech.

Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

All the leaders of the county at home, party members and cadres, representatives of old party members with a party age of 50 years, and representatives of new party members attended the flag-raising ceremony.

Ma Yanbin, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the national flag-raising ceremony.

In the early morning, the breeze gently blows the willow tops, the flowers bloom wantonly, and the leading cadres participating in the activities are waiting for the exciting moment with reverence. At 9:30 a.m., accompanied by a loud password, the national flag guards stepped into the field, the sonorous footsteps were uniform, with the loud "National Anthem of the People's Republic of China" sounded, the bright five-star red flag rose, when the national flag unfolded in the wind, the audience was silent, everyone's eyes followed the slowly rising national flag, solemnly standing, everyone sang the national anthem, in the passionate melody, patriotism burned in everyone's heart, turned into endless strength and faith.

Subsequently, Chen Xuanbo, secretary of the county party committee, led the new party members to take the oath, and the party members present reviewed the oath of joining the party together. The representative of the new party members made a statement. Chen Xuanbo awarded the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" to the representatives of party members on the 50th anniversary of the party's age.

Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

Chen Xuanbo pointed out in his speech that in recent years, Yanqi County has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, conscientiously studied, publicized and implemented the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, completely and accurately implemented the party's strategy for governing Xinjiang in the new era, firmly grasped the general goal of social stability and long-term stability, and anchored the two "1234" development goals and tasks in accordance with the work deployment requirements of the party committees of the autonomous region and autonomous prefecture. A good situation in which the people live and work in peace and contentment. It is hoped that party members and cadres at all levels will keep in mind the party's purpose and mission, give full play to the party's fine traditions, and constantly stimulate the forward momentum to promote the reform, development and stability of Yanqi to a new level.

Chen Xuanbo emphasized that party members and cadres at all levels should strengthen their ideals and beliefs and strive to be the benchmark of loyalty to the party. Earnestly support the "two establishments" and achieve the "two safeguards" into the post, implement it into action, and be a politically clear and honest person. We must dare to take responsibility and strive to be the pioneer in promoting development. Adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, focus on the two "1234" development goals and tasks, consciously consider the work of the district and unit in the overall situation of the county, further find the entry point, combination point, and focus point, work hard, relay and forge ahead, and strive to promote the high-quality economic and social development of Yanqi County. Strict self-cultivation and self-discipline, and strive to be a model of honesty and integrity. Always keep a clear head, bear in mind the first identity of party members, and the first duty is to work for the party. In work, study and life, lead by example, take the lead in setting an example, consciously purify the social circle, life circle, and circle of friends, and be innocent and clean.

Chen Xuanbo called on the majority of party members and cadres to strive to write a new chapter of Chinese-style modernization with higher morale, more pragmatic style, and more effective actions in their future work.

Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

The flag-raising ceremony is not only an affectionate gift to the party's birthday, but also an important activity to unite people's hearts and boost morale. It inspires the vast number of cadres and masses in Yanqi County to unite as one, forge ahead with determination, and contribute to creating a new situation in the reform and development of Yanqi County under the banner of the party. (Ma Yue, Jiang Ling, Na Rui, Iter Jili)

Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony

Source: Yanqi County Rong Media Center

Review: Liu Yu

Editor-in-charge: Zhang Yan

Editor: Guo Qinqin

Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony
Yanqi County held a grand "July 1st" flag-raising ceremony