
Wanghong Town, Yongning County: The wheat waves are rolling "abundant", and the scenery is good, and the laughter of the family is loud

author:Yongning County Rong Media Center
Wanghong Town, Yongning County: The wheat waves are rolling "abundant", and the scenery is good, and the laughter of the family is loud

Recently, stepping into the wheat field of Nongsheng Village, Wanghong Town, Yongning County, with the roar of the harvester, the harvesting of winter wheat is in full swing. The golden ears of wheat swayed, and the joy of the harvest filled the faces of every farmer.

Wanghong Town, Yongning County: The wheat waves are rolling "abundant", and the scenery is good, and the laughter of the family is loud

The scorching sun is in the sky, the wheat waves are undulating, and the golden ears of wheat are fragrant with the wind. From the seeds breaking through the soil, to the stalks standing and heading, to the pollination and filling of flowers, and the maturity of grain filling, every grain of winter wheat carries the hard work and expectations of farmers. "The harvester has high efficiency, low cost, and is very convenient, and this year our family planted a total of 50 acres of winter wheat, with an output of 510 kilograms, which is a bumper harvest year." A farmer in Nongsheng Village, Wanghong Town, said.

Wanghong Town, Yongning County: The wheat waves are rolling "abundant", and the scenery is good, and the laughter of the family is loud

Thanks to good climatic conditions and scientific field management, this year's wheat is growing well, with large ears and full grains. In order to ensure that the wheat grains are returned to the warehouse, Nongsheng Village took precautions, carefully organized, coordinated the simultaneous operation of multiple harvesters, and guided farmers to seize the fine weather, speed up the progress of summer harvest, and ensure that the harvest should be harvested quickly and all the harvests should be harvested.

It is understood that in order to further improve the sustainable development capacity of agriculture, Nongsheng Village also actively guides farmers to carry out comprehensive utilization of straw, and teaches farmers how to convert straw into organic fertilizer, feed or biomass energy through organizing technical training, which not only reduces environmental pollution, but also increases farmers' income. In addition, the village "two committees" have also stepped up publicity efforts to make farmers aware of the harm of straw burning, eliminate straw burning from the source, and make every effort to protect the ecological environment.

Reporter: Zhou Xiangyu (intern) Editor-in-charge: Fan Lina Reviewer: Liang Ningning Final Reviewer: Hou Zhibin Ma Manru