
Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

author:Yongning County Rong Media Center
Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

In the past few days, the streets and communities of Tuanjie West Road in Yongning County have actively carried out various forms and rich content to welcome the "July 1st" theme activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, relive the glorious history of the party, and use simple and sincere language to comprehensively create a strong atmosphere of knowing, loving, respecting and praising the party.

Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

On July 1, the Tuanjie West Road Street Veterans Service Station joined hands with Ninghe Community to celebrate the "July 1st" activity with the theme of "Chinese Soul Casting of the Army". At the beginning of the event, the retired veterans followed the footsteps of the narrator to the military history corridor, and recalled the eventful years of the past through vivid red stories and vivid pictures. A corridor is a piece of history, and a photograph is a witness. Every picture and text in the corridor evokes the military memories in the hearts of the veterans. After the visit, the veterans gathered together to sing passionate red songs and share their feelings with great affection. They reminisced about their comrades-in-arms, recalled the past, lamented the passage of time and the great changes in the motherland, and offered their most sincere blessings to the motherland.

Subsequently, the retired veterans followed the volunteers to the community to make military models. During the production process, the retired veterans learned from each other and helped each other, turning the lines on the drawings into three-dimensional models with their hands, and each piece seemed to tell their military stories, which was also a precious commemoration of their military career.

Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The joint co-construction unit of the East Ring Community carried out the theme activity of "Celebrating July 1st, Remembering the Party's Grace, Welcoming the Chinese Birthday, and Writing a New Chapter". During the activity, the community secretary led the party members to study the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and other contents, gave a vivid "discipline party lesson" for the party members, and invited the retired old party members in the jurisdiction to tell the story of national unity, convey the positive energy of national unity, and further promote the exchanges and integration of various ethnic groups.

In the red song singing session, everyone was full of energy and high spirits, and the passionate red songs such as "Sing a Mountain Song to the Party" and "My Motherland and Me" inspired the community party cadres to work hard and sang the residents' infinite love for the party and the motherland. In addition, the event also brought recitation, waist encouragement and other programs, full of affection to express everyone's enthusiasm for loyalty to the motherland.

Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

In Yonghe Community, a theme activity of "Glorious History, Reflecting the Original Heart, Forging Ahead and Celebrating July 1st" attracted the participation of many residents. The theatrical performance kicked off with a melodious horse-head qin "Ten Thousand Horses Galloping", and the allegro "Changing the Wind and New Fashion", the dance "Divination" and other programs were staged one by one, pushing the theatrical performance to a climax. The highlights of the program are numerous, and the allegro "New Fashion of Changing Customs" uses the people and things around him to say and play the initiative, advocate changing customs and new customs, and create a civilized and harmonious rural style; The acrobatic performance integrates classical dance, presenting thrilling, dangerous, strange, beautiful and unique acrobatic arts, with both visual effects and traditional cultural charm, and the applause and cheers from the audience come and go. During the performance, a knowledge quiz activity was also carried out, and the audience was attentive and raised their hands to participate in the answer, and the atmosphere was enthusiastic.

Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

The Limin community organization carried out the "Ingenuity Bamboo Weaving Welcome July 1st" intangible cultural heritage bamboo weaving and painting production activity to further enhance the feelings between the people of all ethnic groups. Everyone picked up the bamboo weaving together, integrated the love, loyalty and gratitude for the party into their fingers, and arranged the bamboo weaving into exquisite bamboo weaving paintings to present to the party's birthday. At the end of the event, the community also organized everyone to celebrate the "political birthday" collectively, everyone tasted the cake together, talked about their experiences and feelings since joining the party, expressed their yearning for a better life with cheerful songs and enthusiastic dance steps, and jointly weaved the national unity of all ethnic groups hugged together like pomegranate seeds.

Yongning County carried out a series of activities to celebrate "July 1st" in various forms

With the theme of "Childlike Hearts Cultivate Red Seedlings with the Party", Xianghe Community guides young people to continue the red tradition, inherit the red gene, and stimulate the feelings of young people to love the party, the country and socialism. The activity organized the children to watch the documentary "Rebirth" and the short film "Glorious History", led the children to learn to sing "Red Heart Shining", let the children pick up the paintbrush to draw the bright red national flag, the party flag fluttering in the wind, and outlined a work full of patriotic feelings with colorful colors, so that the children can understand the development process of the Communist Party of China, deeply understand the great spirit of party building contained in the hundred years of wind and rain, and write the main theme of the times of loving the party, loving the country and loving socialism with the most sincere childlike heart.

Reporter: Kang Yue, Lv Yue, Yang Yunjie (intern) Editor-in-charge: Fan LinaReviewer: Liang NingningFinal review: Hou Zhibin, Ma Manru

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