
Liu Lingzhong's Selected Short Stories Serialized (1196)

author:Bed on a dark cloud

Inside Strong (1)

Xiao Zhong was confused and followed to Yunju Temple, and it was Master Moxiang who brought him here. After such an accident, Lu encountered unexpected dangers, and he no longer cared about anything. Otherwise, Xiao Zhong will naturally think, how can the future life be arranged by others? What a proud man he was. The Emperor had hoped that they would kill each other. Xiao Zhong's master, Su Ziyu, is still alive, and he had gone to Tibet with General Yanxin half a month ago. When He Shiji left Yunju Temple, they were still stupidly fighting in Guyang Town. In a blink of an eye, Guyang Town was full of blood, and corpses were everywhere, which was really miserable. The sun is also miserable white.

"Those people are really going crazy."

"Silently tell yourself that if you can escape, one counts as one."

"After killing that crooked mouth, there are only two left."

Dark blue, gray-green, deep pools one after another. The humidity is heavy, and the herbaceous plants grow quite large cages with thick leaves. Xiao Zhong touched it with his fingers, and he could feel the fleshy texture. There is a kind of grass, the leaves are about three fingers wide, two feet long, and the big canopy is like a small house. The fallen and rotting trunks were covered with moss, some with white and yellow fungi, and he saw a tree trunk with many black fungus. Master Moxiang pointed out to Xiao Zhong and told him which ones were edible and which ones were poisonous.

"What if I use the trick of listening to Takeyama?"

"It's all the same in Lao Na's eyes, there is no trick."

"In that case, I don't know how the master should deal with it."

"Respond to change with the same." Master Silent Xiang said.

Xiao Zhong had no choice but to leave Guyang Town behind Master Moxiang.

Otherwise, he specially brought a letter to He Shiji and told him that Li Tiange had betrayed the arrow furnace and Xiao Zhong's father, Lao Zhong, who was injured and dying, what was he doing? The Life Candle was hiding somewhere, and the young swordsman seemed to feel that his father was going to fall into the dark world at any moment. After all, the son subconsciously sympathizes with his mother, and the old traditional habits make him have no choice. Why did she team up with Li Tiange to attack her husband? The groggy little bell was puzzled. She's a mother!

"My son has grown up, and he used to be proud of me."

I really didn't expect that knowing that her son would not live long, she would put aside all the humiliation and bring Xiao Zhong back to Guyang Town.

She was indeed afraid to reveal her scars. At the end of the letter to He Shiji, he said. "Mom and Dad don't want it, they're going to die, Zhong'er has no brothers, and even my grandmother and grandfather, who are with each other, let someone kill someone in the village where they are hiding five and a half years ago." Xiao Zhong didn't finish reading the letter, and several organs in his body hurt like cat scratches, and he felt bored.

"I'm bored with life, it's too fake." He muttered.

's father asked Master Moxiang to take Xiao Zhong away, and what he said casually in danger required him to promise, so he could only pretend not to understand.

"I regret it to death." Xiao Zhong continued.

He probably can't forget it in his life, those familiar people in the family, and many people who were killed by Li Tiange, Mo Fei and his mother's counterattack, used to have such a good time with Xiao Zhong and had so much fun together. In the blink of an eye, they all fell in blood. The corpse would always float for no reason, move in front of Xiao Zhong's eyes, and surround him in the middle. He remembered that there would be a bonfire when he sat in the garden, and the participants stood around like this, laughing, showing their snow-white teeth, and the corners of their mouths did not slip and shake blood. Many of my father's apprentices, his playmates, are not stiff in their dancing movements, and Master has praised them, and they are very good at light skills. The scorching smell of burning corpses was unprovoked and always crept into his nostrils.

Xiao Zhong also saw that those people's eyeballs were gouged out, and the jet-black eye sockets suddenly shot blood like arrows. He immediately became delirious. The little boy said to the young swordsman:

"A tutor can cure you. Xiao Zhong be strong! ”

That little house was really like a bird's nest. He said that the Jindi Luo in the Wild Wolf Valley bloomed according to the season, and he didn't know if there were any flowers.

The mountains are full of Jindiluo, and Xiao Zhong thinks it is very cute.

"Ying'er." Xiao Zhong thought that Master Mo Xiang was talking about his junior sister Dong Ying, if Master Mo Xiang could rescue her at the same time to heal her injuries, Xiao Zhong should really be thankful. However, the young swordsman was now particularly flustered and stunned.

"Why don't those shaking corpses go away?"

In fact, Xiao Zhong knew in his heart that he was reluctant to speak.

The little boy came in again.

"Oh, you called Mo Fei."

"The tutor will be coming to see you soon. Don't worry! ”

"Hey, you lied to me, why are you avoiding me?"

"Senior brother, you're starting to talk nonsense again."

The sky was overcast, rolling up like clouds. There was a biting cold wind blowing on the wasteland all the time, whining and whining, adding to the desolation. After noon, the snow flakes continued to fly. Xiao Zhong looked around, and the rock eagle unique to the plateau, gray, was hovering bravely overhead.

The roads have been buried with snow, and the camphor forests are covered in snow. The boy who was sitting cross-legged on the tree suddenly opened his eyes, rubbed his hands together, and then stood up and stomped his feet. He deliberately made his movements so exaggerated, and he actually wanted to remind his junior sister Dong Ying that it was not too early.

"We should go back to Guyang Town immediately." He said.

Just finished meditating, it's not particularly cold. He was not yet eighteen years old, and he looked handsome and dashing in a navy blue hero robe.

The trunk of the tree on the top of his head was close to the main trunk, and there should have been a thick horizontal trunk, and I don't know when or what reason it died and broke. There used to be a huge bird's nest there, but now, the big bird has moved and I don't know where it is going. My sister is naughty and always likes to sleep in the bird's nest.

However, the girl is quite alert even when she is asleep. She suddenly opened her eyes and said, "Senior brother, someone is coming!" ”

The brother and sister quietly poked their heads out, and they already saw a richly decorated carriage coming from the snow.

She exclaimed, "Wow, the carriage is so beautiful." ”

Xiao Zhong naturally knew that there were guests at home again. "God, there are such uninvited guests." The branches and leaves in front of him were frozen and frozen and covered with ice, and they were dazzlingly white.

Dong Ying saw that the senior brother did not answer, and Gu Zi said again:

"I told you there were still guests."

"Don't be complacent, bet it's the last one."

The bell shrugged his shoulders and sat down slowly on the trunk.

The ornate carriage is getting closer. The old man who drove the carriage was about sixty years old, and he looked sturdy, and it was estimated that he was practicing the kind of powerful vajra palm, and he was very good at kung fu. As for the horse, it is a vigorous white horse, and the other is a tall, mighty and strong jujube red horse, and the two horses are snorting and snorting white air.

The long whip sounded in the old man's hand, and the ornate carriage staggered and ran through the woods.

The two of them stared at the direction of the white mountain pass in a daze, and Xiao Zhong suddenly said, "Why can't I remember who is sitting in the car?" ”

"I'm afraid there is a good show in our village." The younger sister said.

"Maybe." Xiao Zhong should say.

Dong Ying, who wears a red windbreaker, is only fifteen years old, and she is actually Xiao Zhong's mother's apprentice. She can't be regarded as the real disciple of her father Lao Zhong, her parents are very clear in this regard, and they have been fighting for a few years. Xiao Zhong remembered that he was taken from his grandparents' house to Tingzhu Villa, and worshiped under the door of Tingzhu Sword Su Ziyu, feeling as if he was running away, and he had no sense of security at all. It's not that Master Su Ziyu doesn't have the ability to protect him, it's not like that, I heard that Zhushan Villa is the world's No. 1 sword training holy place, and Master is also the most famous swordsman among the five masters in the world. He often wakes up from nightmares, but he can't figure out where the danger is.

His father, Lao Zhong, is also among the top five masters, and his "calm look" is said to have reached the ninth level. His father far surpassed the fifth layer of his grandfather back then, and unfortunately fell into the villain's plot, so he could only hide his name. Xiao Zhong's grandmother practiced to the seventh layer and fell into the same trap as the Zhong family's rival. Xiao Zhong doesn't know who the powerful enemy of his family is? It is possible to practice the "calm look" nemesis kung fu, so Xiao Zhong needs to listen to the bamboo sword Su Ziyu for protection. However, Dong Ying, the younger sister wearing a striking red windbreaker, saw clearly that the old man who drove the gorgeous carriage was dressed dirty and torn, as if he had never washed it in his life, but it was matched with such a gorgeous and even noble carriage, which made Dong Ying suddenly feel very funny. As the carriage passed through the white curtain of snowflakes on the snow-covered road, she could inexplicably smell the faint smell of the man in the carriage, mixed with the disgusting stench emanating from the long hair of the old man driving the carriage.

The carriage ran away and finally disappeared into the mountain pass. The younger sister stood up from the bird's nest. She looks petite and delicate, but surrounded by snow, if you can see her from a distance, Xiao Zhong thinks that she is like a fire on a tree, bright and dazzling.

"Hey," she said, "brother, you just wanted to bet?" ”

"Yes. Little sister, do you dare! ”

"So, senior brother, what are you going to bet on?"

Xiao Zhong raised his head, touched his cheeks with his fingers, and said slowly: "Just bet on my mother's trick Snow Swallow wears willows." ”

Dong Ying sneered: "You said that Xueyan wears willows, that was originally my master's kung fu, how can you teach it." ”

Xiao Zhong was a little embarrassed, with a wheat color, but his delicate-skinned face was slightly hot, and it was estimated that it had turned red.

Of course, he understood the deeper meaning of the little sister's words, and his mother would not teach him kung fu herself. It's just that he said: "What do you want, if you don't have a master to listen to the kung fu of Zhushanzhuang, I don't dare to pass on it to you casually." ”

"We've always only gambled on martial arts moves." The junior sister smiled mischievously at him and said, "That's listening to the rules that only have in Zhushanzhuang." You've all gone home. ”

"Even if you are at home, you can't disobey the teacher's orders, not to mention, there will be people to sue you in the future. This time we bet on new tricks. ”

Dong Ying looked at Xiao Zhong in surprise and said, "So, just bet on this golden flower in my hair, do my senior brother dare?" ”

Xiao Zhong was immediately excited, and his cheeks turned purple. After hesitating for a while, he said: "I'm afraid this won't work, the golden flower in your hair was originally my mother's unique secret weapon, and it never fell short." If my mom found out, she'd be scolding you again. And it will peel off a layer of my skin. ”

Dong Ying was a little angry and said, "Are you afraid of her?" ”

"It's not that I'm afraid." Xiao Zhong was silent.

"Then we'll pick leaves instead of golden flowers." The younger sister said.

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