
The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

author:Red Net

Red Network Moment News, July 1 (Reporter Yang Shuhua) Literature, let us experience a variety of lives and live different flavors; Fine wine, let us taste the world and experience thousands of customs. Literature and fine wine can be said to be two "encounters" that cannot be missed in our lives, and when the light of literature and the fragrance of Wuling sauce meet, a journey of exploration about "wandering" begins.

On June 30, Wang Yuewen's first collection of historical essays "Distraction" was held in Changde Xinhua Bookstore, co-sponsored by Hunan Literature and Art Publishing House, Furong Magazine, Xinhua Bookstore and Wuling Liquor. Wang Yuewen, a member of the presidium of the Chinese Writers Association and a famous writer, walked into Changde, a city in the peach blossom garden, with his new work "Distraction", and shared his creative experience with the literary giants of Hunan; They walked into the Wuling Distillery, felt the charm of literature in the aroma of wine, tasted the cultural roots and soul of Wuling wine in the fragrance of ink, and tasted the poetic life together.

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

History wanders away, and thoughts have been put into the mind

Taste the cultural roots and soul of Wuling wine in the fragrance of ink

Reading Wang Yuewen's novels, most of them give people a deep and affectionate impression, whether it is the past "Chinese Painting", "Qing Xiangguo", or the recent "Family Mountain", whether it is writing about the countryside of Pupu, the deep state of mind of the ups and downs of the Huan Sea, or the vast history of the Qing Dynasty, the imaginary author, although he is not bitter, he must also sit upright when writing, and his writing should be vast and far-reaching. Not so with "Mind Wandering".

In the latest collection of historical essays "Distraction", Wang Yuewen seems to be a different person, his brushstrokes are much lighter, and the short chapters are full of interest, spreading out the ideas that arise when reading and writing. The witty edge of humor and irony then flashed, and the mischievous writing and aura splashed out, showing a vigorous speculative interest. In the book, it is not difficult for us to find that in many essays referring to the official history or wild history, Wang Yuewen did not dogmatically let readers face the thickness and depth of history, but used a witty and ridiculous pen to dissect the historical story, telling everyone, you see, what an interesting thing happened to such a few interesting people that year.

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

Wang Yuewen said that "distraction" is not a defect, but an advantage, which represents people's creativity and imagination. In literary creation, "mind wandering" allows him to think outside the conventional mode of thinking and observe and interpret the world from a unique perspective. This spirit of "wandering" is also reflected in his works, which make his works full of profound philosophical thoughts and unique charm. Wei Jianmei, an associate professor at the School of Journalism of Hunan Normal University, commented at the sharing session: ""Distraction" seems to be laughing and scolding, but it actually contains powerful power. In our current traffic era, many people express their own opinions, but Wang Yuewen's persistence and persistence are the ideological and spiritual resources of an era, which has far-reaching significance. ”

This spirit of "wandering" is embodied in the wine, that is, "different is better." "Wuling studied under Moutai, but did not copy it all. On the basis of following the "four highs and three longs" and "12987 process" of the traditional Daqu sauce aroma, Wuling sauce liquor has made adaptive improvements at every key point of the brewing system, and finally achieved a unique style of "precious burnt, pure and soft, relaxed body, healthy and elegant". In China's liquor industry, the vast majority of soy sauce liquor products are proud of their style infinitely close to Moutai, but Wuling is harmonious and different, emphasizing its own differentiation, thus forming a "same school and two schools" liquor industry spectacle. In addition to considering the actual geographical factors of Changde production area, this kind of "harmony and difference" is engraved into the bones of Wuling people, and the spirit of "not only learning, but also creating".

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

Pass through Wuling wine and arrive at the Peach Blossom Spring

Realize the two-way roaming of literature and wine in the aroma of wine

At the sharing meeting, Wang Yuewen started from the ancient scriptures of poetry, "A gentleman has wine, taste it according to his words; A gentleman has wine, and he offers it as he pleases; A gentleman has wine, and he is drunk with his words; A gentleman has wine, and he will be rewarded with his words. He mentioned Tao Yuanming and his famous article "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring" many times, and expressed his love and admiration for the land of Changde. He said: "Tao Yuanming has an indissoluble bond with wine, and there are as many as 20 wine-related poems that he has handed down. And the poem 'But hatred is more fallacious, and you should forgive the intoxicating' is exactly what I love. As the prototype of "The Story of the Peach Blossom Spring", Changde has a fertile land and a long history of brewing since ancient times. ”

Since ancient times, wine has been the friend of literati and artists, and there are countless literary works that use wine as an image, symbol, and theme. Shen Nian, Vice Chairman of the Hunan Writers Association and Editor-in-Chief of Hunan Literature, said: "Baijiu has been China's national liquor since ancient times, not only as a medium of communication, but also as a source of inspiration. After learning about Wuling wine on the spot today, I know that it has a strong cultural background of the prototype of the Peach Blossom Spring, and I am more confident to promote our Hunan people's own wine to the outside world and friends in the future. ”

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

If the heart has a good pursuit, then there should also be a good practice. Long Yonggan, a professor at Hunan First Normal College of Literature, believes that everyone yearns for an ideal world, a world of spiritual freedom, but under normal circumstances, people are rational. Using wine as a medium, you can untie all kinds of shackles in people's daily life and reach an ethereal realm, and creativity at this time will have infinite possibilities.

In recent years, with the continuous upgrading of Wuling Liquor's cultural strategy, the realization of two-way roaming with literature has also begun to become a clearer goal of Wuling Liquor. Before the reading sharing meeting, Wang Yuewen and his entourage also visited Wuling Winery. They had an in-depth understanding of the brewing process of Wuling liquor and the cultural heritage of the liquor. Zhang Zhan, vice president of the Hunan Poetry Society and a famous poet, was even more inspired at the scene, and she used the small hole on the Wuling sauce wine bottle as an introduction to skillfully interpret the artistic conception of "through Wuling wine, to reach the peach blossom source". This spiritual and wise expression won the applause of the guests.

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

The text carries the Tao, and the heart is beautiful

A new species has been added to the IP matrix of Wuling liquor

As a unique liquor in China and the "muse" of countless literati and artists, baijiu has formed a close binding with Chinese culture since its birth. This binding may stem from the intrinsic connection between the two: writers are the winemakers of words, who sort, stir, steam and put ancient ingredients such as square words, punctuation, and symbols into paper; Just like the winemakers of the drunkards, they put the original grains of sorghum, wheat, corn, rice, and glutinous rice into the fermentation tank, and then wait patiently by the cellar, longing for the long flavor of the sauce.

Wine culture breeds cultural wine, but cultural wine is not limited to wine culture. At the reading sharing meeting, some guests said that wine is now linked with literature, but in fact, cultural wine is not easy to do. Because it not only tests the strategic determination of wine companies, but also inseparable from the all-round consideration of implementation by wine companies. Only by creating an effective connection with consumers can we ensure that cultural wine is not just a façade. This, he thinks, Wuling wine is doing well.

The heart is beautiful A "distracted" collision between Wuling wine and literature

As the youngest famous liquor of the 17th National Congress of China and one of the three famous soy sauce liquors in China. Wuling liquor, at the beginning of its birth, has been inextricably linked with the culture of the mainland. "Go to Dongting as far as you can, and drink Wuling in the Peach Blossom Garden." Wuling liquor is conceived in Taoyuan culture and born with cultural imprints. Passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years, Wuling Liquor has continued its cultural context and created a diverse form of cultural expression in the context of the times:

On May 9 every year, Wuling Liquor and China Famous Liquor Festival launch a brand day activity to put Taoyuan culture into the wine; On September 9 every year, we experience the secret brewing method of Wuling liquor with fans, and put the customs and culture of our hometown into the wine; Open the meritorious cellar pool, start the cellar master festival, and put Chinese classical culture into the wine; Join hands with Wang Yuewen to talk about "Distraction" with the literary giants of Hunan, and put Chinese literature into wine......

In the IP activities of Wuling Liquor, the culture is diverse, including the mysterious legend of Taoyuan, literature, and hometown terroir. Some of these IP activities are Wuling Liquor singing on stage by itself, and some are in-depth cooperation with other platforms. What is wine culture, that is, the culture related to wine, is that the wine brand conveys its own geography, brewing, brand history and other content to consumers through a certain way of expression, which may be text, video, or outdoor advertising.

"Wuling Liquor has always insisted on doing difficult but correct things, and doing it to the extreme." Zhang Yichao, general manager of Wuling Liquor Company, believes that famous liquor is not only high-quality, but also cultural. The text carries the Tao, and the heart is beautiful! The culture of Wuling liquor begins with literature, but it does not stop at literature, it packs a variety of different cultures into the wine, returns to the furnace to "brew", and then blends and "leaves the factory", which has made Wuling liquor unique today. Let culture infiltrate into the wine, and let yourself become a kind of culture, or a carrier of culture, this is the true meaning of the "beautiful" culture of Wuling wine!

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