
Together: the guardian of lucid waters and lush mountains, and the pioneer of flood control and disaster relief

author:Red Net

Huaihua, July 1 (Correspondent Yang Xianxin) Recently, affected by continuous heavy rainfall, the flood control and disaster prevention situation in Huitong County is very severe. In order to ensure the safety of the flood, together with the county forestry bureau, give full play to the role of the baton of the "forest chief system", the county's ecological rangers actively participate in flood prevention and flood control, go all out to do a good job in disaster prevention and relief during the flood season, contribute to the prevention of natural disasters, and demonstrate responsibility and responsibility with practical actions.

In order to cope with the flood situation, the county forestry bureau deployed in advance, strengthened inspections, formulated and issued flood control work tips to ecological rangers, requiring daily patrol work, closely monitoring weather changes and hydrological conditions in the forest area, timely discovering potential safety hazards, such as landslides, debris flows, etc., and reporting to higher departments in a timely manner.

Together: the guardian of lucid waters and lush mountains, and the pioneer of flood control and disaster relief

Wu Yue, an ecological ranger of Lianshan Township, found that there was a potential landslide in a mountain during her daily forest patrol, and quickly reported the situation to the township forest chief's office and relevant departments, and provided detailed geographical location and on-site photos.

After initiating the flood control emergency response, the ecological ranger team increased the frequency of patrols to ensure that potential safety hazards can be identified and reported as soon as possible, so that the township and relevant departments can deal with them in a timely manner. The ecological rangers overcame difficulties, actively performed their duties, and cooperated with the township to do a good job in road risk removal and traffic restoration.

Together: the guardian of lucid waters and lush mountains, and the pioneer of flood control and disaster relief

Zhang Xiuzhen, a forest ranger in the central village of Baozi Town, patrolled the forest in the forest area he was responsible for, and found that a landslide blocked the rural road, and the traffic was seriously affected, so he immediately reported the situation to the township forest chief's office, and informed the surrounding villagers that the road section had collapsed, and took the initiative to cooperate with the dredging of the collapsed road with his own tools, which solved the problem of poor traffic and ensured the smooth travel and material transportation of local residents.

Since the flood season, 712 ecological rangers in the county have been on the front line, charging ahead, actively participating in the township flood prevention and disaster relief work, assisting in organizing the orderly evacuation of residents, and actively taking on the role of ecological rangers under the overall guidance of the local government. As of a few days ago, forest rangers have assisted in the transfer of 1,139 people from 353 households and dredged 16 kilometers of rural roads in 11 places, contributing to flood prevention and disaster relief.

Together: the guardian of lucid waters and lush mountains, and the pioneer of flood control and disaster relief

In recent years, together with the County Forestry Bureau, we have deepened and implemented the forest chief system, strengthened the management of ecological rangers, and given full play to the outpost role of the ecological ranger team in ecological forest protection. In this flood situation, the ecological rangers played an active role in protecting nature and ecology, and also demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of caring for the people's livelihood and serving the society, and built a safety line of defense for the county's flood control and flood control work.

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