
"Xun" quickly attacked| Tongshi Town, Pingjiang County: Before the predicament and crisis, they are the dawn of hope

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment News, July 1 (Reporter Xiang Xiaoyu, Correspondent Wu Shasha) At 16 o'clock in the afternoon of July 1, the Pingjiang County Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters issued an announcement saying that the county's water level reached 77.25 meters at 16 o'clock on July 1, exceeding the guaranteed water level by 3.25 meters and exceeding the alert water level of 6.75 meters, the highest water level since 1954.

The county town was severely affected, and the situation in the towns and villages was not optimistic - farmland was flooded, landslides were made, houses were flooded, and communications were blocked...... The masses of the people are in trouble.

Tongshi Town, located in the central part of Pingjiang County, is also experiencing unprecedented tests. Before the predicament, there is always a group of people who rush to the affected people with the light, and isolate all dangers from their arms.

On the night of June 29, a sudden heavy rainstorm hit the Hengling Group of Dezi Village, Tongshi Town, causing water in some villagers' homes, and the situation was urgent.

At this difficult moment, the representatives of the party members and villagers of the Hengling Group quickly and spontaneously formed a strong rescue team. They did not hesitate to go into the homes of the affected people and work together to move the supplies from the villagers' homes to higher places to reduce property damage.

"Xun" quickly attacked| Tongshi Town, Pingjiang County: Before the predicament and crisis, they are the dawn of hope

In the homes of the affected villagers, party members and cadres and villager representatives worked together to clean up the stagnant water in the houses.

The water was up to their ankles, and they didn't flinch, cleaning the room bucket by bucket. Sweat soaked their shirts, but their eyes were full of determination.

Party members and representatives give full play to their vanguard and exemplary role, where the danger appears, and where they "save". In the process of rescuing the dangerous situation, the villagers' representatives also played a great role, and they actively cooperated and coordinated to ensure that the rescue work was carried out in an orderly manner.

"Xun" quickly attacked| Tongshi Town, Pingjiang County: Before the predicament and crisis, they are the dawn of hope

With the joint efforts of everyone, the stagnant water is slowly receding.

With the joint efforts of everyone, the stagnant water in the homes of the affected people slowly subsided, and the furniture was properly placed. They interpreted the spirit of unity and overcoming difficulties together with practical actions, and timely let the affected people see a warm dawn in the predicament.

In the early morning of June 30, torrential rain poured in. Xu Yuanliu, secretary of the Party branch of Yizi Village, Tongshi Town, has been sticking to his post and conducting inspections of potential safety hazards and directing traffic along Zhonghong Highway.

During his rounds, he spotted a woman standing on the side of the road with a child in her arms, looking very anxious. Secretary Xu Yuanliu hurriedly stepped forward to understand the situation, and learned that her husband was disabled, and she could not take her husband with limited mobility with her child, but the water in the house had risen to the bedside.

After Xu Yuanliu heard this, he hurriedly placed the mother and daughter in his relative's house. Subsequently, without stopping for a moment, he immediately rushed to rescue the trapped people. When he arrived at the people's homes, it was pitch black, and Xu Yuanliu hurriedly turned on the headlight. The moment the light came on, Xu Yuanliu was also a little surprised, if he slowed down for a while, the water would probably overflow the bedridden and endanger the masses.

Faced with nearly half a meter of stagnant water, Xu Yuanliu did not hesitate and strode into the water, the turbid water made it difficult to tell if there were obstacles under his feet, but he didn't have time to think about it and quickly came to the trapped people.

"Xun" quickly attacked| Tongshi Town, Pingjiang County: Before the predicament and crisis, they are the dawn of hope
"Xun" quickly attacked| Tongshi Town, Pingjiang County: Before the predicament and crisis, they are the dawn of hope

Xu Yuanliu, secretary of the party branch of Yizi Village, carried the trapped people on his back and waded through the turbid water.

"Come, I'll carry you!" Xu Yuanliu gritted his teeth and carried the trapped people on his back. On the way to evacuate, he walked extremely cautiously, lest he accidentally fall with the man. After a few minutes, the trapped crowd was finally carried out of the room. Later, he sent them to the location of the mother and daughter, and after the family was properly settled, he left with peace of mind.

The night was so long that the only sound in my ears was the rapid lapping of the rain on the ground. He knew that in many corners, there were many people like the family of three who were anxiously waiting for his rescue. So, he drove the car and once again pierced the boundless darkness.