
In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?


As the main part of the real economy, the manufacturing industry is also the core part, playing a fundamental, leading and leading role. Promoting the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry is the only way to achieve high-quality economic development.

In this wave of digitalization, low-code platforms, as an emerging technical means, are gradually favored by enterprises. Its ability to quickly generate applications without the need to write a lot of code greatly improves the speed and efficiency of digital transformation for enterprises. So, what is the status and role of low-code platforms in the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry?

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

What are the difficulties faced by the traditional manufacturing industry in digital transformation?

Due to the complexity of the organizational structure, business processes, product variety, and value chain of traditional manufacturing enterprises, it has brought many challenges and difficulties to promote digital transformation.

Specifically, the difficulties faced by manufacturing enterprises in promoting digital transformation include at least the following aspects.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

The traditional working model cannot keep up with the pace of enterprise informatization

On the one hand, the working mode of the traditional manufacturing industry relies on manual management, and the problems in the production process usually require relevant personnel to report and feedback in a timely manner, and there is a certain lag and error in manual management, which may lead to poor adaptability on the production site.

On the other hand, there is a lack of data-driven decision-making, and many traditional manufacturing industries often do not rely on data support to make decisions when making decisions, but human decision-making, which leads to the accuracy and scientificity of decision-making is affected, and also increases the risk of decision-making errors.

Paper-based forms are time-consuming and labor-intensive

Although informatization has developed very maturely, it is inevitable that there will still be some traditional manufacturing enterprise management in the relatively small investment and application of informatization, resulting in low efficiency of data collection, processing and sharing, and also increasing the risk of data errors and omissions.

The system software cannot match the individual needs of the enterprise

With the continuous updating and upgrading of technology, the system software of some traditional manufacturing industries is often difficult to keep up with the pace of technological development, so as to fail to meet the growing needs of enterprises.

Quality management is not strict

Quality is not only the measure of enterprise products, but also the embodiment of enterprise management level. However, some traditional manufacturing enterprises do not pay enough attention to quality management and lack a strict quality control system, which may lead to unstable product quality, increasing the risk of quality costs and customer complaints.

Lack of awareness of risk management

The traditional manufacturing management lacks the awareness of risk management, and the handling of problems and accidents that may occur in the production process is not timely and standardized, which may bring unnecessary losses and negative impacts to the enterprise.

The problem of information silos is difficult to solve

Traditional manufacturing management often has the problem of poor internal communication, which leads to untimely and inaccurate information transmission between various departments, which affects the collaborative work and decision-making effect of enterprises. Some enterprises even apply many information systems, but they are located in silos, the basic data is inaccurate, and the coding system is not uniform, so it is impossible to promote digital transformation.

How low-code solves the challenges of digital transformation in traditional manufacturing

About not being able to catch up with the pace of information development

Low-code platforms can provide visual development interfaces and pre-built components, allowing traditional manufacturing enterprises to quickly build and deploy customized applications, thereby improving the informatization level and efficiency of enterprises.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Summarizing data on paper forms is time-consuming and labor-intensive

Through the low-code platform, traditional manufacturing companies can integrate existing data sources and automatically summarize and organize data, reducing manual operations and error rates, and improving the quality and reliability of data.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Traditional software cannot match the individual needs of enterprises

With the development of enterprise business and the change of working methods, the old systems of many traditional enterprises can no longer adapt to the new management needs. The low-code platform can help traditional manufacturing companies quickly build and customize new required applications to meet the individual needs of enterprises. At the same time, low-code platforms also support flexible configuration and scaling, allowing businesses to scale and adapt as their business changes and growth.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Quality management is not strict

In addition, low-code platforms can provide custom rules and processes to help enterprises automate and standardize quality management. At the same time, a professional production quality management system can also be built through the low-code platform, so as to find and solve problems in a timely manner. The built production quality management application can provide a series of comprehensive quality management and control from incoming material inspection to customer complaint handling, and help enterprises improve quality management efficiency and production efficiency.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Risk awareness management is not strict

The management and employees of the traditional manufacturing industry may lack the importance and awareness of risk management, do not realize the importance of risk management, or have deviations in the understanding and implementation of risk management, resulting in serious related economic losses. A low-code platform can provide security and compliance controls to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data. At the same time, low-code platforms can also provide a private cloud model to help enterprises automate and standardize risk management.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Information silos

If traditional manufacturing enterprises are prone to the phenomenon of information silos, then the low-code platform is a wall-breaking existence. A low-code platform can be used to integrate existing systems and data sources to share and exchange information. At the same time, low-code platforms can also build custom applications and processes, break down information silos, and improve the collaboration and efficiency of enterprises.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Low-code development platform & systems required for digital transformation

In order to facilitate the digital transformation of traditional manufacturing enterprises more efficiently, the Baishu low-code platform has built a series of systems for the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry.

01Production management system

The production management system is mainly based on production and manufacturing management, and its management functions include product structure setting (BOM), production planning, processing, material picking, quality inspection, inventory, cost accounting, etc. Solve industry management problems through informatization, meet the needs of scientific management of enterprises, and provide more perfect solutions for manufacturing management.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

02Manufacturing quality management system

The manufacturing quality management system is mainly based on quality management and control, from incoming material inspection, process inspection, product inspection, delivery inspection, return inspection, inventory inspection to sample management, quality accidents, customer complaint handling, etc., so as to help enterprises improve quality management efficiency and production efficiency.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

03Special production business management system

The special production business management is mainly based on special production as the core, including BOM filling and changing, ERP and supplier collaboration, programming single reporting, which can realize information requirements such as delivery tracking, material tracking, quality tracking, cost tracking, and efficiency tracking.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

04Outsourcing production management system

Outsourcing production management is mainly based on outsourcing production, and online collaboration, automatic synchronization of information, automatic statistical analysis of data, etc., can be achieved in supplier registration, supplier injection, production reporting and other links, so as to achieve transparency between the two parties.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

05Manufacturing management system

The manufacturing management system is mainly based on manufacturing management as the core of the whole process to control the process, manufacturing materials, planning and production, production equipment, etc., to meet the needs of scientific management of various enterprises, and to provide a more complete solution for manufacturing management.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

06ERP management system for process manufacturing

The process manufacturing ERP management system is mainly based on the process management in manufacturing, from the online development of production plans, the responsibility of each process to the person, the seamless connection of the front and rear processes, the overall planning of the production process, to ensure that the production is carried out efficiently; Open up the sales and production departments to avoid overdue delivery; The whole process of new product research and development progress is controlled, and the front and rear are closely coordinated to control the research and development progress throughout the process.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Hundreds of low-code platforms help the digital transformation of the manufacturing industry

01. Background introduction

XX well-known manufacturing enterprises, as a leader in the industry, has been committed to improving production efficiency and product quality. However, with the intensification of market competition and the diversification of customer needs, the company realized that the traditional IT architecture and manual management model could no longer meet the needs of business development. As a result, the company decided to introduce hundreds of low-code platforms to accelerate its digital transformation.

02. Facing challenges

  • Data silos are severe: Data cannot be shared between departments, resulting in poor information transmission and affecting work efficiency.
  • Low efficiency of production management: The traditional manual management mode cannot monitor the production progress and product quality in real time, resulting in many problems in the production process.
  • Lack of supply chain collaboration: Information cannot be shared between upstream and downstream suppliers and customers, resulting in insufficient supply chain coordination and affecting delivery time and product quality.
  • Insufficient data analysis capabilities: The management lacks data support and is unable to accurately judge market trends and customer needs, which affects the decision-making effect.

03. Solution

The HUNDREDS low-code platform provides the following solutions to the challenges faced by XX manufacturing companies:

Build a unified data platform: Through the hundreds of low-code platforms, manufacturing companies have built a unified data platform, integrated data from various departments, and realized data interoperability and sharing. This makes information transmission more convenient and efficient, and improves the efficiency of collaborative work.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Real-time monitoring of production progress and quality: The Baishu low-code platform supports real-time monitoring of production progress and quality, and timely detection and resolution of problems through data analysis and early warning mechanisms. This improves production efficiency and quality, and reduces production costs.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Strengthen supply chain collaboration: Manufacturing companies use hundreds of low-code platforms to achieve collaborative work with upstream and downstream suppliers and customers. Through data sharing and business collaboration, the transparency and collaboration of the supply chain are improved, and communication costs and delivery times are reduced.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

Improve data analysis capabilities: The HUNDREDS low-code platform supports the rapid construction of data analysis models and reports, helping the management of manufacturing companies to better understand market trends and customer needs. This provides strong data support for decision-making.

In the era of digital transformation, how can hundreds of service providers help the manufacturing industry achieve a comprehensive upgrade?

04. Implementation effect

By introducing hundreds of low-code platforms, the manufacturing company achieved the following implementation results:

  • Improved production efficiency: Digital transformation has made the production process more transparent and standardized, real-time monitoring of production progress and quality, timely detection and problem solving, and 80% higher production efficiency than before.
  • Optimized product quality: Digital transformation enables product quality to be effectively monitored and managed. Through data analysis and early warning mechanism, product defects and problems can be found in time, and corresponding measures can be taken to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. Improved decision-making efficiency: A unified data platform and visual reports enable managers at all levels to quickly access business-critical data to support decision-making. This helps to improve the efficiency and accuracy of decision-making.
  • Reduced costs: Digital transformation has enabled manufacturing companies to reduce production and administrative costs by more than 50%. By optimizing processes and increasing efficiency, companies can reduce human and material costs and increase profit margins.
  • Enhanced market competitiveness: Digital transformation has made manufacturing companies more competitive in the market. By quickly responding to changes in market demand and customer needs, we have launched innovative products and services to win more customers and market share. For example, by analyzing market trends and customer needs, XX manufacturing companies can quickly launch new products that meet market demand and increase market share.


Digital transformation is a profound change, which is not only an upgrade of technology, but also a transformation of the way of thinking and the reshaping of business processes. With the support of all-round transformation solutions from hundreds of service providers, manufacturing enterprises are gradually moving towards a new era of digitalization and intelligence. In this process, enterprises can not only improve production efficiency and reduce operating costs, but also quickly respond to market changes and grasp development opportunities with accurate data analysis and intelligent decision support.

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