
130,000 deposits mysteriously disappeared? The bank apologizes! The truth is clarified ↗

130,000 deposits mysteriously disappeared? The bank apologizes! The truth is clarified ↗

Previously, a woman in Ankang, Shaanxi Province said

In 2018, after the death of her husband

The 130,000 yuan deposit in his bank card was withdrawn

And the bank card account has been closed

Previously, Ms. Deng had worked in

November and December 2020

Two trips to the bank confirmed that the money existed

Where the hell do the deposits go?

This matter has caused concern

The bank issued a statement on the situation: the deposit and withdrawal flow is not synchronized with the passbook, and the deposit balance is displayed incorrectly, and the understanding of the parties has been obtained

For that event

On June 29, the bank involved

Agricultural Bank of China Pingli County Branch

The release of the information note said


Recently, some netizens posted relevant information on the online platform about the "mysterious disappearance" of the customer's deceased husband's deposit in the Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China.

After verification, the depositor, Mr. Chen (deceased in April 2018), opened a card-to-convert account with the bank in April 2005 and has been using bank cards for transactions since then. According to the bank card deposit and withdrawal details, the card was used until June 2018 and the account balance was zero. However, because the passbook associated with the card did not make up the deposit and withdrawal statement, the balance shown in the passbook was the deposit on the day of the passbook, that is, 133,900 yuan.

In December 2020, Mr. Chen's wife, Ms. Deng, went to the bank's business department to handle the deposit inquiry business of the deceased depositor, and because the counter staff mistakenly regarded the balance shown in the passbook as the available balance of the account, she issued a "Notice of Deposit Inquiry" with the balance of the passbook written on it, and informed the customer that the customer needed to go through the notarization procedures for inheritance rights before withdrawing the money.

In February 2022, Ms. Deng went to the bank's business department with a notarial deed to withdraw the balance of her account, and since Ms. Deng did not hold a bank card or passbook in her hand, the bank's teller reported the loss to Ms. Deng and settled the account for Ms. Deng based on the actual balance of the account.

The Pingli County Branch of the Agricultural Bank of China said that the bank had communicated with Ms. Deng and apologized for the mistakes caused by the bank's staff due to unfamiliar business in handling business for Ms. Deng, which caused misunderstanding to Ms. Deng and added a lot of trouble. At the same time, the bank will seriously deal with the responsible persons in accordance with relevant regulations. In the next step, the bank will further strengthen the business training of employees and actively improve the business level of counter personnel to prevent the recurrence of such situations.

130,000 deposits mysteriously disappeared? The bank apologizes! The truth is clarified ↗


Source: Newsroom Comprehensive Southern Metropolis Daily

Editor: Zhang Xiang (trainee)

130,000 deposits mysteriously disappeared? The bank apologizes! The truth is clarified ↗

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