
After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →

After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →


The experience of a tourist in Yongzhou, Hunan

Cause for concern


The party, Ms. Yin, said

On the afternoon of June 29, she took her son with her

After visiting the dinosaur water world in Yongzhou, Hunan

When bathing and changing clothes with my son in the parent-child shower

Suddenly, I found a surveillance camera in the room

Directly facing the shower

When viewing system monitoring

Ms. Yin discovered

The camera is in use

After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →

Ms. Yin said that the surveillance system footage of the parent-child shower room was filmed (source/provided by the interviewee)

Female Tourist: Take a shower in the park

The camera was spotted shooting in real time

Ms. Yin told reporters that on the afternoon of June 29, she and her friends brought their son to Yongzhou Dinosaur Water Park to play. At around 2 p.m., they entered the park, followed the guidance of the staff to enter the parent-child shower, changed their swimsuits and began to play various water sports.

"We played until about 7 p.m., and when I was about to leave after taking a shower (in the parent-child shower), I suddenly saw a camera overhead." Ms. Yin said that she was very surprised when she saw the camera and immediately reported it to the staff of the scenic spot. The staff said that they did not know that there was a camera in the parent-child shower room, and went inside to check, and after seeing the camera, they changed their words and said that the camera was broken.

She told the staff, "Even if it's bad, you have to show me the surveillance footage, and if there is no picture, I believe that the surveillance is bad." ”

After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →

The camera is located above the shower (photo courtesy of the interviewee)

Subsequently, the staff took Ms. Yin to the monitoring room and retrieved the monitoring in the parent-child shower room. "I saw that the surveillance was still recording, and there happened to be a male cleaner in it at that time." Ms. Yin said that after seeing the surveillance footage, she questioned the staff again. The other party also explained that the parent-child shower room is only for adults to help children change clothes, and after adults help children change clothes, they have to go back to the adults' changing room to change clothes.

For such a reply

Ms. Yin said she could not accept it

She said that at the entrance of the parent-child shower room, she did not see any signs about the use of children only, and the showers in the parent-child room are all the height of adults, and adults can use them normally. ”

Ms. Yin told reporters that she chose to call the police on the afternoon of the 29th, and so far, she has not received further feedback from the police on this matter.

The scenic area apologized

The relevant departments are dealing with it

The reporter noticed that on a short video platform, Yongzhou Dinosaur Water World ranked first in the collection list of Yongzhou scenic spots. On June 30, Ms. Yin gave a negative review in the evaluation column and told about the troublesome encounter of discovering the camera.

The official account of the scenic spot left a message to apologize, and said that the parent-child shower room is exclusively for adult ladies to accompany boys, and adult ladies need to be in the shower room for female guests if they want to change clothes and shower, and said that they will actively rectify the situation that the prompts are not in place.

After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →

The official account of the scenic spot apologized to Ms. Yin

On the morning of July 1, the reporter contacted Yongzhou Dinosaur Water World, and the staff Ms. Wang said that the parent-child shower room provided by the scenic spot is only for adults and ladies to accompany boys to change clothes and bathe. "Both adults and children have the right to privacy, is it appropriate to install a camera in the bathroom?" The reporter asked further. Ms. Wang responded that after receiving feedback from tourists in this regard, the scenic spot is now being rectified.

According to public information, Yongzhou Dinosaur Water World is a cultural tourism project fully invested and constructed by Yongzhou Economic Development Group Co., Ltd., covering an area of 168.8 acres and built according to the national 5A-level scenic spot standard.

The staff of Yongzhou Economic Development Group Co., Ltd., to which the scenic spot belongs, told reporters that the group has learned that the leaders attach great importance to this matter and are communicating with the person in charge of the scenic spot to urge the scenic spot to deal with it.


Source: Newsroom Comprehensive Overview News (Reporter: Wang Yue, Yin Ming), Dawan News (Reporter: Han Yu)

This article is edited by small door ears

After the female tourist took a shower, she found that there was a camera on the top! The scenic spot is restored to →

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