
High quality and good price, abundant warehouses - the central grain reserves directly under the library summer grain procurement first-line experience


Recently, the reporter walked into the central grain reserve Bozhou directly under the warehouse in Wuyang County, Anhui Province, and saw a truck full of wheat lined up in an orderly manner to enter the door for registration, and the staff carried out sampling, quality inspection, weighing and settlement in an orderly manner. The wheat on the truck poured like a golden waterfall onto the conveyor belt, and the scene was in full swing.

At present, summer grain has entered the peak season of purchase, and the summer grain purchase work of China Grain Reserve Group Corporation is progressing in an orderly manner, and a number of enterprises directly under the main wheat producing areas have opened scales for purchase. While doing a good job in the rotation and purchase of wheat in an orderly manner, China National Grain Reserves Group Corporation has comprehensively increased the scale of wheat storage in the new season in the main wheat producing areas. At present, how is the summer grain procurement progressing? In order to welcome the summer grain "move-in", what preparations has the grain depot made? A few days ago, this reporter went to Henan, Anhui, Shandong and other places directly under the central grain reserve depot to conduct research.

The quantity and quality of new wheat have increased

When I met Lin Hao, a grain broker in Dusi Town, Heze Mudan District, Shandong, he was waiting to unload grain at the Heze direct warehouse of the Central Grain Reserve. The hydraulic flap unloader lifts the truck easily and pours the grain out. "I am not only a grain broker, but also a large grain grower." Lin Hao chatted with the reporter, "This year, the yield of wheat per mu I planted is a little higher than last year, about 1,000 catties." Good quality and full kernels. God helped when it was harvested, and it didn't rain, so there were basically no sprouts. With the addition of my own wheat, I have harvested a total of 1,500 tons of wheat this year, and I am almost sold out! ”

In a number of directly subordinate warehouses of China Grain Storage, the reporter saw that the wheat grains were uniform and full.

"Judging from the situation of our purchase, the wheat has high capacity, low moisture, imperfect grains, vomitoxin and other indicators are better than the national standard, and can basically reach the first-class wheat standard, and there is basically no situation of returning the car. This year's wheat quality is the best in recent years. Hu Lianghong, general manager of the central grain reserve Heze direct warehouse, told reporters.

In Henan, Wang Baodong, general manager of the Central Grain Reserve Shangqiu Warehouse, said that this year, the average wheat yield in Shangqiu City is more than 500 kg/mu, which is a bumper harvest year. Judging from the investigation and purchase and warehousing, the quality indicators, storage quality, and food safety indicators are in line with the national standards, and the wheat grades are mainly first and second.

This reporter learned from the State Food and Material Reserves Administration that judging from the purchase of summer grain in various localities, the output of wheat in the new season has increased, and the quality is generally better than last year.

Can wheat of good quality be sold at a good price for farmers? In the face of reporters' inquiries, Li Zhujun, a large grain grower in Xie Ji Town, Shangqiuliang Park, said: "The purchase price of grain storage in China this year is 1 yuan and 2 mao 5 per catty, which is higher than that given by the surrounding flour mills. As soon as the wheat harvest was finished this year, I drove to the Central Grain Storage to line up to sell grain. ”

Wang Baodong revealed that at present, the local wheat has been harvested and listed, the current primary market purchase price is about 1.2 yuan / catty, the surrounding flour processing enterprises purchase price is about 1.24 yuan / catty, and the rotation purchase price of grain storage is 1.25 yuan / catty.

As the main body of national policy-based grain procurement, China Grain Reserves will comprehensively increase the scale of wheat production and storage in 2024 in the main wheat-producing areas while launching the rotation purchase of wheat from the central reserves, actively play a leading role in the market, and firmly guard the bottom line of farmers' "growing grain and selling it". Judging from the current market situation, the possibility of large-scale market purchases in the main wheat producing areas is low.

The service is intimate and efficient

"It's coming soon! The day before yesterday, not long after I drove the truck out of the grain depot, the grain payment was in the card. Gao Mingchun, a grain broker, is waiting for samples at the one-stop service center of the Zhengzhou Central Grain Reserve Warehouse, which is his fifth visit this year during the summer grain procurement season.

Ji Shengjiang, general manager of the Zhengzhou Central Grain Reserve Warehouse, said that in order to ensure that the grain farmers "sell the grain and get the money", they are actively raising funds and preparing to purchase about 120 million yuan. At the same time, it has prepared sufficient warehouse capacity, implemented an empty warehouse capacity of nearly 90,000 tons, upgraded and maintained the grain depot entry and exit system in advance, and carried out more than 50 trainings for acquisition operators, so as to achieve "warehouse and other grain, money and other grain, equipment and other grain, and people and other grain".

Outside the one-stop service center, the prototype machine of the third-generation grain procurement intelligent picker is swinging the robotic arm to insert the sample rod into a randomly selected point. "In addition to the intelligent sampling and intelligent sorting functions of the second-generation system, the third-generation system has a higher degree of integration, more accurate detection data, and higher detection efficiency. In the past, it took 30 minutes for 3 staff members to complete the sample, but now only one staff member needs to click the 'start' button, and after 12 to 15 minutes, the driver can go to the scale. Li Bing, an engineer of the Central Grain Chengdu Storage Research Institute Co., Ltd., who debugged equipment directly under Zhengzhou, told reporters: "The bulk density, moisture, imperfect grains and other indicators that used to need to be manually inspected can now be quickly inspected, which improves efficiency and reduces the burden on staff." ”

During the interview, the reporter found that the word "efficient" was embodied in all aspects of grain procurement. "For example, the hydraulic flap unloader we use can reduce the time it takes to unload a truck with 30 tonnes of wheat from one and a half hours to 30 minutes. In order to make it easier for farmers to sell grain, we also built granaries at the edge of grain fields to shorten the transportation distance. Hu Lianghong said.

This year, Shandong's central grain reserve Tai'an's Kuningyang sub-warehouse has newly opened a grain unloading station. Zhang Bin, manager of the Ningyang branch, told reporters: "The vehicle loaded with 45 tons of wheat can complete the unloading of grain in only 10 minutes here, and it can unload 2,500 tons of wheat in a day, which is six times that of the traditional manual unloading method." ”

A number of directly subordinate warehouses such as the Bozhou Central Grain Reserve have made an appointment for grain sales App and grain purchase "One Card" through the "Huisannong" of the Central Grain Reserve, so as to achieve "more data and less errands for farmers".

The pursuit of high efficiency allows farmers to reduce waiting time, and the heart-warming measures make farmers more "comfortable" to sell grain.

In a break room in the Ningyang branch, several drivers are sitting in chairs drinking mung bean soup, and a large screen on the wall shows the progress and results of each vehicle's inspection. "The weather is hot, the driver does not have to wait outdoors, he can sit in the air-conditioned room, and check the queuing progress of the vehicle in real time through the electronic inspection bulletin board in each link such as waiting for inspection, inspection, and weighing." Zhang Bin added that they also provide watermelon, Huoxiang Zhengqi water and other heat-relieving and cooling items.

In the "Qingsui" volunteer service station of the Heze Library, the meal coupons printed with the dining place held by the grain farmers attracted the attention of reporters. "It was the peak of summer grain purchases, and in order to solve the lunch problem of the grain delivery drivers, we took the initiative to contact a nearby restaurant. From 11:30 p.m. to 1 p.m., grain drivers can come to the reservoir area to receive free lunch coupons to eat at restaurants. Wang Hao, a volunteer of "Qingsui", told reporters that they often help farmers outside the warehouse - every time they buy summer grain, they will go to farmers' homes to teach the precautions for temporary storage of newly harvested grain, common stored grain pests and control, and distribute brochures to provide guidance for farmers to scientifically store grain and reduce grain losses.

Green and smart warehousing

What about the "accommodation conditions" after the grain is put into storage? In Henan, the reporter felt cool after stepping into the tall bungalow warehouse directly under the Kaifeng warehouse of the central grain reserves. Listening to the reporter's lamentation that the temperature in the warehouse was comfortable, Huang Lanyue, chief of the warehouse management section of the warehouse directly under Kaifeng, took over the conversation: "If the grain can speak, it must be said the same." After the grain is stored, they live in 'air-conditioned rooms', and their 'body temperature' does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius, which is much cooler and more comfortable than what we feel! ”

"The food is comfortable to live in, thanks to the internal circulation temperature control system!" Huang Lanyue introduced, "This system is basically the 'standard' of the central grain reserve warehouse in the north. In winter, we pour the cold wind from nature into the granary through the ventilated cage at the bottom of the silo to form a 'cold core' of the grain pile. In the summer, the high temperature in the summer, we circulate the cold source in the 'cold core' to the warehouse through the circulation pipeline, which effectively reduces the temperature of the warehouse, the temperature of the surface grain and the humidity in the warehouse, realizes the quasi-low temperature grain storage, and prevents the occurrence of insect pests. ”

In the Zhengzhou warehouse directly under the central grain reserve, Kang Jingwei, chief of the warehouse management section, showed reporters the electronic location card on the wall of the bungalow warehouse, and the display screen displayed various data: the average grain temperature was 16.5 °C, and the warehouse humidity was 49% ...... "Once the grain temperature is abnormal, we can accurately take corresponding measures according to the abnormal points prompted by the electronic location card." Kang Jingwei added that the temperature sensing system in the warehouse is very accurate, which can measure the grain temperature of each layer, row and column in the warehouse, and feed back the "latitude and longitude chart" of these temperature data to the electronic location card in real time to ensure a safe and stable grain storage environment.

Not only temperature control, scientific grain storage, green grain storage, and intelligent grain storage are also reflected in more aspects. "Now green pest control methods such as nitrogen modified atmosphere and carbon dioxide controlled atmosphere are applied to granaries in various places, and the level of grain storage quality and freshness has been further improved. For example, the carbon dioxide modified atmosphere grain storage process adopted by our library is not only low-carbon and efficient, insecticidal and thorough, but also low-cost. Wang Huaibin, general manager of the central grain reserve Bozhou directly under the warehouse, said.

Zhang Yongqing, a supervisor of the storage department of the central grain reserve in Zhengzhou, demonstrated to reporters the "magnifying glass" function of the intelligent grain depot integrated control platform in the central monitoring room - a high-definition camera in the bungalow warehouse was selected, and the wheat grains were clearly visible after many magnifications. "The platform can monitor the grain situation in real time, and at present, the inside and outside of the warehouse area basically achieve full coverage of cameras, and the system also has AI functions, which can automatically analyze the picture to achieve early warning."

At present, the coverage rate of science and technology grain storage exceeds 98%, and the comprehensive loss rate of grain storage in the grain storage cycle is controlled within 1%, which has contributed to the "granary of a big country". (Reporter Chen Chen, correspondent Zhang Xi)

Source: Guangming Daily