
Master Bao was accused of weighing with packaging; Ctrip announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidy

Master Bao was accused of weighing with packaging; Ctrip announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidy

Today's headlines

The latest move of the central bank! Send an important signal

The reporter of "Daily Economic News" learned that on July 1, the open market business operation room of the People's Bank of China announced that in order to maintain the steady operation of the bond market, on the basis of prudent observation and evaluation of the current market situation, the People's Bank of China decided to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations for some primary dealers in open market business in the near future.

According to the team of Wang Qing, chief macro analyst of Oriental Jincheng, after the central bank borrows treasury bonds from some primary dealers in the open market, these treasury bonds can be sold in the secondary market, thereby lowering the market price of relevant treasury bonds and pushing up the yield of relevant treasury bonds. Wen Bin, chief economist of China Minsheng Bank, recently analyzed that this is a further enrichment of the mainland central bank's monetary policy toolbox.

In Beijing, you can use your personal medical insurance account to purchase drugs online

Starting July 1, insured persons in Beijing can use their personal medical insurance accounts to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) drugs online at 300 designated retail pharmacies. The cost of the drug is paid by the personal account of the medical insurance, and the delivery fee and packaging fee are paid by the individual.

After placing an order online, the drug purchase platform will deliver the drug immediately. Online drug purchase also supports the mutual aid use of medical insurance personal accounts among family members who have been registered for medical insurance in Beijing. At present, there are 300 designated retail pharmacies covering all 16 administrative districts and economic development zones in Beijing. (Beijing Evening News)

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released the preparatory plan for the establishment of the Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the preparatory plan for the establishment of the Technical Committee for the Standardization of Brain-Computer Interface, and the business scope is: (1) to carry out the formulation and revision of basic common standards such as typical paradigms of brain-computer interfaces; (2) Carry out the formulation and revision of key standards for input and output interfaces such as brain information collection and preprocessing; (3) Carry out work on the formulation and revision of key standards for brain-computer interface data, such as brain information encoding and decoding, data communication, and data visualization; (4) Carry out the formulation and revision of technical standards and test specifications for brain-computer interfaces in medical, health, educational, industrial, special, consumer electronics and other application fields; (5) Carry out the formulation and revision of key ethical and safety standards such as the safety, clinical application, and governance rules of brain-computer interface systems.

Company figures

A quick overview of the delivery of new energy vehicles in June: 4 increased by more than 50% year-on-year, and Cialis increased by 372.04% year-on-year

On July 1, car companies announced the delivery of new energy vehicles in June this year, with 4 increasing by more than 50% year-on-year, and 5 deliveries exceeding 30,000. Among them, BYD delivered 342,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 28.46% and a month-on-month increase of 2.97%; SAIC Motor delivered 93,000 units, up 8.14% year-on-year and 14.81% month-on-month.

The data also shows that in June, Cialis delivered 44,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 372.04% and a month-on-month increase of 29.29%; Ideal delivery of 48,000 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 46.66%, a month-on-month increase of 36.42%; GAC Aion delivered 35,000 vehicles, down 22.18% year-on-year and 12.59% month-on-month; ZEEKR delivered 20,000 vehicles, an increase of 89.32% year-on-year and 8% month-on-month; NIO delivered 21,000 vehicles, up 98.09% year-on-year and 3.24% month-on-month; Xiaomi SU7 has delivered a total of 26,000 units.

Master Bao was accused of weighing with packaging; Ctrip announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidy

WeChat's official response "I can't pay if I take a picture of the collection code"

Recently, a user on the social platform posted that there was no money in the card when he took a taxi, so he took a picture of the driver's collection code to prepare for subsequent payment, but in the end he found that the collected code he took could not pay.

In this regard, WeChat responded to reporters on July 1 that in order to ensure the security of transactions, WeChat collection codes are displayed as dynamic QR codes on the screen of personal mobile phones, which are time-sensitive and do not support the use of photos or screenshots. The long-term valid collection code needs to be automatically operated by the individual and obtained by "saving the collection code". (Sino-Singapore Jingwei)

Ctrip announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidies: 550 newborns "happy to mention" 27.5 million yuan

According to IT Home, on the first anniversary of the launch of the employee maternity subsidy policy by Group, the company announced that a total of 550 newborns were "happy to mention" 27.5 million yuan.

As of June 30, 2024, a total of 541 employees who are eligible for the maternity subsidy policy have given birth to 550 children, including 9 pairs of twins, according to the policy of 50,000 yuan per child subsidy, 550 "Cheng second generation" newborns will "happily withdraw" 27.5 million yuan in maternity subsidy cash, which will be distributed from this year until the child reaches the age of 5.

According to Ctrip, since the announcement of the birth subsidy policy one year ago, it has benefited more than 500 employees and families around the world, most of whom are domestic employees, and a small number of employees are from the Netherlands, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia and other countries.

"The house selection team is like a Disney queue", and the Shanghai property market is hot again!

In June, Shanghai's new and second-hand housing market was on fire again. Recently, at the opening site of Zhonghai Lingdi Jiuxu, Mr. Zhou, the subscriber ranked after No. 500, told the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that he still did not buy the house he wanted in the end. "The selection line is like a Disney queue, and as soon as we line up, we hear cheers inside that they are sold out, and the sales stations are lined up and say to us, 'Welcome to come back next time'!" It is reported that on June 27, 49 villas in Zhonghai Shunchang Jiuli were announced to be sold out, with an average price of 298,000 yuan per square meter. In addition, some analysts expect that the transaction volume of second-hand homes in Shanghai in June will be close to the peak in March 2023.

Official response "300 yuan to rent a toilet room in Shanghai"

"1 square meter", "coffin room" and even "toilet room"...... On self-media platforms, such videos once became popular. A video of a "toilet room" with a monthly rent of 300 yuan shot by a blogger named "Helmet Visit" has also become popular on the Internet, in which a bunk bed is laid behind the toilet in the bathroom, called a "small duplex", and taking a bath in the bathroom is also afraid of harming the "bed".

The blogger said that on the day the video was posted, the house had been rented out and the tenant was a ride-hailing driver. The reporter contacted the blogger, who said that after the house was reported, the landlord had demolished the facilities and the tenant had moved out. However, the reporter learned from the People's Government of Jiuting Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai on June 28 that the local neighborhood committee visited and found that the shooting content of the "300 yuan toilet room" was also untrue. (Red Star News)

Matrix Partners responded to the rumors of "splitting": it is just an update of the logo, and there is no split

On July 1, it was reported that Matrix Partners announced that from July 1, 2024, the entities operating under the name Matrix in the United States, China and India will complete the renaming and organizational update.

In this regard, Matrix Partners responded to the Titanium Media App, saying: Matrix Partners has been an independent subject and team from the beginning, with independent operations and decision-making, which is completely different from other fund models. This logo update does not have any substantive changes for Jingwei, there is no split, and it reflects our independent decision-making and operation from beginning to end. In addition, Matrix Partners emphasized: "In the past, using the same English name would increase some interpretation costs, but after the update, there will be fewer such problems." ”

Master Bao was accused of weighing with packaging; Ctrip announced the results of the first anniversary of employee maternity subsidy

Lifan Technology plans to acquire Gaohe Automobile? Both sides responded

On July 1, it was reported that a few days ago, there was news in the market that Gaohe Automobile ushered in a white knight, and Lifan Technology will undertake Gaohe Automobile and acquire it.

In this regard, they sought verification from Gaohe Automobile and Lifan Technology. Among them, a staff member of Gaohe Automobile said: "At this stage, it is impossible to make any evaluation or explanation for any transactions and negotiations that have not reached a written agreement. ”

The staff of the secretary office of the board of directors of Lifan Technology said: "We have not received relevant information for the time being. (Every Sutra)

ZEEKR refutes rumors on the Internet "2025 ZEEKR X price information"

On July 1, it was reported that the official Weibo of the Ministry of Justice of ZEEKR issued a post saying that on some online platforms, there are different accounts that publish the so-called "2025 ZEEKR X price information", which is "false information that confuses the public". For the above-mentioned illegal acts of these accounts suspected of interfering with and destroying the normal business activities of ZEEKR, the company will investigate their legal responsibilities in accordance with the law.

Jingdong reshaped the low-price grip, and the Jingxi model was greatly adjusted

It was learned from people close to that the Jingxi business, which has experienced several ups and downs, has ushered in changes again, and the new name is "Jingxi Self-operated", which is regarded internally as an important grasp of's low prices. At present, it has begun to attract investment in lower-tier cities, and launched a full custody model for white-label merchants. In short, the merchant is responsible for production, and Jingxi is responsible for the operation, logistics, after-sales and other aspects of the merchant, from which Jingxi earns the difference in the price of goods.

The above-mentioned person also revealed that the business is in charge of Qi Ting, an old man from who has been in charge of omni-channel and other businesses, and reports directly to Xu Ran, CEO of Group. The team has expanded to more than 200 people, of which more than two-thirds are purchasers. (36 Krypton)

Master Bao's customer service responded to weighing with packaging: Verifying

On July 1, the news that "Master Bao was exposed to weighing with packaging" and "Master Bao's store weighed the weight was blown onto the scale by air conditioning" aroused heated discussions among netizens. In the afternoon of the same day, Master Bao's official customer service responded to Zhongxin Jingwei that all products in the company's stores will be "peeled" when they are sold externally, and the company is verifying and investigating the online news. (New Fortune Magazine)

papi sauce withdrew from the MCN company under its name, and there is only one company under its name at present

On July 1, Tianyancha showed that recently, Hangzhou Freedom Network Technology Co., Ltd., an affiliate of MCN agency papitube, has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and shareholder Jiang Yilei (papi sauce) has withdrawn, and the company's registered capital has been reduced from about 2.692 million yuan to about 1.885 million yuan.

The company was established in April 2016, the legal representative is Yang Ming, the business scope includes computer network engineering construction, software development and maintenance, TV program production, copyright services, cultural and entertainment broker services, Internet information services, etc., is now jointly held by Hangzhou Hefeng Yiyang Culture Media Co., Ltd. and Ningbo Meishan Free Equity Investment Center (Limited Partnership).

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, Papi sauce also stepped down as a director of Beijing Chunyu Tinglei Network Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Hangzhou Free and Free Network Technology Co., Ltd., and his personal name Qingyi Cultural Communication Center in Wuqing District, Tianjin was also cancelled. At present, only one enterprise under the name of Papi sauce is Qingdao Yizhang Cultural Communication Center.

SF City officially landed in Hong Kong under the "SoFast" brand

On July 1, SF officially landed in Hong Kong under the "SoFast" brand, providing instant delivery services in markets outside Chinese mainland for the first time. It is understood that in the initial stage of the launch of SF Express's intra-city SoFast, it will rely on SF Hong Kong's SFHKApp to achieve business implementation, improve the original intra-city express logistics timeliness, deliver as fast as 1 hour, and expand the scope of delivery to all categories such as documents, flowers, catering, jewelry, digital products and so on.

The reorganization plan of BBK and 14 subsidiaries was approved by the court

Substantial progress has been made in the reorganization plan of BBK Commercial Chain Co., Ltd. On the evening of July 1, BBK issued an announcement saying that BBK and its 14 subsidiaries received the "Civil Ruling" served by the Xiangtan Intermediate People's Court, ruling to approve the reorganization plan of BBK shares and its 14 subsidiaries, and terminate the reorganization procedures of BBK shares and its 14 subsidiaries. Obtaining the court's ruling and approval means that BBK shares have entered the stage of implementation of the reorganization plan. On the same day, BBK also disclosed the reorganization plan after the approval of the ruling.

Tianbing Technology Gongyi on-site staff: We will continue to carry out test runs in the future, but we will not try this kind of large-scale one

On July 1, it was reported that at the comprehensive test center of Gongyi City, Henan Province, Tianbing Technology, the staff of Beijing Tianbing Technology Co., Ltd. said: "At present, everything is normal, except for the loss of rockets, there is no loss of personnel and property." The above-mentioned staff revealed that at present, the on-site staff are looking for a black box to collect (rocket) wreckage, and need to wait for all the data to be collected for data analysis before the incident can be fully explained. It also said that the follow-up will continue to carry out test runs, "but if you don't try this kind of large-scale one, there will still be ordinary test runs, and the work will continue to be done." (National Business Daily)

Tesla launched a 5-year zero-interest car purchase policy, with a minimum daily payment of 85 yuan for Model 3

According to Tesla's official blog, Tesla announced the launch of a new financial policy for car purchases on July 1. For the Model 3/Y standard endurance version, the 1~5 years 0 interest and low interest preferential car purchase policy, the daily payment is as low as 85 yuan; For the Model 3/Y long-range all-wheel drive version, the preferential policy of 1~5 years of 0 interest and low interest car purchase is launched, with the daily payment as low as 107 yuan; Tesla lowered its annual interest rate for a limited time in July to start at 0.5% (equivalent to an annualized interest rate of 0.93%).

Microsoft responds to the closure of all offline authorized stores in the Chinese market: it has decided to integrate channels in the Chinese mainland market

On July 1, it was reported that a user on the social media platform posted that Microsoft would close all offline authorized stores across the country, leaving only the official website mall and Jingdong flagship store. Some analysts pointed out that this move is Microsoft's related move because the company is making "strategic adjustments" to Surface devices around the world, and "consumer recognition of Surface in Chinese mainland has been decreasing."

A Microsoft spokesperson responded that Microsoft is constantly evaluating its retail strategy to meet the changing needs of our customers, and Microsoft has decided to consolidate channels in the Chinese mainland market. Customers will continue to have access to Microsoft's comprehensive range of consumer products and services through retail partners and

古尔曼:苹果Apple Intelligence今年秋季有望接入谷歌Gemini

On July 1, Apple analyst Mark Gurman revealed in the latest Power On newsletter last Sunday that Apple will announce the conclusion of "at least one other" agreement this fall, when Apple Intelligence is expected to access Google Gemini. Apple's senior vice president, Craig Federighi, hinted at a deal with Google shortly after the WWDC keynote.

According to Gurman, Apple wants AI to be a direct way to monetize, not just a series of features designed to drive hardware products. While Apple Intelligence is free at first, the long-term plan is to make money with these features. The company may eventually launch a service like Apple Intelligence+, just like iCloud, where users pay for additional features on a monthly basis. Gurman also said that Apple plans to bring Apple Intelligence features to the Vision Pro headset, but not to HomePod speakers.

Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical: Submitted a survey plan for problematic health products to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

In response to the health damage of consumers caused by the health care products containing red yeast rice ingredients of Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Company, the Japanese Nephrology Society released an analysis report on June 30 with some health-impaired consumers as the survey object, among which 105 patients with impaired kidney function due to taking the health care product still have more than eighty percent of their kidney function has not recovered after treatment.

Japan's Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co. said on July 1 that it had submitted an investigation plan to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare for health problems caused by the company's red yeast rice-containing health products, which involved 76 newly discovered cases of suspected deaths caused by taking related health products. Details of the investigation plan have not been disclosed. (CCTV News)

AI Alerts

Musk: XAI's GROK 2 model will be launched in August, or greatly overcome the "human centipede" effect

On July 1, some netizens posted a video on the X platform, saying, "Model training on each other's models is like a human centipede effect." Musk replied to netizens: Sadly, this is true. It takes a lot of work to purge large language models from internet training data.

At the same time, Musk said that the Grok 2, which will be launched in August, will be a huge improvement in this regard. He also said in his reply that after training with 100,000 H100s, the Grok 3 at the end of the year should be very special.

The European Union is reported to be about to launch charges against Meta for its "pay or consent model".

On July 1, it was reported that the European Union was about to accuse Meta Platforms, the parent company of Facebook, of violating the EU's digital regulatory rules. The latest breach investigation is related to the social networking company's "pay or consent model."

Late last year, Meta launched an ad-free paid subscription service in Europe for its social media platforms, Facebook and Instagram, to comply with changing European regulations and allow users to opt-out of the company's data tracking technology used for advertising purposes. At the same time, users who agree to be tracked will receive a free service.

He Xiaopeng of Xpeng Motors: In 2025, the top car companies will enter the era of AI intelligent driving ChatGPT

On July 1, it was reported that He Xiaopeng, chairman of Xpeng Motors, released a comparison video of Waymo and Tesla FSD. He said that FSD has made rapid progress in the past six months, and with the increasing amount of FSD data, the entire Infra is getting better and better, and he firmly believes that in 2025, FSD will definitely surpass Waymo.

He Xiaopeng said that on the whole, he believes that in 2025, the top car companies will enter the era of AI intelligent driving ChatGPT, and accelerate the autonomous driving ability to completely get rid of the current rule mode, and in 2026, some scenarios will be unmanned.

Tencent Releases Xingmai Network 2.0, Improving the Training Efficiency of AI Large Models by 20%

On July 1, Tencent announced a comprehensive upgrade of its self-developed Xingmai high-performance computing network, which is equipped with fully self-developed network equipment and AI computing network cards, supporting large-scale networking of more than 100,000 cards, improving network communication efficiency by 60% compared with the previous generation and increasing the training efficiency of large models by 20%. (Securities Times)

Capital Insights

Boeing announces the acquisition of Ace Aviation Systems

Boeing announced on July 1 that it has reached a definitive agreement to acquire its parts supplier Aero Systems, Inc., in an all-stock deal with an equity value of approximately $4.7 billion, or $37.25 per share. The total value of the transaction is approximately $8.3 billion, including the recently reported net debt of Spire.

Boeing's acquisition of Spire will include almost all of Boeing's commercial businesses, as well as additional commercial, defense and aftermarket businesses. As part of the transaction, Boeing will work with Ace to ensure operational continuity in support of Ace customers and their acquisitions, including with the U.S. Department of Defense, among others. (Interface News)

Shuocheng Technology received tens of millions of yuan in C1 round of financing, and the investor was Binfu Capital

On July 1, it was reported that Shuocheng Technology completed tens of millions of yuan in C1 round of financing, and the investor was Binfu Capital. The funds from this round of financing will be mainly used for technology iteration, sales channel expansion and customer expansion. Founded in 2016, Shuocheng Technology focuses on providing intelligent manufacturing services such as predictive maintenance of equipment and intelligent operation and maintenance through full-perception intelligent hardware and AI algorithms.

Longxing Avionics has received tens of millions of A+ round of financing, and Huayu Venture Capital continues to make additional investments

On July 1, it was reported that Longxing Avionics completed tens of millions of A+ round of financing, and the old shareholder Huayu Venture Capital continued to make additional investment. This round of financing will be mainly used to accelerate the R&D and upgrading of core avionics products, further expand the construction of high-end talent team, and support the company's market expansion.


On July 1, it was reported that the electric bicycle (E-Bike) brand URTOPIA (Jiaxing Zhelun Technology Co., Ltd.) completed a round of financing, with a total financing of more than 10 million US dollars. This round of financing was co-led by Guangyuan Harmony, EclickWorld and Tongxiang Jintong Fund, followed by Kongho Fund, Brizan Ventures and Professor Gao Bingqiang, and the old shareholder DCM Capital continued to increase. The funds from this round of financing will be used for the expansion of sales network, technology research and development, and the construction of its own factory.

Enzyme Technology received tens of millions of yuan in angel round investment, led by linear capital

On July 1, it was reported that Shanghai Enzyme Technology Co., Ltd. completed an angel round investment of tens of millions of yuan, led by linear capital, followed by MiraclePlus and Danen Capital. This round of financing will be mainly used for the promotion of experiments related to enzymatic DNA synthesis, instrument research and development, and team building.

Jiyiwei received a new round of financing

Recently, Jiyiwei Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and the National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund Phase II Co., Ltd. has been added as shareholders. Jiyiwei is a chip semiconductor R&D manufacturer. The company is committed to China's independent and controllable high-end analog/digital mixed-signal IC design and industrialization platform, and provides customers with differentiated and internationally advanced chip solutions through highly competitive technology and innovation capabilities. (IT orange)

Technology forward-looking

Japan's new H3 rocket No. 3 was launched

On July 1, it was reported that Japan's new H3 rocket No. 3 was launched from Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture at about 12:06 local time on July 1, and the rocket carried the earth observation satellite "Dadi 4". The rocket was originally scheduled to launch on June 30, but was postponed to July 1 due to weather conditions. The H3 rocket is the successor to Japan's current main rocket, the H2A. The first unit of the H3 rocket was launched in March last year, but the second-stage engine failed to ignite after liftoff, ending in failure. The H3 rocket No. 2 was launched on February 17.

Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple plans to mass-produce AirPods with cameras in 2026

On July 1, well-known analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that according to the latest supply chain survey, Apple expects to mass-produce new AirPods equipped with camera modules in 2026. This camera module specs like an infrared camera for an iPhone Face ID receiver (not a transmitter). The NPI supplier of this infrared camera is Hon Hai, and the current annual production capacity of infrared cameras is planned to be 18 million ~ 20 million, which is equivalent to about 10 million AirPods, and the actual demand and orders depend on the market conditions at that time. The new AirPods are expected to work with Vision Pro and Apple's future headsets to enhance the user experience of spatial audio and enhance the spatial computing ecosystem. (Finance Associated Press)

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