
"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

"If you can't keep the school of your choice, you might as well transfer your place to me." "The average price of the number of places in our research is 2-5w", which is the dilemma that the "marginal people" of the research institute may face in the process of research. Although they can obtain the qualification of the guaranteed research institute, due to their low grade points and low overall ranking, they may not be admitted to the school of their choice or even be forced to protect the school, and they begin to want to give up the guarantee of the research place. But at the same time, they are also hesitant and entangled: if they give up Baoyan, is there a more ideal way out? Although the opportunity to secure research is precious, if you can't get into your favorite school and major, will you regret missing out on a broader space for development? In this situation, they are in a dilemma.

"2-5w can buy a research place"??!
"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

Image source Weibo

"Marginal people" are in a dilemma, how to choose?

"Resell" the quota and give up the insurance research

It is undeniable that some students, tempted by money, may make the inappropriate choice of "reselling" the guaranteed research place. This phenomenon of "gray industry", which treats educational resources as a "commodity", makes some students lose their correct value judgment and accept "bribes" from others, thus missing valuable research opportunities.

However, such a decision that violates academic integrity often leads to endless regrets and remorse. Giving up on Baoyan not only means losing the opportunity to continue your studies, but also may cast an unfavorable shadow on your academic career and future career development. Once this stigma is exposed, it will be difficult for the person concerned to gain trust on campus and in society, and may be questioned and cracked down on in the future in employment, recommendation and other links. More importantly, this kind of behavior violates the basic ethics of being a human being and will seriously shake a person's bottom line and values. When money overrides ideals and ambitions, and when self-interest overrides the original intention of seeking knowledge, life may fall into a darker quagmire from which it cannot extricate itself. Missed opportunities in the past will become an eternal regret that is difficult to make up.

"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

Compulsory insurance, give up insurance research

We occasionally see such discussions on the Internet: some universities have some non-standard practices in the process of guaranteeing research, such as using "compulsory insurance" as an unspoken rule, requiring outstanding students to stay in the university for further study. Although this practice is out of the consideration of retaining talents, it has also aroused the dissatisfaction and disgust of some students, who would rather give up the research institute than continue to stay in school.

In the face of this situation, we should not blindly deny or reject it, but should straighten out our thinking and rationally analyze the reasons why we really don't want to stay at our alma mater. If the school's level of operation is not bad and the teaching staff is strong, then continuing to stay in such a relatively familiar environment will be conducive to our subsequent study and scientific research. Some students' rejection of their alma mater may be due to impulsiveness or the one-sided influence of their classmates. We should be rational and objective, rather than simply following a trend of "going and staying". The fundamental purpose of the institute is to obtain better learning opportunities, not simply change the campus environment. If the conditions at our alma mater are sufficient for our needs, it may not be wiser to stick to the familiar surroundings. In short, in the face of this major decision, we must calm down and think carefully, not be swayed by one-sided rumors, but calmly and objectively weigh the pros and cons, and make the choice that best meets our long-term interests.

"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

Source: Little Red Book

With his dream school, he hesitated to go to graduate school

In the face of the choice between graduate school and postgraduate entrance examination, many students have a "dream of a famous school" in their hearts, and it is difficult to weigh the pros and cons. Is it to devote all your precious year to preparing for the graduate school entrance examination and go to the university of your choice? Or do you choose the seemingly safe but more limited route of Baoyan? From an outsider's point of view, although you may only be a "marginal person", you must have an advantage in some unique aspects to get a place in the insurance research institute, which is really valuable in the fierce competition for the insurance research institute. You must know that the postgraduate entrance examination mainly focuses on pure scores, while in the postgraduate examination, your unique shining point will be fully amplified and given more stage talents. At the same time, the current grim situation of postgraduate entrance examination cannot be ignored. Preparing two routes at the same time is likely to increase the risk of being empty-handed. Are you prepared for the worst? Does your ability really match the formal requirements of the test? By pondering these questions, I believe you will have a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of your future choices.

"2-5w can buy a research place"??!

Source: Little Red Book

How should "marginal people" effectively break the game?

Resist the purchase and sale of research quotas

First of all, when the "marginalized" people are faced with the situation that others "ask" for places to you, you should resolutely refuse any purchase or sale of the places in the research institute, which is a great disrespect for knowledge and learning. We can ask for a stop and report it to the relevant school authorities. The qualification of the student should be determined by comprehensive factors such as academic performance, scientific research ability, and development potential, and the selection should be based on merit in a fair and just manner. Obtaining qualifications through improper means will only devalue academic value. I also hope that all students will use honest labor and wisdom to strive for the results and status they deserve. Advocate the importance of academic integrity on campus, create a clean and upright learning atmosphere, and jointly safeguard the dignity and fairness of the academic community.

Make the most of your potential

As a "marginal person", although you have some shortcomings to a greater or lesser extent, at the same time, you must also have unique strengths and talents in specific fields. Therefore, you should calmly and objectively examine yourself, clearly grasp your own shining point, and strive to carve and cultivate, these unique strengths to the extreme, in order to make up for the shortcomings of other aspects, only to sharpen your own shining point to the maximum, in order to fully show your unique value of uniqueness, so as to stand out in the fierce competition, get the ideal development opportunities. We should not be arrogant, let alone let our strengths go to waste, but should dig deep into our own potential and persevere to improve our unique charm in order to achieve breakthrough success in the end.

Expand your horizons

When submitting summer camps, don't limit your horizons to popular projects in your major, but have a broad vision and actively expand more options. For example, is it worth using a comprehensive interdisciplinary discipline related to this major as an alternative? Can some characteristic projects that seem to be unpopular but cultivated by school-enterprise cooperation also be included in the scope of consideration? Is there an opportunity to try the research path across professional fields? In addition, you can also apply for programs from other universities at home and abroad, and go abroad for further study, as long as it fits your personal conditions and career development goals, it can be used as a way to break the game.


To break through the status quo of "marginal people", the most important thing is perseverance and unremitting efforts. If you just wait passively for opportunities to come, or if you are at the mercy of fate, it will be difficult to break through in a highly competitive environment. This is by no means a short-term contest that will be achieved overnight, but a long and difficult protracted battle, which requires solid psychological preparation and continuous action. "Learning is a never-ending process", especially in the fierce competition for research and research. Only through unremitting study and practice, continuous enrichment of professional knowledge, and enhancement of scientific research capabilities, can we truly fight our way out of this protracted battle.

Stay positive and positive

In addition to working hard to improve professional skills, it is also important to maintain a good mental state. Even the mentor in the interview prefers to accept an optimistic and positive student. Whether it is a temporary setback or the voice of others, we should not be discouraged or shaken by our faith, but should be firm in our inner pursuit and belief. Maintaining a positive heart not only helps us see hope, but also gives us a steady stream of spiritual motivation. Therefore, the importance of adjusting to the state of mind is self-evident. Arm yourself with a firm will and a positive attitude to never stop on the rugged road of life.

Paipai said

In the end, it is not easy to get to where you are today as a "marginal person" of Baoyan, but please continue to stay focused and never give up, one day, you will shine with a unique light and sing all the way on the ideal track. I wish every Baoyan ER can fully tap their inner potential, seize the opportunity, and finally achieve the beautiful life they have dreamed of!