
The new generation of main battle tanks in Europe was unveiled intensively

author:China Youth Network
The new generation of main battle tanks in Europe was unveiled intensively

"Leclerc Evolution" main battle tank technology verification vehicle.

The new generation of main battle tanks in Europe was unveiled intensively

EMBT-ADT 140 Enhanced Main Battle Tank Technical Verification Vehicle.

The new generation of main battle tanks in Europe was unveiled intensively

"Leopard" 2A-RC 3.0 main battle tank technical verification vehicle.

The new generation of main battle tanks in Europe was unveiled intensively

KF51U "Black Panther" main battle tank technical verification vehicle.

At the just-concluded 2024 European Defense Exhibition, the two major European defense companies launched a number of new-generation main battle tank technology verification vehicles, which attracted widespread attention. The new technologies and design ideas adopted by these main battle tank technology verification vehicles reflect the development direction of the new generation of main battle tanks in Europe.

New changes to the new generation of main battle tanks

The new main battle tanks unveiled at the exhibition are mainly from two major European defense companies, namely the KNDS defense group and the German company Rheinmetall, which are joint ventures between France and Germany. Among them, KNDS Defense Group brought several main battle tank technology verification vehicles such as "Leclerc Evolution", EMBT-ADT 140 Enhanced and "Leopard" 2A-RC 3.0, and German Rheinmetall brought KF51U "Black Panther" main battle tank technology verification vehicle. These technical verification vehicles focus on the latest achievements of France and Germany in the field of main battle tank technology.

Among them, the "Leclerc Evolution" is an improvement on the basis of the "Leclerc" main battle tank. The car adopts a two-person turret design and a four-person crew configuration, the commander and gun commander are located in the turret, the driver is located on the left front side of the body, and a new deputy commander is located on the right front side of the body, mainly responsible for controlling various sensors, operating remote control weapon stations and 3 combined cruise missile operations. The main gun system is an "Askaroon" 120 mm smoothbore gun, which can be upgraded to a 140 mm smoothbore gun. The remote-controlled weapon station was replaced with a 30-mm cannon, which is mainly used to deal with low- and medium-altitude UAVs. Loitering missiles are used to strike targets outside the line of sight of tanks.

The Leopard 2A-RC 3.0 is an improved version of the Leopard 2 series of main battle tanks, with a non-penetrating remote-controlled unmanned turret with three members arranged in a zigzag pattern at the front of the hull. The car is optionally equipped with a smoothbore gun of 120 mm, 130 mm or 140 mm caliber, equipped with an automatic loader. The turret is equipped with a new remote-controlled weapon station equipped with a 30mm cannon capable of firing programmable shells against targets such as drones. In addition, the turret is equipped with the "Trophy" active defense system and the "Spike" missile launcher, etc.

The EMBT-ADT 140 enhanced version is the latest achievement of the "Major European Ground Combat System" project promoted by France and Germany. The vehicle uses an unmanned turret, and the main gun is a 140 mm smoothbore gun of "Ascalon" developed by the French company Nexter, and it can also be replaced with guns of other calibers. The remote-controlled weapon station is equipped with a 30-mm machine gun, etc., which is mainly used for air defense operations, and can be used against drone attacks.

The KF51U "Panther" is a new model improved on the basis of the German KF51 main battle tank. The most noticeable change in the car was the replacement of the manned turret with a completely new unmanned turret, while adopting a smoothbore gun of 130 mm caliber with an automatic loader. There is a bomb bay behind the turret, which increases the number of shells carried. In addition, the main battle tank is equipped with a new remote-controlled weapon station and the "Iron Fist" active defense system, and the three crew members are inside the hull.

The "Leopard" 2A8 main battle tank and the "Leclerc" XLR main battle tank, which are improved on the basis of the main battle tanks in service in France and Germany, were also exhibited at this defense exhibition. Unlike the previous four main battle tank technical verification vehicles, the two main battle tank upgrade models have not improved much, and have been included in the procurement or upgrade plans of the two militaries.

Technological improvements focus on three areas

Judging from the technical verification vehicles of the four main battle tanks, the technological development of European main battle tanks is mainly focused on unmanned turrets, new artillery and anti-drone operations.

Use a non-penetrating remote-controlled unmanned turret. Among the four main battle tank technology verification vehicles at the exhibition, except for the "Leclerc Evolution", which uses a traditional manned turret, the remaining three models all use non-penetrating remote-controlled unmanned turrets. Compared with the penetrating unmanned turret or the traditional manned turret, the related equipment and ammunition of the non-penetrating remote-controlled unmanned turret are all stored inside the turret and will not occupy the internal space of the vehicle body, so that the three-stage (cockpit, fighting compartment and power compartment) vehicle body can be changed to a two-stage (crew compartment and power compartment), which shortens the length of the vehicle and reduces the weight of the vehicle. Ammunition is stored inside the turret, which also reduces the risk of the entire vehicle being destroyed by an explosion of ammunition. In addition, the non-penetrating remote-controlled unmanned turret is smaller than the previous turret, reducing the probability of being shot.

Compatible with a wide range of caliber guns. Another feature of several of the main battle tank technology demonstrators on display at the exhibition is that they are compatible with a wide range of caliber guns. For example, the Leopard 2A-RC 3.0 and Leclerc Evolution, two main battle tank technology demonstrators, use this technology. The Leopard 2A-RC 3.0 can be equipped with a 120 mm smoothbore gun, or a newer 130 mm or 140 mm smoothbore gun, depending on the need. "Leclerc Evolution" can choose between "Ascalon" smoothbore guns of 120 mm or 140 mm caliber, depending on their needs. This artillery design, which is compatible with a variety of calibers, allows the new generation of main battle tanks to better adapt to different combat missions, while meeting different needs and improving competitiveness in the international market.

Focus on anti-drone combat capabilities. Regional conflicts in recent years have shown that suicide drones and loitering missiles have become the main anti-tank weapons. Against this background, the new generation of main battle tanks needs to further enhance their anti-drone combat capabilities. Several main battle tank technology verification vehicles on display at the exhibition are equipped with a variety of anti-drone weapon systems. For example, both the Leclerc Evolution and the EMBT-ADT 140 enhanced version are equipped with the same 30-mm cannon and can fire artillery shells with proximity fuses to strike drones and loitering missiles. The remote-controlled weapon station of the Leopard 2A-RC 3.0 also has a 30-mm cannon.

Prospects for future technology developments

The new technologies of these main battle tanks unveiled at the European Defense Show are not new. Take the unmanned turret, for example, the Russian T-14 "Armata" main battle tank, which was unveiled many years ago, already has. In addition, the U.S. "Abrams" X main battle tank technology verification vehicle and the South Korean K3 main battle tank design scheme that have been launched in recent years have also adopted these new technologies to varying degrees. These show that new technologies have become the direction of development of a new generation of main battle tanks.

Under the impact of the current regional conflict, the technological development of a new generation of main battle tanks in Europe will not stop there. In the future, the European main battle tank will also develop towards high-power engines, laser defense, stealth and integrated electricity, and launch a new generation of main battle tanks with greater power, higher defensive performance, stronger stealth performance, and the use of integrated power systems to cope with the uncertain threats on the future battlefield.

Source: China National Defense News

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