
Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

author:Bao Yilong
Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

The legend of Shuyang Beacon

Chapter XI


However, it was said that the Third Regiment of the Eighth Route Army had achieved brilliant results in the First Battle of Xiwei, and that the military might had been greatly shaken, and the Japanese Army Headquarters in Haizhou heard the news and urgently ordered all units stationed in the Huaihai District to take strict precautions and frequently adjust and increase troops. Tang Shuhong learned that the Japanese motorboat often traveled to and from the Salt River and the Hanyang River, and decided to organize the soldiers to ambush the devil motorboat and punish the enemy.

After reconnaissance, Tang Shuhong figured out the pattern of the Japanese motorboat passing through the Wulihuai ferry in the early morning. This is the intersection of two rivers, and the motorboat has to slow down when passing through the bend, which is suitable for ambushes.

One day in early July 1939, Tang Shuhong personally selected more than 80 elite soldiers of the second battalion and ambushed them on the south bank of the junction of the Salt River and the Hanyang River at night, waiting for the arrival of the devil's motorboat.

But when it was dawn, there was no shadow of the enemy's motorboat, and Tang Shuhong looked east, and there was no boat on the salt river. Is the intelligence inaccurate? Or is it a rumor? Did the enemy change his plans?

On the third pole of the day, Tian Baohu, the commander of the second battalion, couldn't hold his breath, he ran to the river, fell to the ground, put his ear to the water, and expected to hear the sound from the devil's motorboat, but there was no movement at all.

"Commander, is there something wrong?" Camp Chief Tian asked Tang Shuhong.

Tang Shuhong was also puzzled, the intelligence should be very accurate, and the scouts sent to observe for two days in a row, the devil motorboat came from the east early in the morning, which was very regular. Devil motorboats are either transporting soldiers or military supplies.

"Patience wait! Tell the soldiers not to be discouraged, to pay attention to concealment, and not to show their heads without orders! Tang Shuhong said to Tian Baohu.

"Yes!" Camp Commander Tian replied.

After waiting for more than an hour, Tang Shuhong raised her wrist and looked at her watch, the hour hand was already pointing to eight o'clock. In order to prevent passers-by from discovering and being exposed, Tang Shuhong had no choice but to order: "Withdraw!" ”

For two consecutive days, Tang Shuhong marched forty or fifty miles at night, arriving at the designated position before dawn to lay an ambush. But what a hell of it, the enemy motorboat has not appeared in the past two days, as if it is playing hide and seek with the Eighth Route Army.

Tang Shuhong was not discouraged, and set off again on the night of the third day, and he said to Camp Commander Tian as he walked, "How is it?" Do the fighters have complaints? ”

Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

"Captain! It is false to say that there are no complaints. But the fighters said: It's only three things, and this trip will definitely catch a big fish! ”

"Haha! The fighters are really talkative! Tang Shuhong smiled on the horse.

Camp Commander Tian also said with confidence: "I also have a hunch that this run should be the last!" ”

"After winning the battle, I will commend this soldier when I go back, you mention him as the squad leader, and verify that Xiao Zhuge is like a god. Thanks to his mouth, I believe that this time the devil will not be able to escape! Tang Shuhong said proudly.

This time it really didn't run away in vain, Tang Shuhong waited for the devil powerboat in the end.

As soon as the sky was white, the sound of a "sudden" motorboat finally came from the east side of the salt river, and the sound was getting louder and louder.

"The devil is coming!" Everyone couldn't hide their excitement, and one by one they were eager to try, pushing the bullet onto the chamber of the gun and getting ready for battle.

"Look at you, Sun Wukong, can escape from the palm of my Buddha's hand! Escape the first day of junior high school, but you can't avoid fifteen! Tang Shuhong muttered to herself.

It turned out that the Japanese motorboat had been waiting for reinforcements from Lianyungang for the past few days, and then transported them to the Xin'an, Tanggou, and Gaogou strongholds, but it was delayed for several days due to the impact of the typhoon on the sea.

The devil's motorboat got closer and closer, and you could see that there was a wooden boat towing behind the motorboat, and the wooden boat was full of Japanese soldiers.

The motorboat gradually sailed into the ambush circle of the three regiments, and the soldiers could clearly see that there were two small groups of heavily armed devils on board.

"Hit!" Captain Tang raised the shell gun in his hand and shot at the devil on the deck of the motorboat.

In an instant, the muzzles of more than eighty fighters were aimed at the motorboat.

The devils on the motorboat and the wooden boat were suddenly ambushed, and there was a great chaos, some were shot and fell into the river, some fled into the cabin to hide, and some hurriedly lay on the boat to return fire.

In a panic, the motorboat made a sharp turn to speed up its escape and avoid the attack on the shore, but it was self-defeating and overturned the wooden boat towed behind, and more than 20 Japanese soldiers on board all fell into the water.

On the motorboat, the second lieutenant of the devil commanded the soldiers to fight back, and urged the pilot: "Hurry up!" The driver hurriedly cut the cable of the wooden boat, not caring about the soldiers who capsized and fell into the water.

When the soldiers saw that the devil's motorboat was about to escape, they threw grenades one after another, and some fell into the river, splashing more than a foot high; Some of them landed on the motorboat and exploded, killing six or seven devils, and the motorboat was also seriously damaged.

Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Japanese second lieutenant hid in the motorboat and ordered the driver again and again: "Hurry up!" Hurry up! The wounded motorboat finally turned a corner, refueled itself in the sound of the explosion, and fled from the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army in a hurry.

The devil who overturned into the river from the wooden boat, drowned three or four people at that time, and saw the motorboat escape, so he had to use the capsized boat as a cover, and resisted stubbornly, and frantically returned fire to the shore, but he was in an unfavorable position in the water, and was killed and injured many people.

The Third Regiment taught the invincible Japanese invading army a hard lesson, and let the enemy understand the power of the Eighth Route Army. Tang Shuhong saw the red sun in the east, and estimated that the enemy in the nearby stronghold would quickly come to the rescue, they attacked the Japanese motorboat, inflicted a heavy blow on the enemy, and successfully completed the combat mission, so they led the soldiers to withdraw from the battlefield.

In the first battle of Wulihuai, the three regiments did not lose a single soldier or a single soldier, which dealt a heavy blow to the defending enemy in the south of Haizhou and cut off the Japanese coastal military aid channel.


The devil lost his troops in the Salt River, and lost a lot of guns and military supplies, but he did not dare to salvage them, for fear of encountering another ambush by the three regiments. After Jia Xifu, the bandit leader of the local Sun Erzhuang, found out, he took the opportunity to send the bandits down to the river to salvage them.

Before Tang Shuhong could clean up the battlefield, Jia Xifu grabbed the loot first, so he sent someone to negotiate and ask Jia Xifu to hand over the loot to the three regiments to resist Japan.

Jiang Han: Tang Shuhong ambushed the enemy motorboat

Jia Xifu fished out 17 guns and two boxes of bullets from the river, all of which were new guns worn by the newly landed devils. Jia Xifu made a fortune in Gantan, and he was overjoyed, but he ignored Tang Shuhong's negotiations and turned a deaf ear. Tang Shuhong was furious, reported to his superiors, and decided to get rid of Jia Bandit. The soldiers of the three regiments took advantage of the Jia bandits to celebrate their birthday in the old nest, and sent troops to secretly surround Sun Erzhuang. Jia Xifu was holding a banquet to entertain guests from all walks of life to celebrate his birthday, when the Eighth Route Army rushed in, and just about to organize a resistance, he was shot dead by Tang Shuhong, who was quick-eyed.

In this battle, 37 bandits led by Jia Xifu were annihilated, the occupied guns, ammunition and military supplies were recaptured, the stronghold of Sun Erzhuang where the Jia bandits were entrenched was blown up, the anti-Japanese obstacles were cleared, and a big tumor was cut off for the local people.

The Third Regiment of the Eighth Route Army struck a severe blow to the arrogance of the Japanese puppet army, won the praise and support of the people, and the party gradually expanded its base area in the Dongxiang area, gained a firm foothold, and had the courage to dominate the world.

End of Chapter 11