
Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

author:New Express

New Express News pickpocketing dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This exhibition has to be played! On June 30th, "All the Way to Glory - Huangpu Representative Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition" opened at the Guangzhou Maritime Museum.

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

The exhibition selects 19 representative items of Huangpu intangible cultural heritage, covering various categories such as folk customs, folk literature, traditional dance, music, medicine, etc., leading the audience to appreciate the unique charm of "intangible cultural heritage" in Huangpu District, Guangzhou.    

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

The intangible cultural heritage inheritor introduced the production of Polo chicken on the spot.

The first unit of the exhibition, "Letters: Folk Belief", takes the Nanhai Temple as the center, and displays the folk beliefs and cultural activities related to the "Boluo Festival" through physical objects, pictures, videos and other forms. As an important deity of the ancient Maritime Silk Road, the god of the South Sea carries people's wishes for peace, abundant harvest and happiness.

The second unit, "Hui - Ancestral Hall Celebration", presents the humanistic spirit with unique Lingnan characteristics through dragon boat racing and lion dance performances in the strong clan consciousness of Guangfu area through dragon boat racing and lion dance performances. 

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

Children are experiencing dragon boating.

In addition to being good-looking, this exhibition is also very "delicious". The third unit of the exhibition, "Taste - Authentic Taste", focuses on the food of Huangpu District, Guangzhou. The most distinctive folk food of "Boluo Festival", the rohu banquet bred in the land of fish and rice in Nangang, and the indispensable silk cake for wedding customs in Guangfu area...... Visitors can gain insight into the craftsmanship, flavor characteristics and cultural implications of these delicacies. 

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

Intangible cultural heritage comes from life. In the fourth unit of the exhibition, "Art - Folk Arts", Hakka folk songs are folk songs sung by the Hakka people in the Hakka dialect, the Spring Ox Dance is a traditional dance of the Hakka people praying for a good harvest, and the dragon boxing is one of the traditional martial arts types of Guangdong martial arts. Hakka folk arts, such as Hakka folk songs, spring cow dances, and dragon-shaped fists, are created in people's daily life and work, and are full of rich life atmosphere. The reporter noticed that an interactive device for scanning the code and ordering Hakka songs was also set up in the exhibition hall, so that you can enjoy Hakka songs at any time. 

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

The fifth unit of the exhibition, "Craftsmen - Craftsmen Make Strange Crafts", focuses on traditional handicrafts in folk customs, festivals and other activities, how are Polo chickens, dragon boats, dragon heads and dragon tails, begging crafts, Angong Niuhuang pills, Guangxiu embroidery, etc., made, and what kind of cultural values do they carry? In this unit, the audience can feel the ingenuity and inheritance carried by these crafts up close. 

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

Cantonese opera, the "Southern Red Bean", is a representative work of the intangible cultural heritage of humanity that the Cantonese region is proud of. The sixth unit, "Drama – Red Beans in the South", tells the story of Cantonese opera, a popular local opera genre in Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Macao and overseas, from the historical origins, performance forms, classic repertoire, costumes and props, etc., and enters the wonderful world of Cantonese opera with the audience. In the Cantonese opera exhibition area, the audience can also take photos with the interactive installations, dress up as drama characters, and have a "drama addiction". 

Picking dragon boats, watching Cantonese opera, singing mountain songs, rubbing pills...... This intangible cultural heritage exhibition has to be played!

Brilliant all the way - Huangpu's representative intangible cultural heritage exhibition

Exhibition time: June 30 - August 30, 2024

Exhibition location: Exhibition hall on the third floor of Guangzhou Maritime Museum

Written by: New Express reporter Xu Wanjie correspondent Hai Boxuan

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