
Yu Minhong: We don't accept rumors and slander! Oriental Selection solemnly declares

author:China City Daily
Yu Minhong: We don't accept rumors and slander! Oriental Selection solemnly declares

On the evening of June 29, in response to the market rumors of "Oriental Selection Requirements and Charging Pit Fees and Publicity Fees", Oriental Selection issued a solemn statement saying that the company has never asked the government for publicity fees, and also insisted on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses.

Yu Minhong: We don't accept rumors and slander! Oriental Selection solemnly declares

Screenshot from the WeChat public account of "Oriental Selection".

Dongfang Selection Statement shows that the company has always operated legally and honestly. In the past year or so, Dongfang Selection has successively gone through more than 20 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government to carry out local special live broadcast activities, promote local culture and cuisine, and recommend beautiful scenery and excellent products to the majority of netizens.

Dongfang Selection said that the company has never asked the government for publicity fees, and insists on not charging so-called pit fees to any enterprises and businesses. However, there have been many organized rumors and smears on the Internet recently, saying that "Dongfang Selection requires and collects pit fees and publicity fees", which touches the bottom line of Dongfang Selection.

In the statement, Dongfang Selection said that the company will report to the police as soon as possible to resolutely defend the legitimate rights and interests of Dongfang Selection by attempting to slander, slander and concoct rumors to slander Dongfang Selection through malicious slander, slander and rumors.

Yu Minhong also reposted the statement on his personal Douyin account, with the caption "We accept criticism, but do not accept rumors and slander."

Yu Minhong: We don't accept rumors and slander! Oriental Selection solemnly declares

Screenshot from Yu Minhong's Douyin account.

At the close of trading on June 28, Dongfang Selection's share price was HK$12.62 per share. Since 2024, the cumulative decline has reached 54.6%, and the stock price has been cut in half.

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Recently, there has been a lot of controversy over the selection of the East. First, Yu Minhong said in a live broadcast that "Dongfang Selection is doing a mess", which attracted attention, and even caused the stock price to plummet; Subsequently, some anchors publicly expressed their dissatisfaction with the company.

The recent controversy comes from Dongfang Selection's promotion of Guizhou, because the anchor's sentence "mountains and rivers are broken" to describe the landform, coupled with the controversy caused by the ridicule of high temperatures and spiders, Guizhou Cultural Tourism officially deleted all videos related to Dongfang Selection.

On June 22, Dongfang Selection walked into Dong Village, Zhaoxing, Guizhou, and wanted to enjoy the beauty of the mountains and rivers with tourists, but unexpectedly, because of the anchor's sentence "mountains and rivers are broken" to describe the landform, coupled with the ridicule of high temperature and spiders, this cultural tourism promotion has become a "reverse operation" to persuade tourists.

Subsequently, related topics such as "Guizhou Cultural Tourism deleted all videos of Oriental Selection" also rushed to the hot search on multiple platforms.

On June 29, the anchor of Dongfang Selection Ming responded to this, saying that he read some of the same expressions when preparing the materials, and did not think too much about its other meaning, and the more rigorous expression should be "broken surface" or other more appropriate words. At the same time, Ming Ming said that because he was walking and talking, he couldn't see the feedback in the comment area, so he couldn't correct the explanation in time.

■Synthesized from the WeChat public account of "Oriental Selection", Yu Minhong's Douyin account, China Securities Journal, and Securities Times

■Editor: Yue Yue, Zhang Grandma

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