
Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

author:China City Daily
Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

The tide is surging in the east, and the century-old party is young. On July 1, we ushered in the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Over the past 100 years, the Communist Party of China has been able to defeat all powerful enemies, overcome all difficulties and obstacles, and achieve great achievements that have attracted worldwide attention.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized during his inspection in Shandong: "It is necessary to guide party members and cadres to fully understand and implement the party's discipline, and under the premise of abiding by rules and disciplines, work with peace of mind, let go of work, forge ahead, and act positively, so as to create achievements that live up to the people and the times." ”

The Chinese Communists in the new era are taking the initiative to attack in the face of opportunities with a high-spirited and enterprising spirit, without hesitation or wait-and-see; In the face of difficulties, do not shirk or evade; Actively respond to risks in the face of risks, do not flinch or dodge, and march forward on the new journey of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

Since the beginning of this year, the Party Working Committee of Luyang Economic Development Zone, Hefei, Anhui Province, has given full play to the role of party members and model workers of non-public enterprises, and has carried out technical exchanges, technical research, post training and other "passing, helping" activities for the majority of enterprise employees, and guiding the majority of young party members and workers of non-public enterprises to temper their skills based on their posts. The picture shows that on June 27, in Xiayang Motor Vehicle Testing Co., Ltd., Luyang Economic Development Zone, Zhu Lin, a senior technician party member of vehicle inspection, was instructing young party members on how to test the safety performance of vehicles. People's Vision

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

In the past few days, Lotang Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, Sichuan Province, has organized town and village cadres and party members and volunteers to go deep into the fields to help villagers carry out rice field management and harvest vegetables, and effectively solve problems and do practical things for the masses. The picture shows that on June 13, in the bean sewing community of Lotang Town, Renshou County, Meishan City, party members and volunteers were helping vegetable farmers harvest vegetables. People's Pictures

In the face of danger, charge forward and take responsibility bravely

Since mid-June, many places on the mainland have been hit by heavy rains and extremely heavy rains, which have caused floods. In the torrential rain and floods, there is a group of people who stand up and charge forward at the critical moment, and build an unbreakable "red dike" where the people need it -- they are Communist Party members on the front line of flood control and disaster relief.

Since June 19, the water level of major rivers in Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, has risen rapidly due to continuous heavy rainfall and successive flood discharge from reservoirs in the upper reaches of the Li River, and floods have occurred in many places.

"At a critical moment, party members go first!" The officers and men of the Guilin Detachment of the Guangxi Armed Police Corps moved upon hearing the order, and Nong Wenjian, who had been a member of the party for more than three years, took the initiative to ask for help, and rushed to the disaster-stricken area with his comrades-in-arms to carry out rescue.

"I didn't think about danger or not, I just thought that I was a soldier of the people and a party member, and when the masses were in danger and needed us, they would rush to the front." Nong Wenjian, platoon commander of the Guilin detachment of the Guangxi Armed Police Corps, recalled.

The flood water gradually receded, and a large amount of silt and garbage piled up in houses, streets, and schools. Nong Wenjian and his comrades-in-arms moved to the front line of dredging, removing garbage and sludge day and night to help residents return to normal production and life as soon as possible.

Daxin Village, Surabaya Town, Pingyuan County, is located in the rolling mountains of Meizhou City, Guangdong Province. Affected by this round of heavy rainfall, landslides occurred in many places in the village, all roads leading to the village were interrupted, houses collapsed, and the signal was lost.

In times of crisis, there is no room for hesitation. The Pingyuan County Emergency Management Bureau immediately formed a nine-member rescue team, led by Lin Shenzhi, a deputy director with more than 20 years of party experience, to take an aviation rescue helicopter to Daxin Village for rescue. Recalling the moment the helicopter landed, Lin Shenzhi said that because the village road is relatively narrow, the two front wheels of the helicopter can land on the ground, but the two rear wheels cannot land.

After entering the village, Lin Shenzhi seized the time to understand the disaster situation, and at the same time urgently dispatched a rescue helicopter to deliver supplies to the isolated village.

Soon, batches of drinking water and food were delivered to the villagers. The supply of materials has been settled, and Lin Shenzhi has been non-stop, surveying and breaking the road with everyone under the high temperature, and dispatching equipment to speed up the repair of the road. With the entry of large equipment, the road is also opened in sections.

When the danger was in front of the Communists, they had only one choice - to save the masses. It is this fearless choice that unites the powerful force in the fight against floods.

In Huangshan City, Anhui Province, affected by this round of heavy rainfall, river water in many places has swelled and waterlogging is serious. After the flood receded, She County, Huangshan City, gave full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, uniformly dispatched vehicles and personnel, and quickly formed a volunteer team to actively participate in the post-disaster recovery work.

Party member Wang Yishun only rested for a few hours in three days. In Wang Yishun's view, flood conditions are orders, and party members should charge forward without hesitation when the masses need them most.

"After receiving the flood notice, we rushed to the front line as soon as possible to persuade the masses and help the masses to collect supplies." Wang Yishun said.

At the critical moment, we can rush forward, and we can come out of the crisis. A member of the Communist Party practiced the solemn oath of "being ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people" on the front line of flood control and disaster relief.

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

Since June 17, the Guangdong Provincial Emergency Aviation Rescue Center has dispatched a total of 5 aviation rescue helicopters to carry out emergency aviation rescue missions in Pingyuan County and Jiaoling County of Meizhou City. The picture shows the Pingyuan Stadium in Meizhou City, Guangdong Province, where rescuers are loading supplies onto a helicopter. Photo by China News Service reporter Chen Chuhong

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

From June 6th to 8th, Zhang Guimei, principal of Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School, sent the exam for the 14th time. Since the first Huaping Girls' Senior High School students took the college entrance examination in 2011, Zhang Guimei, who was sick, insisted on sending the exam, and more than 2,000 girls successfully walked out of the mountains. The picture shows that on June 8, Zhang Guimei took advantage of the lunch break to watch a small video for the students to let the girls relax. People's Vision

Deeply cultivate the grassroots and serve the people

In 1990, after being discharged from the army, Zhu Congxue returned to his hometown of Damiao Village, Damiao Street, Economic Development Zone, Xuzhou City, Jiangsu Province. At that time, many small enterprises in the village closed down due to lack of funds, poor management, inefficient production capacity and other reasons, and the annual income of the village collective was less than 10,000 yuan, but the external debt was about 3 million yuan.

In the 1995 general election, all party members of the village unanimously elected Zhu Congxue as the secretary of the village party branch. "I am a veteran and a party member, the organization trusts me, and I have the obligation to build my hometown well." Zhu Congxue said.

In the early days of his tenure, Zhu Congxue realized that if he wanted the village to develop, he must have a strong leadership group and a team of party members and cadres. To this end, Zhu Congxue set an example and was strict with himself and the village staff.

"The village cadres and I get up early every day and go around the village to find problems and solve them at any time. Folks wake up and see you at work, and they will trust you. Zhu Congxue has always adhered to this practice.

Since serving as the secretary of the Party Committee of Damiao Village, Zhu Congxue has always put the interests of the villagers first. In order to find good projects for efficient agriculture and promote agricultural transformation, he led the members of the "two committees" to Shandong, Hebei and other places for research, and finally decided to introduce crown pear seedlings for planting.

Initially, the villagers were skeptical about planting crown pears and feared losing money. In order to dispel the concerns of the villagers, Zhu Congxue took the lead in planting 3 acres of crown pears, and mobilized party members and cadres to pool money to buy saplings and plant them for free for the villagers.

His actions eventually won the trust and support of the villagers, and the area of crown pear cultivation has expanded from the initial 300 acres to more than 1,500 acres today. Today's Damiao Village, crown pears have become brand agricultural products and are exported to all over the world. In the first ten years of Zhu Congxue's tenure as secretary of the village branch, Damiao Village finally paid off the village's collective foreign debts.

On the road of rural revitalization, there are countless party members and cadres like Zhu Congxue who have done their best to fight and go into the middle of the masses to lead the masses to revitalize the countryside and achieve common prosperity.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Long Shouju, member of the general party branch and member of the village committee of Wushi Village, Wushi Town, Huangshan District, Huangshan City, Anhui Province, has changed from a poor household to a leader in getting rich, and has grown from a party member to a village cadre. She led the local ethnic minority families and villagers with difficulties to find an effective path for group development and common prosperity, and became the leader of local rural revitalization.

In 2001, Long Shouju, a 23-year-old Dong girl, married from Jinping County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province, to Wushi Village. Long Shouju recalled that when he first came to Wushi Village, the family only relied on 3 acres of mountain fields and 1 acre of tea mountains to survive, and the family was very embarrassed. With the help of the local government, Long Shouju got rid of poverty by operating frozen food and tea processing, and gradually became a leader in entrepreneurship in Wushi Town.

On the way to get rich, Long Shouju's family deeply felt the warmth of the party and the government. "I remember one year the staff came to my house and asked me what I wanted help with. I said that I only want quilts, and the old ones are fine, because my father-in-law is paralyzed, and his urine and urine are all on the bed, and the quilt is not enough to change and wash. As a result, within a few days, the staff sent 5 quilts and 500 yuan at one time. I was so touched and warmed to the bottom of my heart! Long Shouju recalled.

One person is not rich, everyone is rich. In January 2018, under the guidance and help of the Huangshan District Ethnic and Religious Bureau and the care and support of government departments at all levels, Long Shouju led the local ethnic minority sisters to establish the first ethnic minority planting and breeding professional cooperative in Huangshan District.

"I want to help villagers sell agricultural products to increase their income through the guidance of the government and the operation of cooperatives, and drive more rural women who are self-reliant to live a happy life together through their hard-working hands." Long Shouju said.

Rising and acting, bravely shouldering heavy burdens, an outstanding party member and cadre, actively participate in the melting pot of the grassroots, face difficulties, and write a youthful chapter worthy of the party, the times, and the people with excellent skills.

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

In the past few days, due to the continuous heavy rainfall, there have been floods of varying degrees in Le'an County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province, and the flood control situation is grim. The vast number of party members and cadres acted quickly and went deep into the front line of flood prevention in the hanging points, such as mountain ponds, reservoirs, rivers, geological disaster points, and fields, and organized the masses to devote themselves to flood prevention and disaster relief work, so as to effectively protect the safety of the lives and property of the masses in the disaster areas. The picture shows that on June 14, in Hepi Village, Gongxi Town, Le'an County, Fuzhou City, town and village cadres were transferring the affected people. People's Pictures

Draw on the power of role models and strive to be a qualified party member in the new era

Tan Meng (above), a police officer from the Alashankou Station Police Station of the Kuitun Public Security Department of the Urumqi Railway Public Security Bureau, investigates potential safety hazards at the China-Europe train loading warehouse at Alashankou Station. Photo by Guan Tongjie

Based on the post, face the difficulties, and practice the original intention

As more and more China-Europe freight trains travel to and from the Alashankou railway port on the border between China and Kazakhstan, this important gateway of the ancient Silk Road has undertaken the important strategic task of opening up the country and Xinjiang to the west, especially developing trade with Central Asian, West Asian and European countries.

"One wind a year, blowing from spring to winter" is the description of the weather in Alashankou by the local people, so Alashankou is called "old wind". And Tan Meng, a police officer from the Alashankou Station Police Station of the Kuitun Public Security Department of the Urumqi Railway Public Security Bureau, who is stationed in the tuyere, is like a rock, guarding the safety of the China-Europe train.

"The heat in the summer is worse than the cold in the winter." On a windless afternoon, the surface temperature was as high as 40 degrees Celsius, and on the deserted Gobi Desert, Tan Meng was accompanied only by the sand and gravel on the ground and two railroad tracks that were hot. He sometimes walked along the shoulders of the gravel paved with gravel, sometimes on the Gobi Desert strewn with camel thorns, the hard camel thorns pierced through the trouser legs and the ankles were covered with blood, the soles of his feet ached from the stones, his shoes were covered with sand, and his lips were dry and peeled by the heat waves.

"Although the harsh environment has brought many difficulties to the inspection work, no matter how difficult it is, we must persevere. Every time a hidden danger is detected, the train operation is safer. Tan Meng said.

At the ceremony to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a pair of hands covered with plasters touched the heartstrings of countless people.

It is these hands that have lifted the life-changing dreams of about 2,000 mountain girls in the past 13 years. Zhang Guimei, the principal of the country's first public free girls' high school, Yunnan Lijiang Huaping Girls' Senior High School, has only students in mind. She walked nearly 120,000 kilometers during home visits alone, which is equivalent to three laps around the Earth's equator.

"Someone asked me, why do you do this? Among them, there is my gratitude to this land, and more importantly, the original intention and mission of a Communist Party member. Zhang Guimei's speech expressed the aspirations of thousands of contemporary members of the Communist Party of China.

A party member is a banner, and a branch is a fortress. The great practice of the new era has engraved the magnificent posture of countless Communist Party members who have taken on the role and overcome difficulties.

Standing at a new historical starting point, let us learn from the model, pay tribute to the example, lead the noble cause with the power of the example, gather the strong positive energy to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strive to create glorious achievements belonging to the new era.

■Source: China City Daily reporter Xing Can