
The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

author:China Labor and Social Security News
The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting
The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

On June 28, in order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party, the Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on poetry, calligraphy and painting of "Always Follow the Party", and more than 20 retired veteran comrades participated in the event.

In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Conference of Veteran Cadres and Directors, and fully demonstrate the spiritual outlook of the majority of retired veteran comrades who are loyal to the party, love life, and healthy and progressive, the Retired Cadres Bureau of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security recently successfully held a pen meeting on poems, calligraphy and painting with the theme of "Always Follow the Party" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party.

Retired lovers of poetry, calligraphy and painting actively participated, expressing their sincere feelings for the party, the country and the people through on-site poetry, writing, painting and other forms. Nearly 100 poems, calligraphy and paintings were created at the event, and the creators were not only old people who were over eighty years old, but also newly retired comrades who had just passed the age of ear shun. The work affectionately praises the leadership of the party from different angles, depicts a happy picture of a beautiful new era, and expresses a healthy and optimistic attitude towards life.

The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

Comrade Hou Jianliang and Comrade Yang Shiqiu, leaders of the old department, participated in the pen meeting and created high-level calligraphy works to praise the party's leadership and depict a happy life in the new era.

The old comrades who love calligraphy are full of passion, and they have created calligraphy works with strong pen power and extraordinary charm on the spot, and they are full of praise for the party under the pen and ink. The veteran comrades who love painting are skillful and praise the party's glorious history and great achievements. The exquisite paintings are colorful and far-reaching, some show the magnificent beauty of the motherland's mountains and rivers, and some depict the happiness of the people's life. The veteran comrades who love poetry have exquisitely conceived and created poems with sincere emotions and beautiful rhythms, eulogizing the great achievements of the party with heart and affection, and truly expressing their firm belief in always following the party.

The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

The veteran comrades who love calligraphy are full of passion, and they create calligraphy works with strong pen power and extraordinary charm on the spot to express their infinite loyalty and incomparable love for the party.

The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

The old comrades who love painting have created lotus flowers, bamboos, horses, etc., symbolizing the spiritual qualities of purity and nobility, integrity and nobility, positive and enterprising.

(Photo provided by the Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security)

Text丨Wang Zhenhua

Editor丨Qiu Man

The Bureau of Retired Cadres of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security held a pen meeting on the theme of "Always Follow the Party" in poetry, calligraphy and painting

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