
A comprehensive breakthrough! Look at the road of reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Binhu

author:Huanuo Xincheng financial advisor
A comprehensive breakthrough! Look at the road of reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Binhu

The reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises is the key and main axis of the overall situation of the country's economic reform.

In 2023, the national level will make arrangements for a new round of deepening and upgrading of state-owned enterprise reform, and all localities have responded, and they are also constantly exploring their own new measures.

"Deepening", which means that the stones that are easy to touch have been touched, what should I do?

"Promotion", indicating that the battle is still continuing, how to do it?

Recently, we have paid attention to a new round of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprise reform in Wuxi Binhu. With the exploration of the last round of reform, Binhu has determined the principles of "global reform, centralized supervision", "optimized layout, linkage and coordination", and started the strategic reorganization and professional integration of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in the whole region.

Binhu C&D Group, Asset Group, and Industrial Group, three newly formed state-owned enterprise teams, stood together, paving the background color of Binhu's "new state-owned enterprise corps":

A touch of new green of the quality of the lake, a touch of the bright red of the happiness of human settlements, and a touch of the dark blue of scientific and technological innovation.

And this also happens to be the three primary colors of light. The reform journey of Binhu's new state-owned enterprises is like a beam of light shining into the distance from the shore of Taihu Lake.

In the past six months of reform, Binhu Fosun Humanoid Robot Industrial Park has risen from the ground, the first phase of Wuxi Taihu Botanical Garden project has been successfully opened, and the construction of Binhu's first high-quality residential area "Fengming Jiangnan" project is in full swing...... The piles and piles are all microscopic manifestations of the positive effect of state-owned assets, interpreting the role of state-owned enterprises as "stabilizers", "ballast stones" and "pillars".

Deep-water boating

Strive to be the first to make a new voyage


Accumulating momentum, accumulating momentum, and seeking momentum.

In fact, this systematic project, which involves a wider scope, deeper levels and greater intensity, has already been laid out.

At the end of 2020, Binhu started the implementation of the reform of district-level state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, completed the restructuring and integration of district-level state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, the establishment and operation of district-level state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, and effectively realized the group management, market-oriented transformation and corporatized operation of district-level state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises.

However, Binhu District SDIC still has problems such as excessive business management, weak competitiveness of core business, and insufficient flexibility to adapt to market changes. At the same time, state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in towns, development zones, and neighborhoods also have problems such as scattered state-owned capital layout, single business operation, and incomplete separation of government and enterprises.

At the end of 2023, a new round of reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Binhu District will be officially launched.

In terms of framework, the deepening reform of state-owned enterprises at the district level from "1" to "1+3+N" and the optimized layout of "3+3" of state-owned enterprises in the sector have been determined.

In terms of implementation, it is proposed to "take the lead at the district level and follow up with the sector", and promote the reform in depth at different levels and stages.

The core of this set of tactics is to reform Binhu Guotou into three groups: C&D, assets and industry. Behind it lies the strategy of Binhu District to "concentrate on being specialized and stronger".

Before the reform, Binhu SDIC's main business included urban renewal, urban operation, engineering construction, financial venture capital, industrial operation, culture, business and tourism...... Wide coverage and complex business segments.

Therefore, the tasks of the three major groups after this round of reform are very clear -

C&D Group: Clearly define the goal of building an "excellent urban comprehensive construction developer", give full play to its advantages, integrate resources, lay out the four main business sectors of urban renewal, urban development, urban construction and urban operation, plan and implement the planning requirements of "five bays and five cities" with a high starting point city, empower the industrial space of the dynamic science and technology innovation belt with high-quality construction results, enhance the appearance and temperament of the beautiful Taihu Bay with high-efficiency urban operation, and gradually form a city renewal as the core to synergistically drive urban development, urban construction, The full life cycle development model of urban operation provides new space for the subsequent development of the group.

Asset Group: Focus on asset operation, culture, business and tourism, urban services, engineering management and other industries, and do "big operation" with "big assets". It has established the core positioning of "first-class state-owned asset operator", deeply excavated the value of existing assets, the potential of new assets and the competitiveness of intangible assets, innovated the operation model, integrated regional resources, developed according to local conditions, gave full play to the advantages of the lakeside, matched high-quality resources for good mountains and rivers, and continued to optimize the platform and expand assets with culture-driven and service innovation, so as to create more market-recognized brand products.

Industrial group: the main scientific and technological innovation attributes and industrial attributes. After the reform, it has clarified the development direction of accelerating the integration and upgrading of "technology + finance + industry", promoting industrial development, empowering financial venture capital, and building a full-chain synergy, and is committed to building a "leading industrial investment and development service provider" in the Yangtze River Delta. Focusing on intelligent manufacturing, integrated circuits, life and health, new generation information technology and other fields, the industrial group is building an industrial investment system covering the whole life cycle of angel, incubation, acceleration, mergers and acquisitions, and listing.

It is not easy to break the original structure and interest pattern. According to the relevant person in charge of the Binhu District Finance Bureau, whether it is the vertical traction of the industrial chain or the merger of similar items belonging to different departments, it aims to fully release the dividends of reform and reorganization, create a number of professional operation enterprises with clear positioning, focus on the main business and gather resources, and improve the competitiveness of enterprises.

Science and technology deep blue

Activate the industrial upgrade password


In the core area of Kowloon Bay Intelligent Manufacturing City in Binhu District, a "smart +" Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing industrial park is rising from the ground.

With a total investment of 1.26 billion yuan, the Binhu Fosun Humanoid Robot Industrial Park is jointly built by Binhu Industrial Group and Fosun Group, focusing on humanoid robots, integrated circuits and other industries, with an annual output value of more than 1 billion yuan after reaching production.

Science and technology innovation is Binhu's endowment, and improving the ecology of science and technology innovation is the key direction of Binhu's new round of state-owned enterprise reform.

This year's "2024 China Future Unicorn TOP100 List" was released, and the content of Binhu's integrated circuit unicorns on the list is eye-catching - Binhu accounts for 3 of the 10 companies on the list, and 2 of them are enterprises invested by Binhu Industrial Group.

As a district-level state-owned enterprise with the most distinctive scientific and technological innovation attributes, a series of actions of Binhu Industrial Group are indeed very representative.

In 2023, the industrial group will add 6 market-oriented cooperation funds, including Binhu Digital Fund, New Energy Science and Technology Innovation Fund, and Xichuang Yunxin Fund, with a total scale of 2.45 billion yuan. Binhu Industrial Group will mark the functional positioning of "financial venture capital + project attraction" more clearly and straightforwardly, and attract enterprises such as "chain master", single champions, invisible champions and "little giants" to settle down through professional investment and financing services, so as to realize the precise docking of industry and policy, enterprise and policy.

With the agglomeration of state-owned assets in key areas and important industries, in the first half of 2024, the industrial group has attracted 6 landing enterprises, such as Hetang Exploration, Huiran Technology, Jushu Chuangxing, etc., and the fields involved are deeply matched with Binhu's "543+X" industrial system.

Where did the project come and go? The industrial group laid out the carrier construction early, and jumped out of a parallel path of "characteristic park" and "industrial upstairs".

At present, the "Tin Core Valley" artificial intelligence equipment industrial park project is under full construction, which is the first "industrial upstairs" park with a plot ratio of 3.0 in Binhu District, which will provide more space for the development and agglomeration of high-end intelligent manufacturing industry after completion. SDIC Zhiyuan has been completed and delivered, and Huiran Technology, Huilian Automation and other enterprises have settled in.

In order to accelerate the realization of mutual sharing of resources and complementary advantages with the Yangtze River Delta region, the industrial group has also built a "meeting room" in Shanghai based on the science and technology innovation enclave of Binfa Building.

Since its opening one and a half years ago, Binfa Building has continued to learn from Shanghai's experience and undertake Shanghai's advantageous resources, and has successively held a series of large-scale activities such as the Binhu District Robot Industry Seminar Summit, the "REB2023" Robot Exhibition, and the 2024 Science and Technology Innovation Good Company Open Day Roadshow of "Innovation Leading the Intelligent Future". It has attracted a large number of high-quality enterprises in high-tech fields such as Maide Intelligent Technology, Shanghai Suoyang New Energy Technology, and Shanghai Hongkexin Sensing Technology, providing a strong boost for the strong, supplementing and extending the chain of the Binhu industry, and promoting the co-construction and development of the industrial ecology.

The industry is enriched, and the talents are also gathered. The industrial group has built a number of high-quality talent apartments, and has retained the hearts of more and more young talents with a professional and perfect service system. It is reported that in October this year, Wujia Sky Tree Talent Apartment will be officially put into operation, with more than 300 new talent apartments of various types, and the number of talent apartments put into operation will reach 500.

Science and technology sail, Binhu state-owned enterprises are riding the east wind of reform and are accumulating strength to sail to the blue sea and deep blue.

Go green

Polishing the background color of the quality lake


Binhu has always been a beautiful lake bay with both "appearance" and "temperament" in everyone's hearts. In the name of the future, moving towards "green", Binhu C&D Group accelerates renewal and surging forward.

C&D's intentions are seen in the "subtleties". When you come to Binhu, you will find that even if you are not in a scenic spot, just walking in the streets and alleys, the fragrance of flowers and greenery on your face is also very healing.

Located on the north shore of Lihu Lake in Binhu District, the Lihu Flower Sea, after C&D Group took over the management work, carefully designed the scenery of the four seasons flower sea. Rape flowers in mid-March, verbena in mid-May, and zinnia in October, now, this sea of flowers has become a treasure check-in place for lakeside people to enjoy flowers and walk babies.

Speaking of slipping babies, Dading Child-Friendly Park is also a child-friendly space created by C&D, and has also been awarded the "first batch of the most beautiful child-friendly parks in Wuxi". It is a collection of a variety of children's play facilities, natural and interesting learning experience spaces, and warm and friendly convenient service facilities, showing the temperature of the lake bay everywhere.

Education, Environment, Housing, Business...... How to make the building better serve the various functions of the city is a topic that C&D people think about and put into action all the time.

Taking the first phase of the reconstruction and expansion project of the original site of Yuhong Primary School Public Welfare Campus, a friend of C&D Group told me that this is the first school project in Wuxi to adopt the YLB prefabricated rigid column-steel beam frame composite structure, YLB lightweight laminated panels, ALC interior wall panels and other new technology construction.

The use of this structure has two advantages, one is that the construction site can be silent and dust-controlled, the main components are all prefabricated in the factory to complete the production, and can be transported to the construction site for assembly and installation, similar to building blocks; Second, this kind of structure is durable, and the construction link can reduce the use of on-site labor and turnover materials, reduce environmental pollution, energy conservation and environmental protection.

It is precisely because they are diligent in thinking and quick to act that their response to the changes of the times is also vigorous and resolute.

When the real estate market in first-tier and some key cities showed signs of recovery and active performance, C&D Group actively carried out high-quality residential exploration, and jointly created the first high-quality residential project in Binhu District with Greentown - "Fengming Jiangnan".

The project plans to construct 8 high-quality residential buildings with 18-22 floors, continuing the pursuit and innovative concept of Greentown's top-level product series "Fengqi series", so that the experience of residential courtyards, sunken courtyards, central stations, landscape gardens and other full-life scenes will be brought to life.

In addition, focusing on the characteristics of the "large construction industry", C&D Group has also established the Canal Bay Development Company to undertake the functions of the urban renewal business sector; Establish an urban renewal company to improve the physical operation of the urban development business sector; Start the layout and construction of Binhu Culture and Art Center and Heli Square Commercial Complex.

Bursting with vitality and growing poetry, the beautiful appearance of the future of Binhu is exciting.


Binhu Asset Group is responsible for the operation of the main commercial and cultural tourism assets in the region, aiming at the goal of "carefully depicting the future living picture of Huwan", and one by one "beautiful visions" continue to be completed into "happy real scenes".

The first phase of Wuxi Taihu Botanical Garden is a boutique cultural tourism project jointly created by C&D and Asset Management Group - C&D Group is responsible for improving the landscape of the Botanical Garden, and Asset Group has made this unique landscape garden-style botanical garden with Jiangnan characteristics a "golden business card of Binhu cultural tourism" through innovative operation.

After the opening of the Botanical Garden, Asset Group planned and held the first Wuxi Taihu Lake Cherry Blossom Life Festival, which attracted many tourists to check in and play. Voluntary tree-planting activities, hydrangea exhibitions, youth research and outings and other themed festivals have been carried out one after another, and their popularity has been rising.

Through the operation of the asset group, the happy life of Binhu people is presenting a more tangible image.

Today, the first phase of the Changguangxi National Wetland Park has been completed, the design plan of the Beautiful and Happy River and Lake Theme Park and the Botanical Garden for the Blind has been finalized, and the architectural plan of the Taihu Natural Resources Museum has also been docked with the team of Cheng Taining, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and the preliminary design has begun.

How can historic buildings still be alive today? Asset groups have a lot of golden ideas.

Taking Rongxiang Historic District as an example, on the basis of protection and restoration, Asset Group and "CITIC Bookstore" renovated the Dagong Library, a cultural relics protection unit in Jiangsu Province, and built it into a public cultural space integrating history, culture, art and modern services.

This exquisite large study room of the Republic of China not only sells books, but also provides free reading, Chinese tea, and regularly holds or undertakes cultural activities, research visits, etc. The revitalization and utilization of cultural relics is a dynamic process that develops with the times. As a cultural landmark in Binhu and even Wuxi, the public welfare spirit and reading function carried by the Dagong Library have also been reactivated with the protection and renewal actions of the asset group.

As state-owned enterprises, they always uphold a sense of responsibility, and seek new and technological innovation in ordinary projects, so as to make the lives of the people in Huwan more convenient, efficient and happy.

Asset Group actively promotes the implementation and improvement of people's livelihood services, and builds a number of key agency construction projects such as the Mashan Nine-Year Consistent School and the second phase of the Hudai Water Reclamation Plant, so as to improve the property services of old communities and talent apartments;

We will continue to promote the intelligent operation and green development of the city, build a smart parking platform, optimize smart parking management, and complete the intelligent transformation of 352 parking spaces on 11 public roads, including Jinfu Road and Yonggu Road;

In the face of the emerging wave of digital technology and data assets, Asset Group bravely tested the waters and established Huwan Digital Technology Co., Ltd. to seize the new track of data assets.

From this project, it is not difficult for us to find that balancing economic benefits and social responsibility has always been a constant issue of reform, and Binhu state-owned enterprises have the courage to take the lead, but also have the responsibility of hard work.

The reform of state-owned enterprises is a beam of light, reflecting the unremitting pursuit and fearless exploration of local governments on the road of high-quality development. It is also a song, singing the ambition of looking to the future and climbing the peak on the shore of Taihu Lake.

Original title: "Comprehensive Breakthrough! Looking at the road of reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Binhu》

Source: Wuxi Binhu release

A comprehensive breakthrough! Look at the road of reform of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in Binhu