
Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

author:Singapore Eye

Sentosa Siloso and Palawan Beach Fuel Cleanup Project is in the final second phase and is expected to be completed within 3 months!

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Grace Fu@FB

It has been half a month since Sentosa's three famous beaches (Sasiloso, Palawan Beach and Tanjong Beach) were affected by the fuel spill. With the assistance of the authorities and volunteers, the situation at Sentosa Beach has improved.

Clean-up at Sasiloso and Palawan beaches

According to a Facebook post by Minister of Sustainable Development and Environment, Fu Haiyan, Sasilso and Palawan Beach have begun the next phase of cleanup, with a focus on removing oil stains from the stone embankment.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Grace Fu@FB

Fu Haiyan stressed that the next stage of the stone embankment cleaning will be more complicated because the stone embankment is not as smooth as the coastline, and the low and high tide times vary from beach to beach. Cleaners need to use a low-pressure flushing method to clean the oil stains on the surface of the embankment, and then use a high-pressure jet method to remove stubborn stains.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Grace Fu@FB

Clean-up at Tanjung Beach

Tanjung Beach, the most affected of Sentosa's three popular beaches, is still undergoing work to remove oily sediments and oil-soaked sand.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Alvin Tan@FB

Fu Haiyan personally visited the site a week ago and spoke with merchants near the beach. During the conversation, the merchant said that although the foot traffic has decreased, business has improved compared to the time of the incident. They were positive and understanding of the progress of the clean-up.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Grace Fu@FB

Follow-up clean-up of Sentosa Beach

According to a Facebook post by Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth, Tan Seng Fai, Sentosa will enter the final stage of clean-up after completing the stone embankment clean-up, combing the beach and removing tar balls from the sand.

In order to avoid removing too much uncontaminated sand, rakes and sieves will be mainly used at this stage.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Alvin Tan@FB

Fu Haiyan said that the authorities are doing their best to complete the clean-up work as soon as possible while ensuring safety.

On Facebook, Tan expressed his gratitude to the partners, cleaning staff and ITOPF team, and invited more people to participate in the cleanup to speed up the cleanup process so that the beach can reopen sooner.

Sentosa Phase 2 clean-up will be completed within 3 months

Source: Alvin Tan@FB


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