
Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

author:Talk about mmhktf
Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

167=To be admitted? Cantonese laughed!

Today is the second day of the Guangzhou high school entrance examination.

Yesterday, I said that before the exam every year, there are three magic weapons for a lottery: victory, winning the championship in one fell swoop, and passing the cane, which is very marketable, as if parents don't play a handful, that is, the bird's nest overturned - it can't be determined.

According to the article of the Southern School Detective, Zhixin Chen, breakfast is a bowl of noodles, which means that everything is covered;

Before the exam, I also received a red envelope of 167 yuan from my parents, which was homophonic "to be admitted".

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Don't say it, if this is in the field, the homophonic stalk of "167" is still very popular, for example, this little girl who has just finished the exam, the bouquet in her hand is 167 yuan:

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!
Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

It's just that when we arrived in Guangzhou, this 167 is not a good intention, and the homonym is "to be painted":

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

In the comment area, some parents said that "a piece of paint" is really not appropriate, and a piece of cane is suitable:

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

But some readers said that although parents don't know the dialect homonym of 167, they are good for their children, and this is enough.

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Can you believe it? Even Huafu Oban has several people who have given up!

Today, a parent of a junior high school secretly told me:

"God has made up for it!"

Who is God? Naturally, it is the famous Guangdong Olympic School - Huafu Olympic Class.

Moreover, it is not Chuban, but the true God.

How many people have been re-registered? I asked. The other party said that he had made up about 10. The quota to be filled should be the quota vacated after someone abstains the vote.

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Q: I don't know how many Chubans have made up for it.

However, it is said that the parents who went to the Qiuban meeting yesterday saw that there were not many checkmarks on the registration paper, and this is not counting those who gave up after the meeting, and some even went to get it back after handing in the materials.

It's not that the charm of the high school attached to China Normal School is not enough; But looking at the parents' reactions, too far away and too remote is the main reason for giving up:

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

There may be parents who want to ask, it is understandable that Qiu Banyuan abstained from voting, but the Huafu Headquarters, which is located in the core of Tianhe, can't find a reason to abstain from voting?

This can only be said, Zi Fei Fish, the joy of Anzhi fish?

Every year, there are various reasons to abandon God and go to other schools:

For example, Xiao Dashen, who has been hotly discussed recently, is the only junior high school student in Guangdong Province who has been admitted to the A file of the University of Science and Technology of China.

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!
Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

The top 100 true gods, there are schools that have 10 people!

Every year, after the Huafu Olympiad class is settled, there is a list of students who will count the source schools to see which schools the cow babies come from!

This year, the school made an exception and did not announce the list, and it is not known whether it will be announced on the registration day of July 6.

But there is no impermeable wall in the world, and there are always traces of which schools the gods came from.

It is said that Tianhe's performance this year is quite eye-catching, and the proportion of Niuwa's district may exceed that of any year in previous years.

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Tianhe Huajing Primary School

Several famous schools in Tianhe naturally made a lot of money:

It is reported that the top school of this year's Huafu Olympiad Class (top 100) students should be Huajing Primary School, with as many as 10 people (including 1 senior transfer) on the list, and one school has won 1/10 of the share!

And Longkou West Primary School is not to be outdone, with as many as 9 people on the list, temporarily ranking second.

The number of people in Huayang, Tiyu East and Tianfu Road is temporarily unknown, and 3 people from the Primary School attached to China Normal School were selected!

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

In other districts, for the time being, I only know that there are a few people selected from the Affiliated Primary School of CUHK, and the specific number is not known.

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Of course, some people will definitely say that it depends on parents to get into the Oban and has little to do with the school.

Having said that, Niuwa is still concentrated in old degree housing areas such as Tianhebei and Huajing, and is also inseparable from the Kochi gathering areas such as Tianhe Shipai Sixth School headed by Huagong Huashi, a good learning atmosphere, many high-quality institutions and student circles!

Can you believe it? Huafu Oban has abstained from ticketing! The top 100 true gods, one school has 10 people!

Group members who will be promoted to junior high school or high school entrance examination in 2025 can pay attention to the official account to enter.