
Promising children, their dads often have one thing in common, do you have one in your family?

author:Pistachio mom nursery

As a dad, how much have you been involved in the growth of your children?

A buddy, now working in the world's top 500, earns a lot, and his wife is at home full-time with the baby.

Once a high school classmate had a dinner party and called him to go with him, he asked for the date and then refused.

The classmate asked, "Why, is there something wrong?" ”

The buddy replied: "Well, my daughter has a performance the next day, and I promised her to practice with her before the performance." ”

The classmate asked suspiciously: "Isn't your wife full-time, can't you let your wife accompany you, it's rare to have a class reunion, and if you don't come, you'll be disappointed!" ”

Dude: "My wife takes the baby to do housework during the day, and it is also very hard, and I don't want my daughter to spoil her fun!" ”

The classmate smiled: "Haha, you make so much money blindly, your wife and children are afraid!" ”

The buddy didn't say anything, and hung up the phone after a few pleasantries.

Promising children, their dads often have one thing in common, do you have one in your family?

Later, all the people who went to this party were boys.

What about girls?

I'm in my thirties, it's not that I don't want to go, but I don't have time to go, I have to take care of my children, and I have to take care of my children's homework.

I have to say, my buddy is really a good father.

He is very sober: although class reunions are rare, any social interaction will not be more important than spending time with his family.

He is one of the few "perfect dads" I know in my life.

When I go home every day, I accompany the baby, or clean up, and take the initiative to let my wife go out for a walk on weekends, or take my wife and children out for a walk.

Here's what he said: "My wife has sacrificed her career in order to give her children a better environment to grow up, how can I make her sacrifice love and marriage?" ”

His daughter is only in elementary school, but she is already much better than children of the same age, and this excellence is not only the grades, but also the self-confidence in her bones.

Looking at the two colleagues around me, the mother is full-time, but the children are very different.

Promising children, their dads often have one thing in common, do you have one in your family?

Ditto A Family:

Mom is mainly responsible for taking care of the baby, and Dad brings it when he thinks about it, and doesn't bring it if he can't think of it.

However, once the child is unsatisfactory in the exam, then he begins to "deceive parenting", begins to be extra strict with the child, and blames the wife for not teaching well, which leads to the child's poor grades.

Moreover, the couple often quarrels because of their children's education and trivial matters in life.

Their children actually have good grades, about 5-10 students in the class, but the parents are demanding, coupled with the disagreement on education, and the husband and wife often have conflicts, so the children are a little timid, and they are a little childish when they do things and talk.

Dōji B Family:

The same mother is mainly responsible for taking care of the baby, but the father should never shake his hands in charge.

On weekends, dad takes his children to various places for outdoor sports, play, and travel.

When the child complains about the strictness of the mother, the father will also guide the child's psychology, and will discuss with his wife how to adjust the education, and take the child to make a reasonable study plan together.

In their family, there is no dispute, some are high-quality companions, and there are good discussions between family members.

And their children, whether in school, sports, entertainment, performance is very good, and most importantly, the child is willing to take the initiative to learn, the personality is very lively and cheerful, and the emotional intelligence is also very high.

Promising children, their dads often have one thing in common, do you have one in your family?

The deeper I think about it, the more I find that if a child has potential, fathers will have one thing in common, that is: a sense of responsibility for the family.

And this sense of responsibility is comprehensive.

1. For the wife, the husband provides emotional value, which makes the atmosphere of the whole family very harmonious;

2. For children, the father will give high-quality companionship, and the relationship with the child is very close, so that the child is more brave and confident.

3. For education, there will be discussions between father and mother, and the ultimate goal is one, that is, to give children the most suitable education.

Growing up in an atmosphere of love, growing up in a good environment, and becoming an adult in the right education, can children not be promising?

I think that the role of a father is not only to make money and provide good material conditions for the family, but also to have a comprehensive sense of responsibility in order to make a family thrive!

So, be an emotionally stable and responsible dad!

PS: The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted!