
【Patient Question】Epilepsy treatment is expensive, can I work?

author:Professor Jianmei, a Chinese medicine physician

We should all know that epilepsy patients need long-term treatment, long-term medication and treatment costs, so that many families have a certain financial burden, but in fact, the patient's disease control is stable, the treatment effect is also very good, and they can go out to find a job.

If the disease is not controlled, the situation will be more serious, and not only will they not be able to work, but it will also have an impact on their families, and many patients will feel useless, and they will have emotional problems such as low self-esteem and depression. It can also be seen that epilepsy patients must receive treatment as soon as possible, which can also reduce the burden on the family.

【Patient Question】Epilepsy treatment is expensive, can I work?

Pay attention to the choice of work!

Even if an epilepsy patient is recovering well, they should not choose a high-risk industry when choosing a job, which is not suitable, such as a job that requires driving, a job that requires staying up late, or a heavy physical job.

Because the onset of this disease is irregular, patients will have sudden symptoms of the disease, unexpected accidents, and the consequences can be very serious. This is likely to cause harm to the patient's life, so it is important for the patient to stay away from such work.

【Patient Question】Epilepsy treatment is expensive, can I work?

Be honest about your situation!

In addition, even if the patient is working, he cannot hide his illness from his or her superiors or colleagues, and if the people around him do not know his illness and see the seizure, it will not only affect the work, but also lead to panic. The important thing is that the people around you don't know how to give first aid, and if the treatment method is wrong, it will also cause unnecessary injury, so it is important to let the people around you be mentally prepared.

【Patient Question】Epilepsy treatment is expensive, can I work?

Plenty of rest is guaranteed!

At the same time, patients need to pay attention to rest time at work, which can give the brain enough time to recover, avoid long-term fatigue, cause the body to be in a state of tension, and take medication on time. Although the patient needs to get the job done, the patient's condition still needs to be reviewed regularly, and if the patient's condition has a severe attack due to work, the patient needs to stop working, recover first, and then work.

【Patient Question】Epilepsy treatment is expensive, can I work?

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