
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

author:Zhaoping Online
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

On July 1, Deng Zhongyao, the magistrate of Zhaoping County, went to Huangyao Town and the County Education Bureau to carry out the "July 1st" condolence activities, and gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline in Huangyao Town.

Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

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Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

On July 1, Deng Zhongyao, the magistrate of Zhaoping County, went to Huangyao Town and the County Education Bureau to carry out the "July 1st" condolence activities, and gave a lecture on party discipline and education discipline in Huangyao Town. On the same day, Deng Zhongyao and his entourage first came to the home of Liu Yuying, an old party member in Yangshuo Village, Huangyao Town, and had a cordial conversation with her, sent holiday blessings and greetings, thanked her for her contributions to the party's cause and rural development, and hoped that she would take care of her health, give full play to her residual heat, and make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the village-level collective economy and rural construction. At the home of Meng Yueying, a party member in difficulty, Deng Zhongyao carefully inquired about her family situation and physical condition, sent her condolences and condolences money, and encouraged her to maintain a good attitude, face life bravely and optimistically, and make her life better and better with the care and support of the county party committee and the county government. In the county education bureau, Deng Zhongyao cordially communicated with old party members Deng Jinqun and Yao Fengqin, learned more about their physical condition, family situation and children's employment, and awarded them the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party", thanking them for their positive contributions to the development of Zhaoping education in the past 50 years. In Huangyao Town, Deng Zhongyao gave a lecture on party discipline learning and education discipline to members of the leadership team of Huangyao Town, party members of government organs and secretaries of village (community) party branches with the title of "Strengthening Political Guidance, Strictly Abiding by Six Disciplines, and Consciously Striving to Be an Example of Self-Revolution and a Benchmark for Compliance with Rules and Disciplines". Reporter: Zhou Liucheng, Ye Chenmiao

Editors: Li Shuzhen, Qiu Yuying

Review: Chen Long

Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Recommendation: Zhaoping County held a special training course on "Tutoring and Growing Together".

News lead: 0774-6691559

Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

Submission email: [email protected]

Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

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Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities
Deng Zhongyao carried out the "July 1st" condolence activities

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