
The only one of the three Su Temple! The lychee full of Dongpo nostalgia is about to ripen and invites you to taste the taste of home

author:Cover News

Cover news reporters: Li Qing and Wang Yuexin

"The lychee moved north, and the eastern slope moved south. Mr. Dongpo is destined to have a lifelong relationship with Lychee. From Xishu to Lingnan, lychee is his nostalgia, but also his hometown. On July 1, the West China Metropolis Daily and the cover news reporter learned from the Meishan Sansu Temple Museum that the only "Dongpo Danli" in the museum is about to harvest this year.

"This lychee tree is Mr. Dongpo's thousand-year-old nostalgia. This year has been particularly good, and we plan to start the harvest on July 4th, inviting visitors to taste it for free and share the taste of 'home'. The staff of the Sansu Temple Museum introduced.

The only one of the three Su Temple! The lychee full of Dongpo nostalgia is about to ripen and invites you to taste the taste of home

The picture shows the Su house Danli in the Sansu Temple.

The well-known Dongpo Danli is full of Chinese nostalgia

According to the research of Dongpo's poems, in 1068 AD, Su Dongpo was preparing to leave his hometown after three years of filial piety for his father in Meishan's hometown, and Cai Zihua and several other villagers planted a lychee in the yard for him, hoping that when the lychee blossomed and fruited, he could return to his hometown with honor.

22 years later, 53-year-old Su Dongpo worked in Hangzhou, thousands of miles away from his hometown, remembering the agreement of the year and still remembering it, he wrote "Send Cai Zihua": "When the old man sent me to the east, he planted lychees and waited for me to return. Lizi has turned white, and it is still a guest who has not returned to the south of the Yangtze River. ”

But regrettably, after planting the tree, Mr. Dongpo never returned home. And the lychee also died in the 90s of the last century, and more than 900 years of watching have not been able to bring back Mr. Dongpo's return. Chen Zhongwen, director of the Sansu Temple Museum, said that in order to continue this wait, the staff of the Sansu Temple dug up the dead roots, polished and lacquered them on display nearby, and replanted a plant at the original site.

The only one of the three Su Temple! The lychee full of Dongpo nostalgia is about to ripen and invites you to taste the taste of home

The picture shows the Su house Danli in the Sansu Temple.

The famous writer Jiang Lan and the famous lyricist He Kaisi are full of praise for Dongpo Danli. "The ancients usually used a specific thing when expressing their nostalgia, but Su Dongpo used a lychee tree planted at home." Jiang Lan said, "This poem "Sending Cai Zihua" is a very straightforward poem written by Su Dongpo, but the feelings are smooth. In a very direct way, he expressed his inseparable feelings for his hometown and relatives. ”

"Nostalgia is a holy feeling, which represents the spiritual home of the Chinese and the feelings of the Chinese for their homeland. Many of China's great literary works express nostalgia, and Su Dongpo also wrote a large number of poems and songs about nostalgia. He Kaisi said that Su Dongpo has traveled all over China, and his poems and songs about nostalgia are the most basic and typical representatives of Chinese nostalgia culture.

The only one of the three Su Temple! The lychee full of Dongpo nostalgia is about to ripen and invites you to taste the taste of home

Tourists visit the Dongpo Danli of the Sansu Temple. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Where is there a home, where is not at ease, lychee makes life have a "local flavor"

According to statistics, Su Dongpo wrote 20 poems about lychees in Huangzhou, Huizhou, and Danzhou in his life, of which he wrote the most in Huizhou. "Huizhou in the Song Dynasty was still a barbarian state and a land of miasma. When Su Dongpo was demoted to Huizhou, he was nearly sixty years old, and there was no hope of returning to the north. But each lychee gives his life a taste, there is a life and a home, and there is no peace of mind when there is a home. Chen Zhongwen said, "In Mr. Dongpo's mind, lychee is no longer just a fruit. From Xishu to Lingnan, lychee is his nostalgia, but also his hometown. His free and easy has had a profound impact on lychee that spans thousands of years. It also makes the lychee tree of the Sansu Temple seem of great significance. ”

As early as 7 years ago, when Dongpo Danli first hung fruit on a large scale, there were descendants of the Su family and Su enthusiasts from Guangdong, Zhejiang, Hubei and other places, hoping to subscribe to this batch of Dongpo Danli. Some people even bid 1,000 yuan for a piece, and the Sansu Temple Museum also held a special meeting to discuss. "We feel that these lychees are the most ancient, the most poetic, and the most profound, and no matter how high the price is, it cannot reflect its value." The museum decided that from the perspective of protecting and inheriting traditional culture, more people should share this joy and let more people taste the taste of nostalgia.

Since 2017, the Sansu Temple has held three activities to taste Dongpo Danli. The staff of the Sansu Temple Museum told reporters that this year's Dongpo Danli is planned to be picked on the morning of July 4. At that time, Li Xinsheng, associate professor of the Department of History, School of Humanities, Southeast University, will also be invited to give a lecture on "'The Story of Lychee in Dongpo' - Talking about the Ancient and Modern Lychees". Guests from Huizhou Museum and Huizhou Tourism Association will also bring Huizhou's lychees to Meishan to share with you. You can sign up for a free tasting through a tweet posted by the Sansu Temple Museum.

Photo courtesy of Wu Jing

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