
The Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing held a party day activity with the theme of party building work experience exchange and party discipline learning and education to welcome the "July 1st".

author:China Logistics & Procurement Magazine

On June 28, the Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing (hereinafter referred to as the China Federation of Things) held a system-wide party building work experience exchange and a party day activity to welcome the "July 1st" party discipline learning and education theme in Beijing. He Liming, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, attended the conference and gave a special party class on the topic of "in-depth comprehension of the Party Central Committee's spirit of carrying out party discipline learning and education and solidly promoting the party discipline learning and education of the China Federation of Things system". Yu Ping, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Cai Jin and others attended the conference. The conference was presided over by Yu Ping.

The Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing held a party day activity with the theme of party building work experience exchange and party discipline learning and education to welcome the "July 1st".

The "first topic" of the meeting focused on studying the notice of the Party Committee of the national industry associations and chambers of commerce on conscientiously studying and comprehending General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the construction of party discipline and solidly carrying out the study and education of party discipline, and at the same time conveyed and studied the notice of the Central Ministry of Social Work on printing and distributing the "Action Plan for Improving the Quality of Party Building Work of National Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce (2024-2026)" and the "Notice on Carrying out the "Looking Back" of the Investigation and Correction of Outstanding Problems Related to National Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce" and other documents.

The Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing held a party day activity with the theme of party building work experience exchange and party discipline learning and education to welcome the "July 1st".

Under the leadership of Comrade He Liming, all the Communist Party members present reviewed the oath of joining the party together.

The conference read out the list of 7 winners of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" of the China Internet of Things system, and held a grand awarding ceremony. Comrade Yu Ping presented commemorative medals to four representatives of veteran party members, including He Liming, Hu Sen, Jiang Zhiqiang, and Yang Yazhen, who attended the scene.

The Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing held a party day activity with the theme of party building work experience exchange and party discipline learning and education to welcome the "July 1st".

At the party building work experience exchange meeting, Shen Jinjun, Secretary of the Party Branch of the China Automobile Dealers Association, He Hui, Vice President and Secretary-General of the China Auction Industry Association, Qin Zhanxue, Secretary of the Party Branch of the China Building Materials Circulation Association, Chen Leiming, Secretary of the Party Branch of the China Metal Materials Circulation Association, and Yao Yuping, Secretary of the Party Branch of the Timber Conservation and Development Center, focused on the party's organizational construction, party building characteristics, "two modernizations" construction, party building and business integration development, and theme education in recent years. A summary was made. Comrade He Liming commented on the on-site report of the heads of the five escrow units, fully affirmed the effectiveness of the party building work, and hoped that the party organizations at all levels in the whole system will continue to improve the quality and level of party building work, take the integration of party building and business to promote the effectiveness of each other as an important part of the performance appraisal, promote the synchronization of party building and business, and lead the overall quality and efficiency of various businesses with party building.

The Party Committee of the China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing held a party day activity with the theme of party building work experience exchange and party discipline learning and education to welcome the "July 1st".

Comrade He Liming took the theme of "deeply comprehending the spirit of the Party Central Committee on carrying out party discipline learning and education and solidly promoting the party discipline learning and education of the China Internet of Things system", focusing on the three parts of "deeply understanding the importance of party discipline learning and education, and comprehensively and strictly governing the party to the in-depth promotion of the China Internet of Things system", "closely following the target requirements, and solidly promoting the party discipline learning and education of the China Internet of Things system" and "promoting work with learning, learning and practice, and promoting the high-quality development of the whole system-wide industry".

Comrade He Liming pointed out in the party class that carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major decision made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, an important political task of this year's party building work, and a major deployment to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth. We must deeply understand the importance of party discipline study and education, and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to the in-depth promotion of the central Internet of Things system.

Comrade He Liming stressed that party organizations at all levels should follow the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, according to the relevant work requirements of the Party Committee of the National Industry Association and Chamber of Commerce and the Party Committee of the China Federation of Things, closely focus on the goals and requirements of learning discipline, knowing discipline, knowing discipline, and abiding by discipline, adhere to high standards and high quality, carefully organize and carefully arrange, and solidly promote the study and education of party discipline in the China Federation of Things system, and achieve tangible results.

Comrade He Liming demanded that all party members and comrades should deeply understand and deeply understand the spirit of the general secretary's important speeches and instructions on party discipline study and education, thoroughly implement the major decisions and arrangements made by the Party Central Committee on party discipline study and education, and ensure that the party's study and education achieve the expected results. It is necessary to focus on consolidating the foundation of the system-wide party building work, improving the quality of the party building work, transforming the learning results into a powerful driving force for the development of the whole system and the whole industry, and providing a strong guarantee for promoting the healthy, standardized and high-quality development of the whole system.

Members of the Party Committee and the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the China Federation of Things, the main responsible comrades of the party and government of various escrow associations and institutions, the secretaries of the Party branches of the Secretariat of the China Federation of Things, and the responsible comrades of various departments, branches and entities attended the meeting; Nearly 1,000 party members and employees from all units of the system participated in the conference online.

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