
The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

author:Xingyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital
The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

The heart of the world is boundless

Official account ID: Xingyang Women and Children


When the flower of life dies unexpectedly

A fertilized egg is like a seed

Before it grows into a towering tree, it's a wonderful journey to complete.

Life is tenacious, but life is also fragile

In this journey, the slightest mistake may cause it to stop growing

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

(The picture comes from the Internet, if there is any infringement, please inform us to delete)

Some time ago

A pregnant mother cried and cried in the outpatient operating room with a color ultrasound sheet

I was 2 months pregnant, and the doctor recommended that the pregnancy be terminated because the embryo did not grow.....

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

(The picture comes from Weicha, if there is any infringement, please inform us to delete)

Pregnant mothers and their families can't understand, why is a good "baby" suddenly gone?

She had a fetal arrest

Clinically, it is also known as "missed miscarriage"

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

80% of abortions

Occurs before 12 weeks of gestation

More of them happened 8 weeks ago

Some expectant mothers are very nervous about abortion.

He even thinks that the abortion is a sign that he is unable to keep the child, so he blames himself and feels guilty.

In fact, for first-trimester miscarriage or abortion,

50% of the causes come from abnormalities in the embryonic chromosomes themselves, which is a natural process of survival of the fittest.

When doctors recommend terminating a pregnancy, expectant mothers often can't accept it, are unwilling to face reality, and instinctively want to wait and see.

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

In fact, once the fetus stops developing and the fetal heart rate disappears, there is no need to protect the fetus.

Moreover, after the fetus is stopped, the embryo will release some substances, resulting in abnormal coagulation function of the mother.

For expectant mothers who do not have the embryo expelled naturally, if the pregnancy tissue is not removed from the uterine cavity in time, it may cause serious consequences such as heavy bleeding or incomplete miscarriage.

Once the embryo that has not been discharged for a long time is organized, if it wants to be removed, the trauma to the endometrium will be very large, which will directly affect the future pregnancy again.

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated


The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

After a fetal abortion, expectant mothers are generally advised to have at least 3 menstrual periods after the abortion before they can prepare for another pregnancy. If the expectant mother is not old and there are no other factors, rest for a period of time to allow the uterus to recover more fully.

Some of the causes of abortion


Luteal insufficiency: Progesterone, which supports embryonic development, comes from the mother's ovaries during the first 8 weeks of pregnancy and from the placenta after 8 weeks. If the mother-to-be's ovaries are not functioning well, the body will not be able to secrete enough progesterone to maintain the development of the embryo after pregnancy, which may lead to fetal arrest.


Thyroid dysfunction: In addition to luteal insufficiency, thyroid dysfunction is also an important cause of fetal abortion. If the expectant mother has hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, it can lead to embryo termination, miscarriage or fetal malformation.


Uterine anomalies: There are many types of congenital or acquired uterine anomalies, such as uterine mediastinum, uterine fibroids, intrauterine adhesions, etc., all of which have the risk of causing fetal abortion.


Infection: Usually during preconception check-ups or first-trimester prenatal check-ups, doctors will recommend that expectant mothers undergo the five tests for eugenics (also known as the five tests for teratogenicity). Through the test of virus antibodies, it is determined whether the body of the expectant mother is in the acute infection period of a certain virus. If the expectant mother is in the acute phase of infection with viruses such as rubella, giant cell or toxoplasma, it can indeed lead to malformation or death of the embryo. It is recommended that expectant mothers go through the acute infection period, and it is more appropriate to conceive after the IgM antibody turns negative.


Advanced age: As the expectant mother gets older, the chance of abortion increases gradually. The latest data shows that the expectant mother is between 20~30 years old, and the chance of abortion is only 9%~17%; By the age of 35, the proportion rises to 20%; 40-year-olds rise to 40%; By the age of 45, the proportion is as high as 80%.


Have a history of spontaneous abortion: There is also an increased risk of abortion. Therefore, once a spontaneous abortion occurs, it is necessary to find out the cause and actively treat it so as not to affect the second pregnancy.


Bad habits: Smoking and drinking alcohol may lead to embryonic termination or teratogenicity.


Low folic acid level: If the concentration of folic acid in the expectant mother's body is too low, it will increase the risk of fetal termination at 6~12 weeks. Therefore, it is recommended that expectant mothers who are trying to conceive take a small dose of folic acid starting 3 months before conception.


Sperm abnormalities: Studies have found that the sperm abnormalities of expectant fathers may lead to the appearance of vacuole eggs, that is, the gestational sac has developed to a large size, but there are no fetal buds. Therefore, in the stage of preparing for pregnancy, expectant fathers should try to have regular work and rest, quit smoking and drinking, and maintain a healthy lifestyle, which is of great help to improve sperm quality.


Article source|Xu Liqin (some of the pictures in the article are from the Internet, non-commercial use, if there is any infringement, please contact to delete)


The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

Zhang Xiangling

Chief Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Engaged in obstetrics and gynecology clinical practice for more than 30 years, proficient in hysteroscopy, laparoscopic gynecological surgery, good at obstetrics and gynecology critical rescue, infertility, gynecological endocrine, menstrual diseases, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, etc.

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

Chen Yuyin

Deputy Minister of Women's Health

Chief Physician of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

He has been to Guangzhou, Beijing and other well-known hospitals for many times to study hysteroscopy and laparoscopic techniques, standardize various technical specifications of the department, and lead the department to carry out hysteroscopy combined treatment of infertility, various hysteroscopy and treatment; We carry out small incision, transvaginal hysterectomy, myomectomy, and pregnancy treatment at the uterine scar. Now he is mainly engaged in the treatment of various benign and malignant tumors in gynecology and the treatment of gynecological endocrine diseases, published dozens of papers, and sits in the third outpatient clinic of gynecology every Tuesday and Saturday.

The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated

Zhang Hao

Head of the Department of Gynecology

Attending Physician in Obstetrics and Gynecology

He has been engaged in clinical work in obstetrics and gynecology for nearly 20 years, and has studied in the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University, and is proficient in the diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, complications, comorbidities and difficult and critical diseases in obstetrics and gynecology. He is good at various surgical treatments in obstetrics and gynecology, especially in uterine and laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery for various gynecological diseases. He has unique insights into various gynecological incurable diseases, and formulates standardized and personalized diagnosis and treatment plans for gynecological cancer patients that are consistent with China. He has published 3 papers at or above the provincial level.

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The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated




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The alarm bell of life stagnation - the little life that has been terminated