
AI-powered typesetting expands creative boundaries: Monnar attends Alibaba D20 Global Design Dean Summit


SHANGHAI, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On June 28, Monotype, a world-renowned font solution provider, participated in the D20 Global Design Dean Summit initiated and hosted by Alibaba Design as one of the global ecosystem partners. The summit focused on the reset of design elements in the AI era, with the theme of "Design in the AI Era", deeply excavated and connected the "production" and "learning" of design, and won the AIGC together.

Emilios Theofanous, Creative Director of Monotype and one of the creators of Helvetica Now Variable, delivered a speech on the main forum on the first day of the summit titled "Fonts and Typography: Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Applications", bringing in-depth discussions on fonts and AI applications to the audience, and how Monotype is developing and exploring related AI tools to lead technological innovation with its industry pioneer status and technological advantages.

AI-powered typesetting expands creative boundaries: Monnar attends Alibaba D20 Global Design Dean Summit
Enlightenment: Problem awareness drives the development of communication

Starting from the key nature of human beings, Emilios explains the common essence of AI applications and typography. The emergence and development of AI is precisely because people want to seek answers conveniently through a large amount of analysis and learning; From image recording to written language, complex writing systems are driven by a strong desire to communicate. The essence of both is to seek expressions that fit the scene and solve the corresponding problems.

As the well-known media theorist Marshall McLuhan said, "the medium is the message". As a carrier of information, fonts are an incredibly powerful tool for designers and brands. Whether it's striking style, delivering a precise message, or successfully shaping a brand, typefaces continue to push the boundaries of brand and creativity.

In the face of today's dazzling variety of font works, the right choice has become crucial, throughout the brand's consideration, planning, and decision-making. Therefore, for designers, they should design and choose fonts that meet their purpose, and on the basis of satisfying the function, they should take into account the emotional elements of the font, so as to meet the needs in the current diverse visual world.

Application: Focus on brand expression and tailor fonts

Emilios then shared the results of a collaboration between Monotype and neuroscience company Neurons. Covering the UK, France, Germany, Japan, Spain and more, the study focuses on the emotional impact of typography and how it communicates trust, reliability, authenticity and other elements to help build a positive relationship between brands and consumers.

Monotype not only fully understands the emotional message of typefaces, but also strives to create solutions tailored to the brand. With hundreds of years of experience in typography, Monotype design resources all over the world are committed to responding to the problems and thoughts of global brands with "fonts".

Monnor had designed and customized "Tencent Sans" for Tencent. Because of the typeface's unconventional italic angles, Monogen's designers did a lot of visual correction and design research to achieve the best results, striking the perfect balance between Chinese, Japanese kana, and Latin fonts, helping Tencent deliver a consistent, recognizable brand voice around the world.

AI-powered typesetting expands creative boundaries: Monnar attends Alibaba D20 Global Design Dean Summit

Tailor-made for Alibaba, "Alibaba Sans" gives the enterprise ecosystem the ultimate in clean aesthetics. Whether it's a display of different sizes or an e-commerce website with a lot of information, this unified, flexible, and innovative font family can help designers experiment freely while adhering to brand visual and intellectual property norms.

Create: Push the boundaries of what is possible with fonts and brands

In addition to providing customized fonts, Monotype currently has nearly 200,000 fonts in multiple languages around the world, and continues to explore and develop font technology and AI-related tools to help creatives use fonts more conveniently, efficiently and accurately, and create more for the current fast-growing brand and digital world.

Emilios mentioned the cutting-edge trends of several fonts, such as the variable font that can "breathe" and be expressive, as well as a number of AI font tools developed by Monogen, including What the Font to identify fonts, Font Paring to filter and match fonts, Font Similarity to search for fonts with similar features, and Contextual Search, which is currently under development and automatically recommends fonts by design scene and project context. They elevate the effectiveness of font applications and push the boundaries of brand creativity.

AI-powered typesetting expands creative boundaries: Monnar attends Alibaba D20 Global Design Dean Summit

In addition to typesetting tools, Monotype is also exploring the power of AI for typeface design itself. At the beginning of a typeface design, the designer will confirm the style, genre, recognizability principles, etc., and start with a few key characters, and then derive other characters. AI may be able to expand the character set in a convenient way, but for now, designers will need to refine and revise, and Monotype will continue to lead and take advantage of new technologies in the right way.

Finally, he returned to the topic mentioned at the beginning of the speech. As human beings, we love the world of imagination and innovation, and just as we look forward to more responses, creativity, and technology, fonts will play an important role in carrying the infinite possibilities of the future.

In the wave of resetting visual elements and upgrading brand expression, diversified changes have also fully expanded the boundaries of creativity. As the world's leading type design and technology company, Monotype will continue to focus on and lead the multiple applications of AI in typesetting, and help brands stand out through global design resources.

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