
Reshaping the new benchmark of the manufacturing industry: how CIMC Vehicles leads the traditional industry to break through with new quality productivity


SHENZHEN, China, July 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As CIMC Vehicles, which has maintained the No. 1 ranking among the world's semi-trailer manufacturers for 11 consecutive years, its steady growth and continuous innovation have attracted the attention of the industry. However, in the face of complex situations such as the slowdown in domestic demand, the limited application of cutting-edge technologies in the traditional manufacturing industry, and the serious competition of low quality, how CIMC Vehicles can maintain its leading position and lead the industry to high-quality development has become the focus of attention in the industry.

Reshaping the new benchmark of the manufacturing industry: how CIMC Vehicles leads the traditional industry to break through with new quality productivity

On this major topic, Li Guiping, CEO and President of CIMC Vehicles, systematically expounded his thinking and prescribed a "prescription" in a recent external interview. Li Guiping pointed out that the new quality productivity is not only the embodiment of technological innovation, but also the comprehensive embodiment of the structural reform of enterprise organizations and the optimization of resource allocation. CIMC Vehicles will firmly grasp the core of new quality productivity, lead the industry to break the situation, and provide more useful reference for the traditional manufacturing industry to achieve "butterfly change".

Reshaping the new benchmark of the manufacturing industry: how CIMC Vehicles leads the traditional industry to break through with new quality productivity

CIMC Vehicles has always focused on the research and development of innovative design and production technology. In response to the problem of inefficient production capacity in the industry, CIMC Vehicles launched the "Starlink Plan", which aims to integrate the resources of its seven semi-trailer manufacturing enterprises and build a new production organization, covering key value chains such as procurement, production, circulation and distribution. The "STARL Project" uses a large number of digital technologies, such as the innovation of semi-trailer design through digital design and PLM platform, and the centralized procurement of core components on the EPS platform. At the same time, the management of core components and the global supply chain is decoupled from specific manufacturing plants to improve delivery efficiency. In addition, CIMC Vehicles also actively explores cooperation with tractor manufacturers to form a business model of "good head and good hanging", and provides customers with a combination of tractors and semi-trailers, which is not only a structural reform of production organization, but also a deep integration of new technologies and business models. These measures not only enhance the product quality and market competitiveness of CIMC Vehicles, but also provide strong support for the healthy development of the entire industry.

Reshaping the new benchmark of the manufacturing industry: how CIMC Vehicles leads the traditional industry to break through with new quality productivity

At the same time, Li Guiping said that the key to building a new qualitative productive force is to promote the structural reform of the production organization and the reallocation of resources. In the case of the "Starlink Project", the company has set up a promotion committee to build a new type of production organization in accordance with its vision and roadmap. In the new organization, the company retains the original factory building, but rearranges the production line according to the new technology, forming a work island based on high-end manufacturing equipment to adapt to the trend of digital design. However, this change also brings challenges, such as employees may not be comfortable with the new work island or lack an understanding of the digitally modeled product design process. To this end, the company has established a stable middle platform, such as the global semi-trailer technology headquarters, to train engineers intensively to ensure skill upgrading; At the same time, an agile operation center, such as the Starlink semi-trailer annual model center, was set up to quickly respond to the requirements of the "Starlink Plan" and launch and iterate the annual model. In addition, the company has set up a production training center at the factory level to help production workers adapt to the new environment and re-establish KPIs to motivate employees.

Since its second venture, the company has been actively expanding overseas markets in the context of globalization. By basing itself on local manufacturing, sales and service, the company's overseas enterprises have not only improved the global semi-trailer business layout, but also made full use of CIMC Vehicles' perfect global supply chain and core parts production organization, achieving a significant improvement in production efficiency. Taking the European SDC as an example, despite the initial challenges, it has successfully improved its production efficiency and performance through transformation and upgrading, relying on the global supply chain and production organization, so that it can maintain strong growth and record profitability under inflationary pressure. At present, CIMC Vehicles has fully formed a development pattern of transoceanic operations, covering more than 40 countries and regions, and has 21 "lighthouse" factories at home and abroad.

Through this exclusive interview, CIMC Vehicles conveyed the company's deep understanding and firm belief in new quality productivity to the outside world. Li Guiping's insights and experience have important enlightenment significance for the development of the entire manufacturing industry. Under the current economic situation, the manufacturing industry is facing the urgent task of transformation and upgrading. Only by creating new quality productivity through continuous innovation, deepening reform, optimizing resource allocation and other ways can we achieve high-quality development and win the initiative in market competition.

Looking forward to the future, CIMC Vehicles will unswervingly base itself on the new stage of development, fully implement the new development concept, and continue to deepen the implementation of the Starlink plan. We will continue to promote the strategic layout of "transoceanic operation and local manufacturing", and strive to build a more perfect new development pattern, accelerate the forging of new quality productivity, so as to meet challenges, seize opportunities, and move forward bravely towards the sea of stars for the third venture.

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