
The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

author:China's anti-cult

In May 2024, a poster on the bulletin board of the Massey University Student Association in New Zealand caused controversy among students.

The picture shows a blonde woman meditating cross-legged with the caption: "Healthier and happier." (A Happier Healthier You) also has a small line that reads: "9 days of free 'Falungong' course." ”

One student, who asked not to be named, said that some students were likely to be curious about the poster and fall into the cult, and sarcastically said: "A Chinese may not be so persuasive, so they let a white woman go." ”

The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

(Poster posted at Massey University, New Zealand Source: Popular Magazine)

Curious, a student at Massey University named Sammy Carter scanned the QR code on the poster to learn more about it, but the results left her horrified.

Carter first scanned the QR code on the poster and signed up for himself with a fake name and email address. The class took place in a small classroom in the heart of the city, with only four people in the classroom, and Carter felt very uneasy, and the oppressive environment made her feel like she was going to be blackmailed or even kidnapped.

The organizer of the course, a European woman with a slight accent, played a video of Li Hongzhi's speech in the 90s of the 20th century for the first hour and a half of the course, which looked very blurry and had many errors in the English translation.

The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

Sammy Carter's footage of class Source: Popular Magazine

The speech was not only lengthy, but also full of remarks that Carter found ridiculous. For example, when Li Hongzhi talked about his supernatural powers, he said: "At my level, no one can even communicate with me. ”

This kind of remark can't help but remind people of the revelations made by Yu Chao, a disciple of Li Hongzhi.

Yu Chao used to be the backbone of the "Fa Gong Gong". Beginning in 2023, he has repeatedly revealed the inside story of "Falungong" on overseas social media, and he once said in a live broadcast that one of Li Hongzhi's favorite pastimes is to call his cronies to play poker together, especially when "Shen Yun" goes out to perform, he will call some henchmen in the management to form a fixed circle to play cards all night.

I don't know if playing poker is considered communication and exchange for Li Hongzhi, who is at a "high level".

After Carter watched the video, the organizers gave her a copy of the study materials. Carter took the opportunity to ask the organizers whether "Falungong" was a cult, but the organizers firmly denied this and said: "It (Falungong) is absolutely suitable for everyone to practice, don't listen to other people's rumors, once you start practicing, you will find its magic." ”

Carter was uneasy by the organizer's paranoid expression, and she feared that if the conversation continued, she would be forced to learn more about the cult, especially when she saw the other four people in the classroom. Carter didn't want to stay for a moment and left immediately.

At present, the Massey University Student Association has taken down the poster and apologizes for the distress and offense it may have caused.

This is not the first time that the "Falungong" advertisement has aroused public disgust.

A few months ago, a giant billboard appeared across the United States, which also caused great suffering to local residents.

The billboard featured a portrait of a white man with a brightly colored, simple message "Most Trustworthy News." The Global Baptist News commentary reported that there is no data to support this alleged advertising slogan, which is pure false propaganda. The Epoch Times was founded in 2000 and is closely related to the "Falungong" cult. They are full of lies, and they once claimed to have the fourth largest number of subscriptions in the United States.

The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

(The Epoch Times billboard erected on the streets of Denver, USA Source: rmpbs)

In addition, the notorious "Shen Yun Art Troupe" under "Falungong" reveals the word "false" from the inside out. Yu Chao once said in the revelation that on the one hand, these "Shen Yun performers" were controlled by the source of information and could only be deceived by false teachings, and on the other hand, their personal freedom was restricted, and Li Hongzhi even had to appoint partners, and many "Shen Yun" girls were given to the performers as "prizes".

The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

("Shen Yun" poster on the streets of the United States Source: Washington Post)

Shen Yun lured unknown people with colorful advertisements, and traveled to the United States, Canada and other countries to carry out so-called "global tours", claiming that the theme of the performance was the revival of 5,000 years of divine culture, and the artistic inspiration originated from "Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism".

But in fact, its real purpose is to attract the audience to watch it under the guise of traditional Chinese culture, and then use the performance to instill in the audience the fallacies and heresies of "Fa Meritorious Service" and to smear China.

Yu Chao said, "The people in 'Falungong' who hold resources often use extremely cruel means to unscrupulously seize the wealth and resources of others, and the 'Shen Yun Art Troupe' is a typical example. ”

The "Falungong" cult has extended its claws to New Zealand college students

(Yu Chao posted a number of breaking videos on overseas social media Source: YouTube)

Over the years, the lies of the "Falungong" group and Li Hongzhi himself have become more and more unable to justify themselves, and the public has become more and more disgusted with this cult organization that constantly harasses normal life and frequently disseminates false information.

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