
Why go to the "Avatar Mountains" in China? The New Zealand Herald gives the answer →

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Why go to the "Avatar Mountains" in China? The New Zealand Herald gives the answer →

新西兰最具影响力的华文媒体《新西兰先驱报》6月27日专版报道张家界,记者贾梅·莱思在题为《为什么要去中国的“阿凡达山”》的报道中说:While the movie is science fiction, the scenery in Zhangjiajie is breathtakingly real ocated in central China's Hunan Province(虽然这部电影(《阿凡达》)是科幻片,但位于中国中部湖南省张家界的自然风光却真实得令人惊叹)。

It is understood that the New Zealand Chinese Herald was founded in 1994 by New Zealand Herald, New Zealand's largest newspaper with a history of more than 100 years. Since 1997, it has operated independently and changed its name to New Zealand Chinese Herald, abbreviated as The Herald. After years of development, the New Zealand Chinese Herald has become the most influential Chinese-language media in New Zealand, publishing four issues a week, every Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, folio color printing, about 180 pages a week, and its newspaper content is online simultaneously.

The original report is compiled as follows:

Traveling to China doesn't have to be a dusty one. Far from the concrete jungle, there is a lush "kingdom" hidden. In Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, spectacular sandstone columns provided the inspiration for scenes from James Cameron's film Avatar. Although the film is science fiction, the natural scenery located in Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province, in central China, is stunningly real. In this tourist destination, which is known for its natural beauty, there has been an impressive effort to allow different tourists to enjoy and experience the beauty in a unique way. In Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, a glass bridge spans the canyon between two peaks, a futuristic spectacle that brings you one step closer to an ancient sandstone peak. Another way to enjoy the park's sights is to take the world's tallest outdoor elevator, the Bailong Ladder. It is a short trip as the elevator can take visitors from the base of the mountain to the top of the mountain in two minutes. In addition, you can take one of the longest cable car lines in the world and enjoy the breathtaking views along the way. The huge national park also makes Zhangjiajie a popular destination for thrill seekers. Tianmen Mountain has a winding avenue to heaven, 99 sharp turns attract many extreme racing events, and the "Red Bull Skywalk Race" was once held here. Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park has also hosted the "Red Bull Wingsuit Flying World Championships", where competitors from all over the world jump from the 300-meter-high Yuhu Peak, wearing only one wingsuit, and flying at speeds of more than 160 kilometers per hour. If you're not an adrenaline junkie, you can also bungee jump from the Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, one of the highest bungee jumps in the world, with a vertical height of 260 meters from the valley floor. The beautiful mountains of Zhangjiajie are also the real-life background of the large-scale performance "Tianmen Fox Fairy". Inspired by traditional Chinese mythology and folk tales, the love of the man and the fox, the musical blends music, dance, drama and incredible lighting effects. The highlight of the trip was the performance at the Charming Xiangxi Grand Theatre, a large-scale gala that focused on folk dances and songs. It's a bit like a variety show, bringing together a lot of jaw-dropping acrobatics that wow the audience, as well as hilarious mass performances. Zhangjiajie Seventy-two Strange Towers is a Ming and Qing Dynasty style building, 109.9 meters high. Here, you can see many food stalls, traditional crafts and souvenirs, as well as bars. Another way to enjoy Zhangjiajie's cultural landscape and natural scenery at the same time is to take a boat trip to the tranquil Baofeng Lake. The man-made Baofeng Lake is located high on a high mountain, and the waterfall in the lake is breathtaking, and Tujia people in traditional costumes sing folk songs on the other side of the lake. (Compiled by Liu Baiyun)

Why go to the "Avatar Mountains" in China? The New Zealand Herald gives the answer →
Why go to the "Avatar Mountains" in China? The New Zealand Herald gives the answer →

Source丨Reference News Network First Instance | Wang Yan's second trial丨Zhou Mi's third trial丨Zhou Heping's production丨Zhangjiajie

Why go to the "Avatar Mountains" in China? The New Zealand Herald gives the answer →

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