
Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

author:Junjun movie

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Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

Ma Dongxi's Korean film box office champion has been launched!

Crime in the city 4

Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

The man with the hardest fist on the surface is here again

Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

South Korea has a population of 50 million, and the number of viewers of this film has exceeded 10 million.

In the history of Korea, only 20 films have achieved this achievement.

The "Crime City" series is undoubtedly the most capable action movie series in Asia right now.

and Europe and the United States' "Fast Pursuit" is far away.

Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

After the fall of superheroes, this is one of the biggest IPs

Not only in the Korean market, but also in other Asian countries, it has always been the top stream.

Douban score, 7.7 points in the first part, 7.5 points in the second part, 6.5 points in the third part, and 7.2 points in the fourth part

Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

The first two are undoubtedly the coolest, and they have been introduced before, and in mixed genre films, this movie has been developed to the extreme.

It's a pity that no matter how high the degree of completion is, the work will also be aesthetically fatigued.

But it doesn't matter, the audience just wants to watch Ma Dongxi beat people, so it doesn't hurt!

Whether it is the visual impact or the overall senses, the speed and power of Ma Dongxi's boxing bring the audience to a climax.

Watching the movie broke 40 million and exploded! He is the summer box office champion!

The positioning is clear, the goal is clear, the subdivision is then completed to the extreme,

This is the biggest secret to the success of the Crime City franchise.

To be honest, this series, which can be analyzed and praised, has already been finished when the first three parts are introduced.

So, return the cool piece to the cool piece,

Good luck to everyone.

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