
Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

author:China in sight


Headline Hunan, Changsha, July 1, 2024 (All-media reporter Wang Yiqun) "Brave the wind and rain, work hard, draw a blueprint, and continue to be brilliant." Our great Communist Party of China has gone through arduous struggles to overthrow the old world and establish a new China, and is leading the people of the whole country to make unremitting efforts to realize the great Chinese dream. On July 1, Professor Xie Xiaogang, founder of Xie Xiaogang Art Museum, told reporters that a series of publicity and education activities such as the "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party are held here today, and the party theme seminar and the party branch party building activities are to praise the great party, that is, not to forget the original intention, work hard, do not slack off, and build dreams to move forward. Carry forward the red culture, show the great achievements of the party, and depict a new picture of the times.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

Innovate and expand the space and form of expression of major themes

According to reports, on the eve of July 1st, Zheng Xinli, executive chairman of the Chinese Society for Policy Sciences and former deputy director of the Policy Research Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, made a special trip to investigate the Xie Xiaogang Art Museum. After seeing the exhibition, Director Zheng said: "The museum is doing a good job! We must tell the story of the Chinese revolutionary tradition well." Director Zheng wrote in the inscription of an oil painting: "The song of the new era paints the core with the hearts of the people, gathers the hearts of the people with the core, and unites the hearts of China."

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

It is understood that a series of publicity and education activities such as calligraphy and painting exhibitions, seminars and party branch organization activities held by Xie Xiaogang Art Museum to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the party have been fully prepared and carefully arranged and arranged. Among them, there are 30 paintings in the "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo and Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", 30 oil paintings by Professor Xie Xiaogang, 20 eagles in Huangshan sketches, 20 peonies in Heze, Shandong, and 20 lotus sketches in Xiangtan Grand View Garden. There are 20 calligraphy works by Mr. Zeng Zhaocai, 10 Chinese paintings by Mr. Yang Guoqiang, and 150 exquisite works by artists such as Ms. Li Guo.

Among them, Ms. Li Guo's "Red Boat on the South Lake" is unique and intelligent, highlighting expansion and innovation. These works vividly show the great achievements of the Communist Party of China in the 103-year history of struggle with full enthusiasm and artistic charm. With the theme of red history and a better life, the calligraphy and painting exhibition skillfully combines the party's red history and the art of fine art and calligraphy, and innovatively expands the expression space and form of major themes. The calligraphy and painting exhibition eulogized the greatness of the party from different angles and in different forms, praised the lovely China, continued the red gene, and wrote a new chapter of the times. It is not only a gluttonous feast of art, but also a vivid education of loving the party and patriotism.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

Among them, the oil painting "Autumn Harvest Uprising" historically reproduces the great man Mao Zedong's righteous and awe-inspiring righteousness in the face of the dark rule of the Kuomintang, fearless of violence, and the resolute struggle against the Kuomintang reactionaries. The work uses a combination of realism and symbolism to express great historical events. The use of shape and color is full of the atmosphere of the times, from the surface of the art classics, it is the artist who uses the form of visual language to convey a historical original situation or historical image to the audience, and is the historical memory, awakening and continuation of a nation.

Professor Xie Xiaogang spoke highly of and appreciated the calligraphy works of Mr. Zeng Zhaocai, and also gave cordial encouragement and warm congratulations to the art works of Yang Guoqiang and Li Guo. Professor Xie Xiaogang hopes that more calligraphy art lovers will devote themselves to active creation, have the courage to innovate and open up the great party and the great motherland, and strive to depict a better era and a happy life.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

Teacher Zeng Zhaocai hopes that the quintessence of calligraphy will be passed on from generation to generation

In the red theme seminar and the theme activity of the Party Branch of the Xie Xiaogang Art Museum at the same time as the "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo and Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition", Zeng Zhaocai, executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Painting and Hunan Provincial Museum of Culture and History, Liu Juan, director of the Xie Xiaogang Art Museum of Changsha City, Chen Bing, secretary of the Party branch of the Xie Xiaogang Art Museum of the Communist Party of China, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Hu Kai, Wu Jianwei, Zhang Wujun, Jiang Xiangsheng, Liu Jianjun, Chen Kaisheng, and party activists Huang Jian, Zhong Xingzhi, Fang Hui, Deng Yishuang, Xie Wei, "good people in China." Xie Xiaogang, executive vice president of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Painting and special researcher and professor of the Hunan Museum of Culture and History, and other leaders made in-depth speeches and exchanges with the guests.

In his speech at the seminar, Professor Xie Xiaogang pointed out that without the Communist Party, there would have been no New China. The history of the Communist Party of China is a red history textbook. Since its founding in 1921, the great Communist Party of China has gone through a history of struggle for 103 years. Through arduous and arduous struggles, he led the people of the whole country to overthrow the old world, establish a new China, and lead the people of the whole country step by step towards prosperity and strength. We are grateful to the great Communist Party of China. Listen to the party, follow the party, and strive for the realization of the Chinese dream for life.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

Zeng Zhaocai, vice president of the Chinese Academy of Painting and Calligraphy, librarian of the Hunan Provincial Research Museum of Culture and History, special researcher of the Counselor's Office of the Provincial People's Government, and the sixth director of the Provincial Calligraphers Association, exhibited 20 calligraphy works that show wisdom and innovation. Mr. Zeng's strokes are regular scripts, and he is an example of life. At the seminar, he discussed three thanks and the "six insistences" that must be achieved on the road of artistic development: first, art must insist on putting morality first; Second, art must adhere to modesty and low-key; Third, art must adhere to the classic inheritance; Fourth, art must insist on continuous innovation; Fifth, art must adhere to in-depth practice; Sixth, art must be tempered diligently.

Teacher Zeng Zhaocai hopes that more young people will learn calligraphy and practice calligraphy, and hope that the quintessence of Chinese calligraphy art will be passed on from generation to generation, pioneering and innovative, and carried forward.

Teacher Zeng Zhaocai pointed out that "being a person first and then writing, we must write works that ordinary people can understand and like from the heart." Recently, mainstream media and large-scale online media platforms such as "People's Daily People's Forum", "Phoenix News", "Chinese Celebrity Online", "China Television Famous Calligraphy and Painting Art Network", "Toutiao", "Baidu", "Sina", "Search", "Zhihu", "NetEase", "Fast Transmission" and other mainstream media and large-scale online media platforms have carried out comprehensive, in-depth and all-round reports and reprints on Zeng Zhaocai's calligraphy artistic achievements.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

The calligraphy and painting exhibition is open to the public free of charge

Experts and authors attending the seminar said that classic literary and artistic works with red themes are an important part of carrying forward the revolutionary tradition and red culture. Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held a series of activities to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, through oil paintings, Chinese paintings and calligraphy works, so that the audience can see the arduous struggle of the Chinese nation and the spirit of the times, and from these glorious historical memories, they can also see the bright future of the great motherland.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"
Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

Professor Xie Xiaogang also pointed out that the exhibition and educational activities for the 103 years since the founding of the Party have been held in the form of written exhibitions and seminars to promote the greatness of the Party and the motherland. We will work hard and do not slack off, and redouble our loyalty to the party and the country. With the spirit of never slacking off, we will depict a new chapter of the times.

Xie Xiaogang Art Museum held "Zeng Zhaocai, Yang Guoqiang, Li Guo, Xie Xiaogang Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition"

The Party Branch of Xie Xiaogang Art Museum organized party members and party activists to review the party's glorious history and personal growth history in the "July 1st" party building activity, review the oath of joining the party, and strengthen their ideals and beliefs.

Liu Juan, the director of the museum, said in the introduction that the "July 1st" calligraphy and painting exhibition of Xie Xiaogang Art Museum was held in the lobby of Changsha Jiacheng Hotel, and it was openly exhibited free of charge to the public, and the art exhibition in the museum was also open to the public for free.

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