
In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

author:Temple of Literature Mountain Residence

62 Chapter 3 4 (2): Between retraction and release

(Abstract: The commune secretary who came from the rebel faction of the Sanyang Commune wants to collect the fields that were delegated to individual peasants by Zheng Guangqing, the secretary of the prefectural party committee in 1973.) Forced by the situation, the leaders of the county party committee could not say anything, but the peasants reacted strongly ....... )

  While talking, the jeep drove back to Sanyang Commune, where they were received by Xu Zhiqing, secretary of the party committee and director of the Revolutionary Committee, in a small conference room in the commune's courtyard. Do you want to leave two leaders for lunch? Cai Zhenchuan did not agree, saying that he had a bad stomach and wanted to go back to take Chinese medicine, and Xie Wenyao also said that he would not eat in the commune.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

Rural scene picture rape blossoms

  "In that case, I'll make a long story short and pick up the main work report." Xu Zhiqing said, "The double robbery work will come to an end soon, and this year's harvest is generally good." The average yield of wheat per mu was 330 catties, an increase of 30 catties over last year; The yield of rape per mu was 180 catties, an increase of 20 catties over last year. In two weeks, all the seedlings will be planted, and the progress will be five days ahead of last year.

"The main problem now is the capitalist tendency, the problem of the tail of capitalism." Xu Zhiqing suddenly became excited when he said this.

"Since 1973, when the fields were brought to the households, the capitalist ideology among the peasants has risen, and the tail of capitalism has been raised. The main manifestations are these: First, the field is widened without authorization, and no one pays attention to the 1.5 feet set by the county, and it is generally more than 2 feet wide. Our commune cadres guard the peasants' paste, and we will give you a thicker paste and wider. Second, the fields are not arranged according to the commune party committee, and can only grow dwarf crops, such as soybeans, sea peppers, eggplants, etc. Some farmers plant corn, cowpeas, stacks, shelves, and even winter melons and pumpkins on the fields.

  "We, the commune party committee, believe that widening the fields is an act of encroachment on the collective; Planting tall crops to block sunlight and affect field production is an act that destroys the collective. I have seen the crops in the fields near the ridges, whether the wheat or rice grows or not, they must be shorter. What's more serious is that Tian Kan was originally outstanding, but now the members of the production team who can't pass others have to go to the fields to do their work, which is to bow to capitalism and make way!

  "Therefore, our party committee has studied and wanted to take back all the fields of the whole commune and bring them into the production team collective! I heard that the fields of other communes could not be collected, so we in Sanyang Commune should take the first step and resolutely put away the fields. We firmly believe that socialism will defeat capitalism, collectivism will defeat individualism, and public ownership will defeat private ownership. Our commune has this compulsion, and we must do what others can't do. Xu Zhiqing said impassionedly to Cai and Xie.

  "Do the masses support the decision of your party committee?" Cai Zhenchuan asked.

  "The majority of the masses support socialism, the production team collectives, and the commune party committees." Xu Zhiqing said, "We are going to organize more than 300 primary and secondary school students, led by teachers and commune cadres. Separately go to the major teams and production teams to publicize and carry out the task of recovering Tiankan. The students and teachers are very positive, very enthusiastic and very supportive. ”

  "It's not easy for me, the head of the working group of the local committee, to express my position on this matter." Xie Wenyao said, "Since it is your commune party committee that decides and supports the masses, this is the scope of your work. However, in the process of implementation, especially the feedback from the masses, it is necessary to report to the county party committee and the working group. ”

  Cai Zhenchuan also said: "The county party committee has always respected the decision of the commune party committee, and it is the party's consistent policy to strengthen the collective economy. Tiankan is collected by the collective? If the masses support it, you also decide to do it, and the county party committee is not good at expressing this attitude. ”

  "Our commune party committee has already decided, and the comrades of the county working group are also in favor, and we have discussed it and will harvest the fields when the seedlings are planted." Xu Zhiqing said again.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

Rural scene in a tourist area

"We're leaving, and we're going to visit other communes." Cai Zhenchuan said reconciliation Wen Yao walked out of the conference room and came to the courtyard dam to get in the car.

Xu Zhiqing followed, and he suddenly changed the topic and said, "Team Leader Xie, we all know that you are Dr. Xie." The Xudu Commune next to our Sanyang Commune is the ancient Qingcheng County in the past, where there were tens of thousands of graves. We can't tell which dynasty it is? Secretary Peng of Xudu is looking for a book on this subject. See when you are free, you come to our Sanyang for a meal, and take the time to tell us about it? ”

"I'll talk about it when I have some time." Xie Wenyao said.

The Beijing Jeep drove out of the commune gate and turned onto the country road to Tong'an Long Commune. In the car, Cai Zhenchuan asked Xie Wenyao, what is going on with his "Dr. Xie"? Xie Wenyao explained that he likes to read, and some people take ...... nicknames.

  At this time, the head of the work team sent by the county and the head of the organization department of the county party committee, Zhou, rode a bicycle and entered the commune gate from the opposite direction of the car. After Zhou got out of the car, he asked Xu Zhiqing, "Which one is coming?" Isn't it Secretary Cai? ”

  "It's Secretary Cai, and Team Leader Xie." Xu Zhiqing said, "Both of them are playing tricks, not expressing their position, not supporting us, and taking Tian Kan into the collective." ”

  "Don't take a stand?" Minister Zhou said, "They were all scared in the special era, and Secretary Cai was tied up and paraded in the streets when he was in Linqiong." In Wujin, the secretary was still paraded through the streets, and now they have learned not to express their stance easily. ”

  "Regardless of his." Xu Zhiqing said, "We will do ours, as long as it conforms to Mao Zedong Thought, we will resolutely do it." The county does not support it, the prefectural party committee does not support it, and the province will support us. Zheng Guangqing's secretaries of the prefectural party committee were all dismissed by the provincial party committee, which proves that the provincial government supports us in taking Tiankan back to the collective. ”

  Minister Zhou didn't say anything, and the two walked to the conference room together, and Xu Zhiqing wanted to hold a meeting to discuss. how to unify the thinking of the cadres of the commune, the brigade and the production team; How to organize students and teachers to remove the ...... of tall crops on the field.

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

Pictures of rural scenes

Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao sat in the Beijing jeep driven by Master Gong and continued to move forward. In the car, Cai Zhenchuan asked what was going on with the mass grave? After thinking about it, it should be the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom period of the Qing Dynasty, Li Yonghe and the Lan Chaoding peasant uprising. Li Lan's righteous army fought in this area, and the original "Xu Kailong Righteous Warrior's Death Festival" monument on Qingcheng Mountain is proof that it has been more than 100 years from now. If it is said that the mass graves are from the Yuan Dynasty, there is no record of this. Left by the uprising of Wang Xiaobo and Li Shun in the Song Dynasty? It's going to be 1,000 years, and it's impossible to preserve it. Cai Zhenchuan said that Xu Zhiqing is not good at the things in front of him, why do you want to do things so far? Xie Wenyao said that he wanted to show that he was knowledgeable.

Master Gong's Beijing jeep did not go to Liujie this time, but went from Sanyang to Anlong to Daguan, and then took Taiping, Zhongxing, and Yutang back to Chengguan. Cai Xie and the others saw in the car that although the communes in Pingba District were all green seedlings, paddy fields with white flowers and ditches with flowing water, there were still subtle differences. In some communes, rows of mulberry trees are on the fields, rows of corn, and rows of eggplant, sea pepper and other vegetables. This is really one side of the water and soil to support one side of the people, and one side of the people are particularly good at a certain skill. There are 20 communes in Pingba District and 7 communes in the mountain area. There is only one Sanyang commune in Pingba District, and there is no reflection from the other 19 communes in the other 19 communes.

In any case, only 5 percent of the total area is farmland, and 95 percent of the field production must be properly grasped. If this year's harvest is good, the total output can reach 280 million or 290 million catties. An increase of 2 to 30 million catties from last year's 260 million, the county's life is better. Therefore, Cai Zhenchuan and Wenyao didn't want to ask about the issue of Sanyang Commune's harvesting of fields. On the other hand, the secretary of the Sanyang Commune, Xu Zhiqing said that it was decided by the commune party committee! The county is not easy to manage.

Cai Xie and his two minds were to supervise and urge the secretaries of the communes a little more tightly and do a good job in the work on the ground, mainly to grasp grain production. "300 million catties? 300 million catties? Cai Zhenchuan thought in his heart that for 25 years from the liberation at the end of 1949 to the present, he was the fourth secretary of the county party committee of Mao County, including the first three secretaries, they have not reached it. Often, the total output reached 280 million catties in the first year, and then it fell a little in the second year, only 260 million catties. It would be nice if the agricultural research department could research on wheat varieties that are resistant to rust and have high yields.

In addition, there are irresistible contradictions, such as 280 million catties in Mao County in 1971, and only 260 million catties in 1972 due to the early plum rain. In 1973, it was 280 million catties, and in 1974, it dropped to 260 million catties due to the approval of forests and holes. In 1975, according to Comrade Xiaoping's rectification ideas, it should be said that there was no problem in reaching 280 million catties.


In this way, not long after the seedlings were planted, there was a report from Sanyang Commune that Xu Zhiqing and they had taken all the fields back to the production team. Destroy the tall crops such as corn, cowpeas, winter melons, and pumpkins that the peasants originally planted on the fields. When someone was blocking them, they threw a lot of dung to Xu Zhiqing and others! scolded him Xu Zhiqing for being a madman. There were also angry peasants who ran to Shunjiang Commune, where Xu Zhiqing's house was located. He uprooted and threw away the dwarf crops such as soybeans, eggplants, and sea peppers that his family had planted on the fields, as well as the citrus trees, which were very rare at that time. Even the relatives near Xu Zhiqing's house, his brother's family planted on their own land, and the crops on the Hetian ridge were also destroyed.

Xu Zhiqing reported the case to the county public security bureau, and Director Yang asked Secretary Cai what to do? Cai called to understand the hurt people? If it doesn't hurt, it doesn't matter! Xiao Zou, who is doing typing work in the county party committee organs, once saw Xu Zhiqing jumping like thunder at a county party committee work meeting. Xu spoke in the conference room on the second floor of the office, and his voice could be heard in the courtyard. Xu said that the working group of the county party committee and the prefectural party committee did not support his work! Do not support the Party Committee of the Sanyang Commune, cut the tail of capitalism, and collect Tiankan into the collective, in short, do not support socialism!

After Xie Wenyao and Cai Zhenchuan discussed, they thought that Xu Zhiqing should be taken down. Soon Xiao Zou printed a notice to the Organization Department of the county party committee and transferred Xu Zhiqing to the county No. 2 middle school to serve as the secretary of the general party branch. Xu had studied secondary school before the special period, and was considered a literate person among the commune secretaries. After one or two years, Xiao Zou saw this person and kept resenting Cai Zhenchuan, Xie Wenyao and others. Xu went to the school as a secretary, and from time to time he also came to the county party committee to give advice.

(Later, in 1978, at the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the policy of reform and opening up was loosened.) Xu actually took out a loan of 200,000 yuan for the school to engage in flower and plant seedlings and stake head bonsai. There is a folk proverb that "interlacing does not make profits", and Xu himself and the school staff did not do this business. After some tossing, of course, the 200,000 yuan was lost! At this time, the salary of ordinary people is only 30~40 yuan a month! The county party committee, the government, and the county bureau of culture and education, in order to avoid debts, had no choice but to bankrupt the school. The students and staff of the second secondary school are recruited by other schools. Xu himself was expelled from the party because of a mistake in his work, and one of the two high schools in Mao County was destroyed in his hands, and the No. 2 Middle School was destroyed. )

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

Pictures of rural scenes

But in the Sanyang Commune, where Xu Zhiqing works, even in the past few decades, Xu is no longer alive. The local people still call Xu a madman! When Minister Zhou came to the typing room to print documents, he talked about the matter of Sanyang Commune. He said that the commune party committee had to do something hard, and it was difficult for Secretary Cai of the county party committee and the leader of the working group of the prefectural party committee to say anything, and it was not easy for him, the leader of the work team, to say anything! Chen Qingsong, the new secretary of the Sanyang Commune, was transferred by the county agriculture and water bureau. Chen had worked in the countryside for more than 10 years, and had been the secretary of the commune for more than 10 years, and was transferred to the county agriculture and water bureau as deputy director for only two years. Before he took office, he came to the county party committee to tell Cai Zhenchuan and Xie Wenyao that the whole county is a farmer's family's individual farming. The Sanyang Commune family can't say that it is unreasonable to take Tiankan into the collective, and he wants to re-decentralize Tiankan to the peasants.

  Cai Zhenchuan said: "Yes, as long as you don't get it, the farmers can just throw a lot of dung." ”

  Xie Wenyao also told that he had carefully looked at some crops and thought that it was impractical to produce in the fields. Crops have two kinds of growth performance: light sensitivity and temperature sensitivity, and the high poles on the ridge are partial to the sunlight, but not the temperature. Therefore, the crops at the edge of the collective field still grow, and there is not much difference from the crops in the middle of the field. However, it is also necessary to stop the peasants from widening their fields without authorization, and they must also be dealt with in setting up bamboo fences and arrogating wild acacia on their fields.

  After obtaining the consent of the two leaders, Chen Qingsong spoke on the radio on his first day in office at the Sanyang Commune. He told the people of the commune: "Tiankan is state-owned land, and the production team can plant it collectively; Individual farmers can also grow seeds, as long as they are not widened, it is not a violation of the policy. Next, I have to go to various teams and production teams to see which family's fields are planted well? But it is not allowed to widen the field, which widens it, I will send someone to shovel it, and I will call him for wages! There are also those who are indiscriminately planted on the fields, and as long as I see them, I will pull them and throw them at him. ”

  As soon as these words came out of the Sanyang Commune, more than 20,000 people immediately took action, just like Tian Kangang was delegated in 1973. Also at night, there are lanterns lit up to replant vegetables and other crops on the fields. In the evening, Chen Qingsong and several commune cadres inspected the edge of Sanyang Commune. They saw Yue Xingfu, the captain of the Jinhua 5 team, with a family of 6 people; Carrying a horse lantern on his own field, he was busy cultivating soil and growing vegetables. At this time, a young commune cadre named Xu Hui said to Chen Qingsong: "There is always a spontaneous capitalist tendency among the peasants. ”

  "That's not right." Chen Qingsong said, "You and I are both cadres, no matter what you say, you will get a few dozen yuan a month, and you will get it when the time comes." The peasant's food, clothing, and use are all in the field, and he is not in the field? Only go to Fulongguan to drink the wind! ”

Xu Hui suddenly felt that the new secretary was different, and he thought to himself that in the newspapers and magazines, which article did not emphasize the collective and socialism? But the reality is that the peasants engaged in collectives, starting in 1955 and also engaged in them for 20 years until 1975. But now it seems that only by engaging in individuals can we have greater enthusiasm?

In the days when I worked beside the secretary of the county party committee, the first book of three chapters 4 Tiankan dispute Section 2: between the collection and release

Pictures of rural scenes

  Seeing Xu Hui's glowing face, Chen Qingsong said again: "Today's farmers rely on the collective to eat grain, spend money on themselves, and sell fat pigs for the New Year. The usual money for oil and salt depends on chickens laying eggs, and farmers call chicken fart banks. The per capita self-reserved land is only three centimeters, and many newly born people have not yet arrived at the self-reserved land. If the peasants don't go, they will have a problem planting something on the fields, and even eating vegetables will become a problem. ”

  Hearing these young cadres and commune cadres, they all said with feeling: "Secretary Chen is right. ”

  Xu Hui and Xiao Zou are familiar with each other, and once Xu came to the county Revolutionary Committee to do business, and told him about these things by the way. When Xiao Zou was printing the documents, he also saw that the leaders of the province, prefecture and county also said the same thing, especially the sentence - "chicken fart bank"! Many leaders have mentioned it. (Confucian Temple Mountain Residence)


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