
Short story: Railway soldiers love to sprinkle the Quartet (3) Author: Former officer of the 49th Regiment of the 10th Iron Division/Du Bajin

author:Railway soldier culture
Short story: Railway soldiers love to sprinkle the Quartet (3) Author: Former officer of the 49th Regiment of the 10th Iron Division/Du Bajin

Short Story: Railway Soldiers Love to Sprinkle the Quartet (3)

  (Inscription: The so-called "little stories" in this article are just a few scattered observations and memories of the author's military and railway soldiers and life in the army; However, the title uses the main words in the title of the famous military song "Railway Soldiers and Soldiers Aim in the Quartet". It's not about attracting attention, and it's not about gaining popularity. It's because in my 12 years of army life, I've heard some comrades-in-arms make fun of the title of this song. Although it is a joke, it reflects the hard work, selfless dedication, and personal sacrifice of our railway soldiers from another angle, as well as the optimistic spirit of "taking hardship as pride and suffering as happiness" of our comrades-in-arms. )

  Story 5: "Even if I have two sons, I'm worth it!"

  As soon as I joined the army, I came to Beijing. During the new training, he studied the three major regulations, which stipulated that during the service of the soldiers, they were not allowed to fall in love at the station. At that time, the compulsory military service period was 3 years; Therefore, the author and the vast majority of comrades-in-arms firmly remembered this instruction and did not dare to take a step beyond the thunder pool. resolutely do not "play friends" or find partners in the station within 3 years; Especially in Beijing. During the new training, Li Ping, political commissar of the regiment, gave us a report and said: When a revolutionary soldier comes to a big city, he must achieve the "three nos," that is, "his mouth is not greedy, his eyes are not dazzled, and his heart is not confused." It happened that year that the Nanjing Military Region Frontline Repertory Troupe premiered the drama "Sentinel under the Neon Light". The regimental headquarters of the 49th Regiment is stationed in Wukesong, the third battalion lives in Yongding Road, and our Ninth Company is stationed in the East Xiaomen of the Political College, which is the closest to the Railway Corps Department; The regiment specially organized troops to go to the military headquarters to watch a performance of "Sentinel under the Neon Light" performed by the Railway Corps Art Troupe.

  Our PLA troops have a fine tradition, that is, the military song is loud and loud! No matter where you go, there is singing everywhere! Every time I watch a theatrical performance or rally, the company has to sing a competition between the teams, and the atmosphere is particularly warm! The most imposing of our three battalions is the Seventh Company; Their singer was a veteran who had enlisted a year before us, named Feng ×. Feng ×'s hometown of Hebei Province enlisted in the army from a factory in Beijing in 1961; Handsome, strong, and vocal! Although the rank is still a first-class soldier, he is a propaganda member of the Seventh Company Regiment Branch. In March 1963, I was transferred to the battalion headquarters communications squad as a communications officer. Qi ×, the commander of the communications class, is a Beijing soldier who enlisted with Feng ×, and lives on Zhushikou Bachelor's Road; The two are very good and often come and go. Therefore, veteran Feng is also familiar with me; I admired his ability to sing and direct the whole company.

  In the blink of an eye, in October 1964, our 49th Regiment was transferred to the Chengkun Line and came to Jiajiang in Sichuan from Beijing. The third battalion was stationed in Fuxing Commune (town). Immediately afterwards, the 1965 recruits were called up, and the army was greatly expanded; The construction company of the whole regiment has been expanded from 4 battalions and 16 companies to 5 battalions and 25 companies. After the recruits entered the camp, Feng × became the seventh squad leader of the thirteenth company, and Qi × was also transferred to the thirteenth company as the eighth squad leader; The two of them are in a platoon, full of enthusiasm and more affectionate. Lu Jingju, the veteran squad leader of the communications squad at the battalion headquarters, was promoted to cadre and transferred to the 14th Company as a platoon commander, and the author took over as the leader of the communications squad and worked diligently. At this time, an important piece of news came: The Second Session of the Third National People's Congress decided that the period of compulsory service for the People's Liberation Army (PLA) would be changed from three years to five years. The longer you are a soldier, the more glorious it becomes! The veterans all serve with peace of mind, and they all strive to be advanced.

  The spring in Jiajiang is very beautiful, especially the golden rape flower field in the 13th Company station, which is pleasing to the eye, and the fragrance hits people, which makes people feel refreshed and happy. The construction task of the 13th Company and the 7th Squad led by Feng × happened to be on the edge of the rape field, digging pebbles from a ditch and transporting them to the railway embankment; The fragrance of flowers made squad leader Feng and the soldiers forget about their bitterness and tiredness. The outstanding performance of the PLA's spirit of "charging ahead" has made Feng and Qi, the two party members, become proper cadre seedlings.

  This phase of the Jiajiang section was completed in only half a year. In July 1965, the whole regiment moved to Leshan and Ebian sections, and our three battalions came to the Baijialing tunnel construction site by the Dadu River at the foot of San'e Mountain, and engaged in more arduous and tiring tunnel construction.

  One day in about September, the communicator of the regimental headquarters delivered mail and newspapers from the third battalion. Two of these registered letters caught my attention. The envelope of these two letters is exactly the same as the handwriting, both are written with a brush; One recipient wrote Feng ×, and one recipient wrote the battalion party committee; The sender was Chen ×, Tumen Commune, Jiajiang County. As soon as I read these two letters, I immediately realized: Oops, Feng × must have committed a crime in Jiajiang!

  Sure enough, after reading the letter, instructor Yan Taiping called the leader of the 13th Company to immediately call Feng × to the battalion headquarters to talk, and ordered him to confess the violation of discipline, write an inspection, and wait for processing! It turned out that the registered letter was written by a teacher surnamed Chen at Jiajiang Tumen Primary School, and the content was that Feng × had made his sister pregnant with a child, and it could be seen that he was beginning to become pregnant. This teacher Chen demanded that Feng × be responsible for all the consequences!

  Feng ×'s written account of the examination was quickly sent to the instructor's desk, detailing the process of violating military orders, especially mass discipline:

  During the road construction in Jiajiang, squad leader Feng led seven classes to dig pebbles at the boundary of the Fuxing Brigade of Jiajiang Fuxing Commune; When it comes to construction labor, every day is stressful. When I was tired from the workshop, I sat with the soldiers on the side of the path outside a member's house to rest. The hostess of the farmhouse happened to be the women's director of the brigade, and she very enthusiastically brought tea and condolences to the PLA. The husband of the women's director was the elementary school teacher who wrote the registered letter; Although she is carrying a nursing doll on her back, she has a unique charm. Her beauty attracted the heroic squad leader Feng, who couldn't stop thanking her, and couldn't help but talk to her a few more words. The women's director is not often at home, and in order to send tea and condolences to the People's Liberation Army every day, she called out her sister-in-law (some comrades-in-arms said that this sister-in-law is too scheming).

  Maybe it's the so-called thousand-mile marriage, fate! The appearance of this sister-in-law made squad leader Feng's eyes light up and envy at the first glance! The slightly shy face and posture are more beautiful than her sister-in-law. I can't imagine that in the countryside of Jiajiang, there is such a beautiful Sichuan girl! Although she was a poorly dressed peasant girl, she was a beautiful woman that Feng × had never met since she became an adult. Even in his hometown of Hebei, where he has lived since he was a child, or Beijing, the capital where he has worked, he has never met a beauty who makes him so tempted!

  However, it is a pity that such a beautiful Sichuan girl is a lame person with disabled legs and feet. However, the severe crutches did not prevent the girl from admiring, loving, and being attentive to Brother Bing. Squad Leader Feng took the water bowl she handed over, and couldn't help but take a closer look at the affectionate eyes. Within a few days, the tea that the girl specially served to squad leader Feng turned into sugar water, quietly conveying sweet love. Brother Feng understood and talked more, and he was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut, and he led the soldiers to work harder. When it was time to finish work, I sent the water bowl back to the girl's house, and I couldn't help but look at it twice and thank you a few words, which was a little reluctant. In order to prevent the soldiers from discovering the secret, this kind of conversation was reduced later, and it became a book passed on by fish and geese. So Brother Feng learned about Sister Chen's life experience: she had polio since she was a child and was disabled, but she was fortunate to be able to graduate from the commune primary school. After the death of her parents, she lived with her brother and sister-in-law, but her brother and sister-in-law wished that she would marry early. Therefore, she must make a personal promise to her dear Brother Feng.

  One Sunday, she asked squad leader Feng to meet on the way to Fuxing Street and gave Brother Feng a pair of pillowcases embroidered by herself; It's a formal and sincere relationship.

  It was another Saturday, and the regimental film team came to the playground of the primary school in Fuxing Commune to show a movie for the troops of the third battalion and the people stationed there. After dinner, the whole battalion finished entering, the military song was loud, and the songs of each company came and went. As usual, under the heroic command of squad leader Feng, the thirteenth company has achieved remarkable results, and the field is full of jubilation!

  When the movie started, there was silence on the field, and people only watched the exciting plot in the movie, and only listened to the dialogue and music in the movie. No one noticed that at night, Feng × quietly left the movie venue.

  According to the agreement to get the news of the movie before the construction work, Feng × came to Sister Chen's house in the dark. As soon as she knocked on the door, Sister Chen immediately pulled him into the house, reflexively hung on Brother Feng's neck and hugged him into his arms! (There is a theory that it was Sister Chen's sister-in-law who pushed Feng into the house, closed the door, and fastened the door from the outside.) Feng × said in the written examination: "This is the first scene I have encountered in my life, the warm current is all over my body, and I can no longer control myself!"

  Only the dim kerosene lamp quietly helped them to complete the following things, and kept the sweetness of happiness secret for them.

  After acting in his first happy "movie", Feng × quietly returned to the army's open-air movie field; None of the fighters in the class knew that the "movie" of the squad leader was far more exciting than the plot on the screen.

  With the first time, I look forward to the next time. But this is a disciplinary matter, and no one can know about it, so the opportunity is hard to find. Feng × was very smart, he thought that he could only find a way to sneak out after the lights were turned off at night, and he couldn't make people suspicious. So he took advantage of the opportunity that he was the squad leader and wanted to lead the squad for the guards on guard. It just so happened that the next shift leader of the seventh squad was Qi ×, the eighth squad leader, the closest comrade-in-arms, he knew that it didn't matter, he wouldn't report it! So after the shift, Feng told Qi: "I can't sleep, go out and stay for a while." ”

  And just like that, he slipped out a few more times. This personal affair, the eighth squad leader Qi × Cheng also kept it secret for him until the disclosure letter was sent to the Baijialing construction site.

  The battalion commander personally took Feng × to the Jiajiang Fuxing Commune, where he discussed and dealt with the leaders of the commune and dealt with this matter related to the records of the masses and the relationship between the military and the people. The troops demobilized Feng × ahead of schedule and asked him to settle down in the Fuxing Brigade of the Fuxing Commune; The Fuxing Commune accepted him, and at the same time handled the marriage formalities for him and Chen ××, a female member; It's a joy for all!

  The only ones who were trembling with anger at this happy event were Feng ×'s parents. They had already agreed on a family affair for Feng × in their hometown in Hebei, and they would get married when he returned home from the army to visit relatives. Suddenly, I received a letter from Feng ×, saying that he had found a daughter-in-law in Jiajiang, Sichuan, and had completed the marriage procedures. My father rushed thousands of miles to Jiajiang, and saw in the small courtyard of the farmhouse by the winter paddy field that his daughter-in-law who had been looking forward to it turned out to be a lame! Without saying a word, he slapped his son, turned around and left; I didn't live for a day and went back to Hebei. If the son is not a ghost and meets a fox spirit, he can return to Beijing for demobilization, or return to his parents in Hebei. What now? In Jiajiang, Sichuan, far away from the hometown of his ancestors, he must roll up his trouser legs, plant rice in paddy fields with bare feet, or plant rape flowers and cut wheat!

  There is also a dear comrade-in-arms and eighth squad leader Qi × Cheng, because he helped Feng × keep secrets, although he was not punished, he was no longer a cadre seedling; In March 1966, the veteran was demobilized and he returned to Beijing. In the winter of 1968, the author went to study at the military department and visited him at his home in Zhushikou.

  At the end of 1968 and the beginning of 1968, in order to train the 1968 recruits, the 49th Regiment set up the recruit regiment in Meishan; The author is also among the cadres who are training troops. Meishan is adjacent to Jiajiang and is close to Tumen and Fuxing. After Feng × learned about it, he came to Meishan and asked to see the head of the regiment, hoping that the old chief could help him, accommodate him to the leaders of Jiajiang County, and arrange a suitable job in the county. He didn't know most of the people in the Recruit Corps, and he was so happy to see the author. I asked him, how are you doing? He didn't say anything more, just said: "My wife gave me two sons in a row, and I'm worth it!" It can be seen that although he is poor, his small family life is still full of love and warmth. In the movie "Li Shuangshuang", Shuangshuang's husband Sun Xiwang said that they "get married first, then fall in love"; Feng × de really fell in love first, then got married, and was captured by love. At that time, in the rural areas of Jiajiang, men and women still had to pay a bride price; And Feng × didn't spend a penny, "a good sister fell from the sky"; Cripples can't stop happiness, it's really worth it! The head of the recruit regiment is very good; After all, it's an old subordinate, a very good railway soldier squad leader! So, I sent cadres to Jiajiang to help with this. Soon, Feng × was placed in the county agricultural machinery factory as a worker.

  As far as the author knows, it is not the only case that a soldier like Feng ×, who has a good appearance and performance, has been favored by the girls or elders of the common people in the station, fallen into the love network, and even violated discipline and cheated on the situation. So some people quipped: "The seeds of the railroad soldiers are scattered everywhere". So decades have passed, and the author recalls the fighting years of the railway soldiers, and I can't forget the story of Feng ×. Because of his loyalty and conscientiousness in love, his love in the battlefield still achieved positive results (if he could endure it for another year and wait for the completion of his service, wouldn't it be more perfect?) This comrade-in-arms, who is in good health and as strong as an ox, must still be alive; His two sons should also be in their late teens, and they are also "the seeds of the railroad soldiers". The author writes this memory to bless him; As he said: This railroad soldier deserves, "Worth!"

  Edit: Have fun