
The balance of ETF financing in the two cities decreased by 271 million yuan

author:Securities Times

The latest ETF financing balance in the two cities was 101.173 billion yuan, a decrease of 68.0043 million yuan from the previous trading day, of which the ETF financing balance decreased by 271 million yuan from the previous trading day, and the balance of securities lending increased by 203 million yuan from the previous trading day.

According to the statistics of Securities Times and Databao, as of July 1, the balance of ETF financing in the two cities was 101.173 billion yuan, a decrease of 68.0043 million yuan from the previous trading day, a decrease of 0.07% from the previous trading day, of which the balance of ETF financing was 92.319 billion yuan, a decrease of 271 million yuan from the previous trading day, a decrease of 0.29% from the previous trading day.

Specifically, the latest balance of Shenzhen ETF was 32.779 billion yuan, an increase of 98.9178 million yuan from the previous day, the balance of ETF financing was 31.176 billion yuan, an increase of 73.6469 million yuan from the previous day, the balance of securities lending was 954 million, an increase of 1.4747 million from the previous day, an increase of 0.15%, and the latest balance of ETF financing was 1.603 billion yuan, an increase of 25.2709 million yuan from the previous day. The latest balance of Shanghai ETF financing was 68.394 billion yuan, a decrease of 167 million yuan from the previous day, the financing balance of ETF was 61.143 billion yuan, a decrease of 344 million yuan from the previous day, the balance of securities lending was 3.225 billion yuan, an increase of 42.2683 million from the previous day, an increase of 1.33%, and the latest balance of ETF securities lending was 7.251 billion yuan, an increase of 178 million yuan from the previous day.

Among the relevant underlying ETFs, there are 83 with the latest financing balance of more than 100 million yuan, and the largest financing balance is Huaan Gold Easy (ETF), with the latest financing balance of 8.977 billion yuan, followed by E Fund Gold ETF and ChinaAMC Hang Seng ETF, with the latest financing balance of 8.126 billion yuan and 6.703 billion yuan respectively. In terms of month-on-month changes in financing balances, the top increases are ICBC CSI 300 ETF, Southeast Asia, and E Fund Nasdaq 100 ETF (QDII), with the latest financing balances of 604,000 yuan, 10,935,300 yuan, and 6,518,000 yuan respectively, an increase of 356.50%, 157.97%, and 78.75% month-on-month; The top decliners were Bosera CSI Dividend ETF, Taikang 300 and CSI Shanghai State-owned Enterprise ETF, with financing balances falling by 44.67%, 40.89% and 39.13% respectively month-on-month.

ETF financing balance is ranked by the month-on-month change in the amount

code abbreviation


Financing balance

(10,000 yuan)



code abbreviation


Financing balance

(10,000 yuan)



510350 ICBC CSI 300 ETF 60.40 356.50 515890 Bosera CSI Dividend ETF 136.64 -44.67
513730 Southeast Asia 1093.53 157.97 515380 Taikang 300 1419.91 -40.89
159696 易方达纳斯达克100ETF(QDII) 651.80 78.75 510810 CSI Shanghai State-Owned Enterprises ETF 280.95 -39.13
511090 Pengyang China Bond - 30-Year Treasury Bond ETF 1274.82 63.40 512950 ChinaAMC CSI Central Enterprises ETF 117.20 -35.96
159513 大成纳斯达克100ETF(QDII) 12658.67 59.42 562000 Huabao CSI 100 ETF 29.28 -28.67
159736 Tianhong CSI Food & Beverage ETF 394.60 58.62 560700 GF CSI Guoxin Central Enterprises Shareholder Return ETF 111.24 -27.83
516150 Harvest CSI Rare Earth Industry ETF 936.71 31.11 159959 央企ETF 285.29 -20.71
513110 Nasdaq 100 1245.10 29.31 159628 Wanjia CNI 2000 ETF 1304.98 -18.26
515290 Tianhong CSI Bank ETF 224.18 23.89 159651 Ping An China Bond - 0-3 Year CDB Bond ETF 101.16 -17.80
510510 GF CSI 500 ETF 601.29 22.12 517180 CSOP FTSE China State-Owned Enterprises Open Win-Win ETF 642.36 -17.70

Statistics show that on July 1, the top financing net purchases were Dacheng NASDAQ 100 ETF (QDII), E Fund ChiNext ETF, and Guotai Nasdaq 100 (QDII-ETF), with net financing purchases of 47.1839 million yuan, 41.8499 million yuan, and 37.7062 million yuan respectively. The net selling amount of financing was 91.2718 million yuan, 66.3245 million yuan and 44.5482 million yuan respectively.

Ranking of net purchases of ETF financing

code abbreviation


Financing balance

(10,000 yuan)


Net buying

(10,000 yuan)

code abbreviation


Financing balance

(10,000 yuan)


Net buying

(10,000 yuan)

159513 大成纳斯达克100ETF(QDII) 12658.67 4718.39 511360 HFT CSI Short-term Financing ETF 221873.80 -9127.18
159915 E Fund ChiNext ETF 114935.38 4184.99 510330 ChinaAMC CSI 300 ETF 48487.82 -6632.45
513100 国泰纳斯达克100(QDII-ETF) 95246.54 3770.62 510500 CSOP 500 ETF 125398.57 -4454.82
511520 Wells Fargo China Bond 7-10 Year Policy Financial Bond ETF 47127.52 2623.80 510300 Huatai Pineapple CSI 300 ETF 522897.42 -3467.11
512170 Huabao CSI Healthcare ETF 111816.88 2059.13 512800 Huabao CSI Bank ETF 63022.98 -3307.95
159941 GF Nasdaq 100 ETF 56256.88 1722.48 510050 ChinaAMC SSE 50 ETF 450279.31 -2870.35
512480 Guolian An CSI All-Index Semiconductor ETF 88398.80 1180.87 511380 Bosera Convertible Bond ETF 26161.12 -2840.87
513130 Hang Seng Technology 58102.88 1047.07 510900 易方达恒生国企(QDII-ETF) 530689.76 -2711.60
588080 E Fund SSE STAR Market 50 ETF 73359.43 1014.22 512880 Cathay CSI All-Index Securities Company ETF 296116.92 -2679.14
588050 STAR ETF 29819.89 897.67 159632 华安纳斯达克100ETF(QDII) 21293.50 -2637.01

In terms of securities lending, the top ETFs with the latest securities lending balance are CSI 500 ETF, CSI 1000 ETF and ChinaAMC CSI 1000 ETF, with a balance of 3.311 billion yuan, 2.326 billion yuan and 910 million yuan respectively. 14.4171 million yuan, the top decrease in the balance of securities lending and borrowing were ChinaAMC SSE 50 ETF, Guotai CSI All-Index Securities Company ETF, and Huaan ChiNext 50 ETF, which decreased by 2.6545 million yuan, 2.5526 million yuan, and 1.4035 million yuan respectively from the previous day.

The month-on-month change in the margin of securities borrowing and lending shows that the highest increase in the margin of securities borrowing and lending is ChinaAMC Hang Seng Technology ETF (QDII), with the latest margin of 26.2774 million, an increase of 113.51% month-on-month, and the top increase is Huatai Berry SSE Dividend ETF and Hang Seng Technology, with an increase of 33.43% and 18.74% respectively, and the top declines in the margin of securities borrowing and lending are Huaan ChiNext 50 ETF, Guotai CSI All-Index Securities Company ETF, ChinaAMC SSE 50 ETF, etc. (Datatreasure)

ETF borrowing and lending balance increased or decreased month-on-month ranking

code abbreviation


Balance of securities borrowing and lending

(10,000 yuan)


Previous day


(10,000 yuan)

code abbreviation


Balance of securities borrowing and lending

(10,000 yuan)


Previous day


(10,000 yuan)

510500 CSOP 500 ETF 331068.95 10837.63 510050 ChinaAMC SSE 50 ETF 2438.53 -265.45
512100 CSI 1000 ETF 232602.10 3278.15 512880 Cathay CSI All-Index Securities Company ETF 2078.97 -255.26
560010 GF CSI 1000 ETF 54795.10 1441.71 159949 Huaan ChiNext 50 ETF 447.16 -140.35
159845 ChinaAMC CSI 1000 ETF 91011.47 1290.97 159869 ChinaAMC CSI Animation & Games ETF 1732.91 -98.00
159922 Harvest CSI 500 ETF 12138.51 1177.11 512660 Cathay CSI Military ETF 2060.82 -87.14
510300 Huatai Pineapple CSI 300 ETF 21228.74 930.42 159919 Harvest CSI 300 ETF 3628.34 -42.15
512500 ChinaAMC CSI 500 ETF 7632.13 780.65 588030 Bosera Science and Technology Innovation 100 ETF 4496.04 -37.26
513180 华夏恒生科技ETF(QDII) 1282.34 680.51 588080 E Fund SSE STAR Market 50 ETF 4300.25 -35.67
588000 ChinaAMC SSE STAR Market 50 Component ETF 3097.27 135.89 159865 Cathay CSI Livestock Farming ETF 388.95 -32.17
159629 Wells Fargo CSI 1000 ETF 13912.92 118.26 588220 STAR 100 ETF Fund 2876.95 -32.09

Note: This article is a news report and does not constitute investment advice, the stock market is risky, and investment should be cautious.