
The balance of the two financial institutions on the Growth Enterprise Market increased by 455 million yuan

author:Securities Times

The latest financing balance of GEM stocks was 220.62 billion yuan, an increase of 458 million yuan from the previous month, the financing balance of 19 stocks increased by more than 10% month-on-month, and 26 of the financing balances decreased by more than 5% month-on-month.

According to the statistics of Securities Times and Databao, on July 1, the GEM index fell by 0.04%, and the total balance of the two financial stocks on the GEM was 224.511 billion yuan, an increase of 455 million yuan from the previous trading day, of which the total financing balance was 220.620 billion yuan, an increase of 458 million yuan from the previous day, and the balance of securities lending was 3.891 billion yuan, a decrease of 3.3409 million yuan from the previous day.

Specifically, there are 476 GEM stocks with an increase in financing balances, of which 19 shares have an increase of more than 10% in financing balances. The largest increase is Zhongyin Fashion, the latest financing balance of the stock is 52.9353 million yuan, an increase of 44.29% from the previous trading day; In terms of stock price performance, the stock rose 1.66% on the day, outperforming the GEM index; The financing balance also increased by 33.92% and 32.65% respectively.

Among the stocks with an increase of more than 10% in the financing balance, from the perspective of market performance, the average increase on the day was 2.31%, with 11 rising, 2 such as Xinling Electric and Kaiwang Technology, and the top gainers were Huaan Xinchuang, Reader Culture, and Kyodo Pharmaceutical, with an increase of 9.74%, 4.70%, and 4.59% respectively. The top decliners were Jiebang Technology, Zhongying Technology, and Jinlu Electronics, with declines of 5.96%, 5.79%, and 5.42% respectively.

In terms of capital flow, the month-on-month increase in the financing balance ranked among the top stocks, on July 1, there were 8 net inflows of main funds, and the top net inflows of funds were Hunan Yuneng, Kyodo Pharmaceutical, Hongrida, etc., with net inflows of 27.1395 million yuan, 8.1584 million yuan, and 5.4062 million yuan, and 11 net outflows of main funds, with more net outflows of Jinlu Electronics, Kaiwang Technology, Xinling Electric, etc., with net outflows of 58.2587 million yuan and 50.1198 million yuan respectively. 44.9007 million yuan.

The growth rate of financing balance is the top stock

code abbreviation

Latest financing balance

(10,000 yuan)

Financing balance

Month-on-month increase and decrease


Closing Price (RMB)

Gains and losses on the day

Width (%)

300901 Zhongyin fashion 5293.53 44.29 8.57 1.66 Textiles and apparel
301577 Maxim Technology 7019.96 33.92 81.57 -4.04 communication
301388 Xinling Electric 3140.32 32.65 29.65 19.99 Electrical equipment
301182 Kaiwang Technology 2875.13 28.24 26.62 20.02 electron
301053 Yuanxin Industry 3045.25 27.70 20.80 4.21 Machinery and equipment
301295 Meishuo Technology 2756.62 20.14 20.64 3.67 Electrical equipment
301314 Cress 4243.43 16.85 42.56 -3.27 communication
301181 Advertise shares 7256.40 14.76 23.50 3.62 Car
301285 Hongrida 11798.69 13.31 25.25 -3.22 electron
300928 Huaan Xinchuang 23235.26 13.03 39.00 9.74 Car
300936 Sino-British Technology 10329.40 12.84 41.02 -5.79 electron
301231 Rongxin culture 6464.32 12.46 19.40 2.75 media
301282 Jinlu Electronics 7847.97 11.40 22.49 -5.42 electron
301025 Reader culture 5426.67 11.29 10.46 4.70 media
301126 Dajia Weikang 5996.73 11.23 9.30 2.99 Pharmaceutical biology
301359 Southeast Electronics 3887.42 10.54 24.05 -1.43 electron
301326 Jiebang Technology 2922.16 10.36 30.60 -5.96 electron
300966 Kyodo Pharmaceuticals 8209.70 10.25 17.09 4.59 Pharmaceutical biology
301358 Hunan Yuneng 44757.18 10.21 29.91 -4.93 Electrical equipment
301578 Chenyi Intelligence 4109.40 9.74 38.21 -3.44 Household appliances

There were 402 stocks with a month-on-month decline in financing balances, of which 26 stocks fell by more than 5%. The latest financing balance of Zhongke Magnetics was the largest decline, with the latest financing balance of 73.0691 million yuan, down 34.37% from the previous month; The financing balance of individual stocks with a large decline in the financing balance also included Runfeng shares and Zhengqiang shares, with the financing balance falling by 16.04% and 13.92% respectively. (Datatreasure)

The decline in financing balance was the largest among individual stocks

code abbreviation

Latest financing balance

(10,000 yuan)

Financing balance

Month-on-month increase and decrease


Closing Price (RMB)

Gains and losses on the day

Width (%)

301141 Zhongke Magnetics 7306.91 -34.37 38.70 20.00 nonferrous metal
301035 Runfeng shares 19554.56 -16.04 44.26 -0.63 Basic chemicals
301119 Zhengqiang shares 2840.18 -13.92 22.70 19.98 Car
301192 Taixiang shares 3449.11 -13.14 17.74 2.78 Car
301503 G.Tech 3276.92 -12.75 33.65 1.29 Computer
300930 Yitong New Materials 5453.79 -12.70 30.92 6.29 nonferrous metal
300956 Yingli shares 6419.40 -12.58 20.78 -2.85 electron
301161 Weiwan sealed 2172.08 -11.04 15.86 2.12 Machinery and equipment
301227 Sayyas window industry 2708.46 -9.41 19.12 1.65 Light manufacturing
300561 Huijin Technology 8254.86 -8.73 9.67 19.98 Computer
300834 Starlight ring 4226.04 -8.42 21.68 8.40 Basic chemicals
300937 Medicines are easy to buy 10663.03 -7.19 20.65 1.32 Pharmaceutical biology
300763 Jinlang Technology 70576.68 -7.04 49.97 20.00 Electrical equipment
301209 Allied Chemistry 2459.56 -6.79 22.25 1.60 Basic chemicals
301137 Harbin welding Huatong 5285.21 -5.98 14.81 1.65 Machinery and equipment
301133 Admiralty shares 4874.12 -5.83 22.26 2.16 Car
300139 Xiaocheng Technology 17168.27 -5.75 11.97 -0.08 nonferrous metal
301306 Western test test 7418.54 -5.68 38.10 -1.55 Defense and military industry
301079 Shaoyang Hydraulics 2943.94 -5.63 12.57 -1.49 Machinery and equipment
301000 Zhaomin Technology 6309.15 -5.46 13.96 -2.72 Car

Note: This article is a news report and does not constitute investment advice, the stock market is risky, and investment should be cautious.