
There is material in front of the disk|It's about the brain-computer interface! The latest release of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ...... Important news and these

author:Securities Times

What are the important news

The People's Bank of China decided to start borrowing treasury bonds in the near future

According to the website of the People's Bank of China on July 1, in order to maintain the steady operation of the bond market, on the basis of prudent observation and evaluation of the current market situation, the People's Bank of China decided to carry out treasury bond borrowing operations for some primary dealers in the open market in the near future.

John Lee: Hong Kong's economy is expected to grow by 2.5% to 3.5% in 2024

In his speech at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee said that in the past two years, Hong Kong has successfully reversed the dilemma of negative economic growth. GDP growth has turned from negative 3.7% in 2022 to positive growth of 3.3% in 2023, and is expected to be between 2.5% and 3.5% for the whole of this year.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the preparation plan for the establishment of the Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee

The preparation plan of the Brain-Computer Interface Standardization Technical Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology was announced, and the work plan after its establishment includes: optimizing and improving the standardization roadmap, accelerating the development of key technical standards, and promoting the publicity and implementation of standards.

The second phase of the rate reform of the public offering industry has been gradually implemented

The second phase of the rate reform of the public offering industry is gradually being implemented. According to the new regulations, if a fund manager entrusts a money brokerage company to provide brokerage services for the fund, the relevant service fees shall not be paid from the fund assets, but shall be borne by the fund company itself, and the reasonable fee reduction of the money brokerage company has become the focus of the industry. According to the reporter of the Financial Associated Press, the public offering requires the money brokerage company to reduce the service fee, pending the results of the negotiation.

The results of the civil compensation for the fraudulent issuance case of Bluemountain Technology, a NEEQ company, have been released

The results of the civil compensation for the fraudulent issuance case of Bluemountain Technology, a NEEQ company, have been released. This is the first case in which an individual is jointly and severally liable in a securities investor's claim case. The industry expects that with the tightening of supervision, there will be more and more cases in which individuals such as directors, supervisors, senior executives, and insurance agents will be listed as defendants and bear joint and several liability.

These announcements cannot be missed

VeriSilicon: It is expected to achieve operating income of 610 million yuan in the second quarter, an increase of 91.87% from the previous quarter

VeriSilicon (688521) announced on the evening of July 1 that the company expects to achieve operating income of 610 million yuan in a single quarter in the second quarter of 2024, an increase of 91.87% from the previous quarter, according to the preliminary calculation of the financial department. In the first half of 2024, the semiconductor industry has gradually recovered, and the inventory situation of downstream customers has improved significantly, and the performance in the second quarter has improved significantly compared with the first quarter. The company's new orders are in good condition, and the orders in hand have remained high for three consecutive quarters.

Shanghai Yanpu: It is expected that the net profit in the first half of the year will increase by about 92.29% year-on-year

Shanghai Yanpu (605128) announced on the evening of July 1 that the company expects to achieve a net profit of about 61.0022 million yuan in the first half of 2024, an increase of about 92.29% year-on-year. In the first half of 2024, the company will have more new projects for mass production, the market order volume is sufficient, the company will continue to improve lean production and process improvement, continuously improve production capacity and output, expand the scale of operation, and increase its performance accordingly.

Bowling Bao: net profit in the first half of the year increased by 77.05%-128.94% year-on-year

Bowling Bao (002286) released its 2024 semi-annual performance forecast on the evening of July 1, and it is expected to achieve a net profit of 58 million yuan to 75 million yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 77.05%-128.94%. Since 2023, the company has optimized the process of prebiotics, dietary fiber, sugar substitute products and other production lines, strengthened cost control, and the company's production costs have decreased compared with the same period last year.

Zhejiang Xiantong: net profit in the first half of the year increased by 63.63% to 76.65% year-on-year

Zhejiang Xiantong (603239) announced on the evening of July 1 that the company expects a net profit of 88 million yuan to 95 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 63.63% to 76.65% year-on-year. With the development of the new energy vehicle industry, the number of customer orders continues to grow, which promotes the continuous increase of the company's operating income; The company continuously optimizes product performance and quality internally, so that the product yield rate is improved; In addition, with the increase in operating income, the expense ratio also decreased.

Linzhou Heavy Machinery: net profit in the first half of the year increased by 51.68%-83.62% year-on-year

Linzhou Heavy Machinery (002535) released the 2024 semi-annual performance forecast on the evening of July 1, and the company is expected to achieve a net profit of 95 million yuan to 115 million yuan in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 51.68%-83.62%. The main reasons for the change in performance are: during the reporting period, the company's abundant orders, alleviating working capital, increasing production capacity, promoting an increase in production, and an increase in the company's operating income.

Naipu Mining Machine: Net profit in the first half of the year increased by 50%-68.75% year-on-year

Knight Mining Machinery (300818) released the 2024 semi-annual performance forecast on the evening of July 1, and it is expected to achieve a net profit of 80 million yuan to 90 million yuan in the first half of the year, an increase of 50%-68.75% year-on-year. During the reporting period, the company continued to implement the international development strategy, continuously improved R&D intensity, improved operational efficiency, and achieved good growth in revenue and profit.

Beijing Culture: As of June 30, the box office of the movie "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" reached 368 million yuan

Beijing Culture (000802) announced on the evening of July 1 that the film "There is a Commissary in the Clouds" produced by the company has been released in China from 09:00 on June 22, 2024. According to the data of China Film Data Information Network, as of 24:00 on June 30, 2024, the film was released in China for 9 days, and the cumulative box office revenue (including service fees) was about 368 million yuan, more than 50% of the company's operating income in the audited consolidated financial statements of the most recent fiscal year. As of June 30, 2024, the company's operating income from the film is about 2.2 million yuan to 2.4 million yuan.

(The content of the announcement is excerpted from the company E APP)

What brokers are looking for today

Zhongtai Securities:

Industry: Bank stocks are both stable and defensive, with high dividends and investment attributes of state-owned financial institutions; The investment perspective has strong support for the market of bank stocks, and the fundamentals of banks are stable. The fundamentals of high-quality urban rural commercial banks are highly certain, so choose urban rural commercial banks with cheap valuations.

GF Securities:

Industry: The attributes of long-term + dividends of public utility assets are worth paying attention to: (1) heavy assets lead to cash flow significantly greater than profits, and there is a lot of room for improvement in asset dividends entering the operation period; (2) With the decline of depreciation financial expenses, profits can be significantly increased and growth space can be thickened; (3) The asset stability is relatively strong, which makes it easier to value DDM/DCF, and the longer the duration, the higher the equivalent valuation. The duration of utilities is at the heart of high valuations.

Editor-in-charge: Ye Shuyun

Proofreader: Liu Xingying

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